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2016-01-10 11:01:49 +01:00
// LegacyWorlds Beta 5
// Game libraries
// beta5/ctf/library/
// This function checks the targets' status and sends messages if needed.
// Copyright(C) 2004-2008, DeepClone Development
class beta5_ctf_checkTargets {
public function __construct($lib) {
$this->lib = $lib;
$this->game = $this->lib->game;
$this->db = $this->game->db;
public function run() {
// Get the current status (used later to send messages)
$initialStatus = $this->getStatus();
$this->grace = ($initialStatus[0] != 'nohold') ? (3600 * $this->game->params['v2grace']) : 0;
// Get the list of all target systems
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM ctf_target");
$targets = array();
while ($r = dbFetchHash($q)) {
array_push($targets, $r);
// For each target, check the system's status
foreach ($targets as $target) {
// Get the new status
$newStatus = $this->getStatus();
// Check status changes
$this->checkStatusChanges($initialStatus, $newStatus);
private function getStatus() {
// Get the target count
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ctf_target");
list($tCount) = dbFetchArray($q);
// For each team, get the count of targets held without grace
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT held_by, COUNT(*) FROM ctf_target "
. "WHERE held_by IS NOT NULL AND grace_expires IS NULL "
. "GROUP BY held_by"
if (dbCount($q) == 1) {
list($team, $hCount) = dbFetchArray($q);
if ($hCount == $tCount) {
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT MAX(held_since) FROM ctf_target");
list($heldSince) = dbFetchArray($q);
return array('held', $team, $heldSince);
// For each team, get the count of targets held
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT held_by, COUNT(*) FROM ctf_target "
. "WHERE held_by IS NOT NULL "
. "GROUP BY held_by"
if (dbCount($q) == 1) {
list($team, $gCount) = dbFetchArray($q);
if ($gCount == $tCount) {
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT MIN(grace_expires) FROM ctf_target");
list($graceExpires) = dbFetchArray($q);
return array('grace', $team, $graceExpires);
return array('nohold');
private function checkTargetStatus($target) {
// Get the team for each planet in the system
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT y.alliance FROM planet p, player y "
. "WHERE = p.owner AND p.system = {$target['system']}"
// If all planets are being held, list the alliances
$teams = array();
$teamPlanets = array();
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
if (array_key_exists($r[0], $teamPlanets)) {
$teamPlanets[$r[0]] ++;
} else {
$teamPlanets[$r[0]] = 1;
array_push($teams, $r[0]);
if (count($teams) == 1 && $teamPlanets[$teams[0]] == 6) {
// One team is holding the whole system
$this->heldByTeam($target, $teams[0]);
} else {
// The system is not being held by any particular team
private function heldByTeam($target, $team) {
$tid = $target['system'];
if (is_null($target['held_by'])) {
// If only one team is holding the planets and the system was
// not marked as being held, mark it
logText("Target #$tid now held by team #$team");
$this->assignTarget($target['system'], $team);
} elseif ($target['held_by'] == $team && ! is_null($target['grace_expires'])) {
// If the target was being held by the team but had a grace expiration,
// cancel grace period expiration and increase held_by accordingly
logText("Target #$tid held by team #$team again, grace cancelled");
$gracePeriod = time() - $target['grace_expires'] + $this->grace;
"UPDATE ctf_target "
. "SET grace_expires = NULL, held_since = held_since + $gracePeriod "
. "WHERE system = {$target['system']}"
} elseif ($target['held_by'] != $team && $this->grace > 0) {
// The target is now being held by another team and the game
// has support for grace periods
if (is_null($target['grace_expires'])) {
// No grace was set - set it
logText("Target #$tid held by team #$team, setting grace for previous holder #"
. $target['held_by']);
$this->setGrace($target['system'], $this->grace);
} elseif ($target['grace_expires'] <= time()) {
