299 lines
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299 lines
8.9 KiB
// LegacyWorlds Beta 5
// Game libraries
// beta5/prot/library/updateFleets.inc
// This function checks all protected planets on which a player is
// marked as attacking to make sure he gets destroyed. In addition,
// it checks planets on which the Peacekeepers have fleets and on which
// they are no longer required.
// Copyright(C) 2004-2008, DeepClone Development
class beta5_prot_updateFleets {
private static $fleetName = "Peacekeeper Commando";
private $peacekeepers = null;
public function __construct($lib) {
$this->lib = $lib;
$this->game = $this->lib->game;
$this->db = $this->game->db;
$this->fleets = $this->game->getLib('beta5/fleet');
$this->msgs = $this->game->getLib('beta5/msg');
public function run() {
// Get Peacekeepers player ID
$this->peacekeepers = $this->lib->call('getPeacekeepers');
// Check for systems with enemy fleets
$rPlanets = $this->checkBattleSystems();
// Check for fleets to evacuate
$ePlanets = $this->checkEvacuations($rPlanets);
private function checkBattleSystems() {
$reinforce = array();
$enemyFleets = $this->getEnemyFleets();
if (empty($enemyFleets)) {
return $reinforce;
$sysOwners = $this->getSystemOwners(array_keys($enemyFleets));
foreach ($enemyFleets as $systemID => $planets) {
$ownerID = $sysOwners[$systemID]['owner'];
$ownPlanets = $sysOwners[$systemID]['planets'];
foreach ($planets as $planetID => $eFleets) {
// Check enemy fleet size
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT SUM(fighters + gaships / 2), SUM(cruisers), SUM(bcruisers) "
. "FROM fleet "
. "WHERE id IN (" . join(',', $eFleets) . ")"
list($eFighters, $eCruisers, $eBattleCruisers) = dbFetchArray($q);
// Check Peacekeeper fleet size
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT SUM(fighters), SUM(cruisers), SUM(bcruisers) FROM fleet "
. "WHERE location = $planetID AND owner = {$this->peacekeepers}"
list($pkFighters, $pkCruisers, $pkBattleCruisers) = dbFetchArray($q);
// Compute fleet size requirements for Peacekeepers
$rFighters = ceil($eFighters * 2 - (int) $pkFighters);
$rCruisers = $eCruisers * 2 - (int) $pkCruisers;
$rBattleCruisers = $eBattleCruisers * 2 - (int) $pkBattleCruisers;
// Do we need to reinforce ?
if ($rFighters > 0 || $rCruisers > 0 || $rBattleCruisers > 0) {
// If we need fighters, do we have enough haul space?
$haul = $rCruisers * 20 + $rBattleCruisers * 15;
if ($haul * 0.9 < $rFighters) {
// Add cruisers to match haul size
$rCruisers += ceil(($rFighters - ($haul * 0.9)) / 20);
$reinforce[$planetID] = array(true, $rFighters, $rCruisers, $rBattleCruisers);
} else {
$reinforce[$planetID] = array(false);
// Make sure all enemy fleets are attacking and battle-ready
"UPDATE fleet SET attacking = 't', time_spent = (CASE "
. "WHEN time_spent <= 15 THEN 16 "
. "ELSE time_spent "
. "END) WHERE id IN (" . join(',', $eFleets) . ")"
// If we're on a planet not owned by the system's owner,
// make sure his fleets are defending
if (!in_array($planetID, $ownPlanets)) {
"UPDATE fleet SET attacking = 'f' "
. "WHERE location = $planetID AND owner = $ownerID"
foreach ($reinforce as $planetID => $reinforcements) {
if (!$reinforcements[0]) {
$this->reinforce($planetID, $reinforcements);
return array_keys($reinforce);
private function getEnemyFleets() {
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT f.id, p.id, p.system FROM fleet f, planet p, pk_sys_status s "
. "WHERE s.status = 'O' AND p.system = s.system "
. "AND f.owner = s.player AND f.location = p.id "
. "ORDER BY p.id, f.owner "
. "FOR UPDATE OF f, p"
$result = array();
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
if (!is_array($result[$r[2]])) {
$result[$r[2]] = array();
if (!is_array($result[$r[2]][$r[1]])) {
$result[$r[2]][$r[1]] = array();
array_push($result[$r[2]][$r[1]], $r[0]);
return $result;
private function getSystemOwners($systems) {
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT system, id, owner FROM planet "
. "WHERE system IN (" . join(',', $systems) . ") "
. "ORDER BY system, (owner IS NOT NULL) DESC"
$result = array();
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
if (!is_array($result[$r[0]])) {
$result[$r[0]] = array(
'owner' => $r[2],
'planets' => array($r[1])
} elseif (!is_null($r[2])) {
array_push($result[$r[0]]['planets'], $r[1]);
return $result;
private function reinforce($planetID, $fSize) {
// Generate fleet
$name = addslashes(self::$fleetName);
"INSERT INTO fleet (location, owner, fighters, cruisers, bcruisers, time_spent, name) "
. "VALUES ($planetID, {$this->peacekeepers}, {$fSize[0]}, {$fSize[1]}, "
. "{$fSize[2]}, 16, '$name')"
$fPower = $this->fleets->call('getPower', $this->peacekeepers, 0, $fSize[0], $fSize[1], $fSize[2]);
// Get planet name
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT name FROM planet WHERE id = $planetID");
list($pName) = dbFetchArray($q);
// Get random origin (nebula or planetary remains)
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT id, name FROM planet WHERE status > 0 ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1"
list($originID, $origin) = dbFetchArray($q);
$origin = addslashes($origin);
// Get list of players and status
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT owner AS player, FALSE AS attacking FROM planet "
. "WHERE id = $planetID AND owner IS NOT NULL "
. "UNION SELECT DISTINCT owner AS player, attacking FROM fleet "
. "WHERE location = $planetID AND owner <> {$this->peacekeepers}"
// Send messages
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
$mid = $this->msgs->call('send', $r[0], 'flmove', array(
'p_id' => $planetID,
'p_name' => $pName
"INSERT INTO flmove_data VALUES ($mid, '$name', {$this->peacekeepers}, 0, "
. "{$fSize[0]}, {$fSize[1]}, {$fSize[2]}, $fPower, '{$r[1]}', 't', "
. "$originID, '$origin')"
private function checkEvacuations($noCheck) {
if (empty($noCheck)) {
$ncQuery = "";
} else {
$ncQuery = "AND location NOT IN (" . join(',', $noCheck) . ")";
// Get PK fleets on planets where no battle is taking place
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT id FROM fleet "
. "WHERE owner = {$this->peacekeepers} AND location IS NOT NULL $ncQuery "
if (dbCount($q) == 0) {
// Merge PK fleets
$fleets = array();
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
array_push($fleets, $r[0]);
$fleets = $this->fleets->call('merge', $fleets, array($this->peacekeepers), "");
// Remove extra fighters and delete empty fleets if required
"UPDATE fleet SET fighters = (CASE "
. "WHEN fighters < cruisers * 20 + bcruisers * 10 THEN fighters "
. "ELSE cruisers * 20 + bcruisers * 10 "
. "END) WHERE id IN (" . join(',', $fleets) . ")"
"DELETE FROM fleet WHERE cruisers = 0 AND bcruisers = 0 AND id IN (" . join(',', $fleets) . ")"
// Fetch all remaining fleets and evacuate them
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT p.id, p.name, f.id, f.fighters, f.cruisers, f.bcruisers FROM fleet f, planet p "
. "WHERE p.id = f.location AND f.id IN (" . join(',', $fleets) . ")"
$locations = array();
$fleets = array();
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
array_push($locations, $r[0]);
array_push($fleets, $r[2]);
// Delete fleets
if (! empty($fleets)) {
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM fleet WHERE id IN (" . join(',', $fleets) . ")");
return $locations;
private function evacuate($fleetRecord) {
list($planetID, $planet, $fleet, $fighters, $cruisers, $bCruisers) = $fleetRecord;
l::trace("Peacekeeper fleet #$fleet leaving planet $planet (#$planetID)");
$planet = addslashes($planet);
$fName = addslashes(self::$fleetName);
$fPower = $this->fleets->call('getPower', $this->peacekeepers, 0, $fighters, $cruisers, $bCruisers);
// Get list of players and status
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT owner AS player, FALSE AS attacking FROM planet "
. "WHERE id = $planetID AND owner IS NOT NULL "
. "UNION SELECT DISTINCT owner AS player, attacking FROM fleet "
. "WHERE location = $planetID AND owner <> {$this->peacekeepers}"
// Send messages
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
$mid = $this->msgs->call('send', $r[0], 'flmove', array(
'p_id' => $planetID,
'p_name' => $planet
"INSERT INTO flmove_data VALUES ($mid, '$fName', {$this->peacekeepers}, 0, "
. "$fighters, $cruisers, $bCruisers, $fPower, '{$r[1]}', 'f', NULL, NULL)"