// Grace has expired, but a new team is holding the system
logText("Target #$tid now held by team #$team, grace ended for previous holder #"
. $target['held_by']);
$this->assignTarget($target['system'], $team);
} elseif ($target['held_by'] != $team) {
// The target is now being held by another team, and there is no
// grace period
logText("Target #$tid now held by team #$team, no grace for previous holder #"
. $target['held_by']);
$this->assignTarget($target['system'], $team);
private function notHeld($target) {
// If the target wasn't being held before, we're done
if (is_null($target['held_by'])) {
$tid = $target['system'];
if ($this->grace > 0) {
// If there is support for grace periods
if (is_null($target['grace_expires'])) {
// Grace period wasn't set - set it
$this->setGrace($target['system'], $this->grace);
logText("Target #$tid no longer held by team #{$target['held_by']}, setting grace");
} elseif ($target['grace_expires'] <= time()) {
// Grace period expired, no-one's holding the system
logText("Target #$tid no longer held by team #{$target['held_by']}, grace ended");
} else {
// No grace periods, no-one's holding the system
logText("Target #$tid no longer held by team #{$target['held_by']}, no grace");
private function assignTarget($target, $team) {
"UPDATE ctf_target "
. "SET held_by = $team, "
. "held_since = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), "
. "grace_expires = NULL "
. "WHERE system = $target"
private function setGrace($target, $grace) {
"UPDATE ctf_target SET grace_expires = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) + $grace WHERE system = $target"
private function unassignTarget($target) {
"UPDATE ctf_target "
. "SET held_by = NULL, held_since = NULL, grace_expires = NULL "
. "WHERE system = $target"
private function checkStatusChanges($initialStatus, $newStatus) {
$winTime = $this->game->params['v2time'] * 3600;
// Status hasn't changed
if ($initialStatus[0] == $newStatus[0] && $initialStatus[1] == $newStatus[1]) {
// Check for victory / halfway to victory
if ($initialStatus[0] == 'held') {
$halfWay = $initialStatus[2] + $winTime / 2;
$victory = $initialStatus[2] + $winTime;
$now = time();
if ($now >= $halfWay && $now < $halfWay + 21) {
$this->statusMessage(10, 11, $newStatus[1], $victory);
} elseif ($now >= $victory) {
// If the game is finished, we shouldn't be here anyways
$this->lib->call('resetGame', $newStatus[1]);
// Status changed, send messages
logText("CTF Status: (" . join(',',$initialStatus) . ") -> (" . join(',',$newStatus) . ")");
if ($initialStatus[0] == 'nohold' && $newStatus[0] == 'held') {
// The targets are now being held by a team
$this->statusMessage(2, 3, $newStatus[1], $newStatus[2] + $winTime);
} elseif ($initialStatus[0] == 'grace' && $newStatus[0] == 'nohold') {
// Targets are no longer being held (no grace period)
$this->statusMessage(6, 9, $initialStatus[1]);
} elseif ($initialStatus[0] == 'held' && $newStatus[0] == 'nohold') {
// Targets are no longer being held (no grace period)
$this->statusMessage(5, 8, $initialStatus[1]);
} elseif ($initialStatus[0] == 'held' && $newStatus[0] == 'grace') {
// Targets are no longer being held (with grace period)
$this->statusMessage(4, 7, $initialStatus[1], $newStatus[2]);
} elseif ($initialStatus[0] == 'held' && $newStatus[0] == 'held') {
// Targets are now held by another team
$this->statusMessage(5, 8, $initialStatus[1]);
$this->statusMessage(2, 3, $newStatus[1], $newStatus[2] + $winTime);
} elseif ($initialStatus[0] == 'grace' && $newStatus[0] == 'held') {
if ($initialStatus[1] != $newStatus[1]) {
// Other team gained control
$this->statusMessage(6, 9, $initialStatus[1]);
$this->statusMessage(2, 3, $newStatus[1], $newStatus[2] + $winTime);
private function statusMessage($toTeam, $toOthers, $team, $timestamp = null) {
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT id,alliance FROM player");
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
$this->lib->call('message', $r[0], $r[1] == $team ? $toTeam : $toOthers, $team, $timestamp);
private function cancelAllGraces() {
$this->db->query("UPDATE ctf_target SET grace_expires = NULL");