/* WMtemp - A dockapp to monitor CPU and MB temperatures * Copyright (C) 2004 Peter Gnodde * * Some ideas loaned from the wmgtemp dockapp * * Based on work by Mark Staggs * Copyright (C) 2002 Mark Staggs * * Based on work by Seiichi SATO * Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Seiichi SATO * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include #include #include "dockapp.h" #include "temp.h" #include "xpm/xpm.h" #define SIZE 58 #define WINDOWED_BG " \tc #AEAAAE" #define MAX_HISTORY 16 #define CPUNUM_NONE -1 typedef enum { LIGHTON, LIGHTOFF } light; Pixmap pixmap; Pixmap backdrop_on; Pixmap backdrop_off; Pixmap parts; Pixmap mask; static char *display_name = ""; static char *light_color = NULL; /* back-light color */ static unsigned update_interval = 1; static light backlight = LIGHTOFF; static unsigned int cpu_temp = 0; static unsigned int sys_temp = 0; static unsigned int alarm_cpu = 60; static unsigned int alarm_sys = 60; char *configfile = NULL; static char **backlight_on_xpm; static char **backlight_off_xpm; /* prototypes */ static void update(void); static void switch_light(void); static void draw_cpudigit(int per); static void draw_sysdigit(int per); static void parse_arguments(int argc, char **argv); static void print_help(char *prog); int main(int argc, char **argv) { XEvent event; XpmColorSymbol colors[2] = { {"Back0", NULL, 0}, {"Back1", NULL, 0} }; int ncolor = 0; /* Parse CommandLine */ parse_arguments(argc, argv); if (t_type == FAHRENHEIT) { alarm_cpu = TO_FAHRENHEIT(alarm_cpu); alarm_sys = TO_FAHRENHEIT(alarm_sys); backlight_on_xpm = fahrenheit_on_xpm; backlight_off_xpm = fahrenheit_off_xpm; } else if (t_type == KELVIN) { alarm_cpu = TO_KELVIN(alarm_cpu); alarm_sys = TO_KELVIN(alarm_sys); backlight_on_xpm = kelvin_on_xpm; backlight_off_xpm = kelvin_off_xpm; } else { backlight_on_xpm = celcius_on_xpm; backlight_off_xpm = celcius_off_xpm; } /* Initialize Application */ temp_init(configfile); dockapp_open_window(display_name, PACKAGE, SIZE, SIZE, argc, argv); dockapp_set_eventmask(ButtonPressMask); if(light_color) { colors[0].pixel = dockapp_getcolor(light_color); colors[1].pixel = dockapp_blendedcolor(light_color, -24, -24, -24, 1.0); ncolor = 2; } /* change raw xpm data to pixmap */ if(dockapp_iswindowed) backlight_on_xpm[1] = backlight_off_xpm[1] = WINDOWED_BG; if(!dockapp_xpm2pixmap(backlight_on_xpm, &backdrop_on, &mask, colors, ncolor)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing backlit background image.\n"); exit(1); } if(!dockapp_xpm2pixmap(backlight_off_xpm, &backdrop_off, NULL, NULL, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing background image.\n"); exit(1); } if(!dockapp_xpm2pixmap(parts_xpm, &parts, NULL, colors, ncolor)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing parts image.\n"); exit(1); } /* shape window */ if(!dockapp_iswindowed) dockapp_setshape(mask, 0, 0); if(mask) XFreePixmap(display, mask); /* pixmap : draw area */ pixmap = dockapp_XCreatePixmap(SIZE, SIZE); /* Initialize pixmap */ if(backlight == LIGHTON) dockapp_copyarea(backdrop_on, pixmap, 0, 0, SIZE, SIZE, 0, 0); else dockapp_copyarea(backdrop_off, pixmap, 0, 0, SIZE, SIZE, 0, 0); dockapp_set_background(pixmap); dockapp_show(); update(); /* Main loop */ while(1) { if (dockapp_nextevent_or_timeout(&event, update_interval * 1000)) { /* Next Event */ switch(event.type) { case ButtonPress: switch_light(); break; default: /* make gcc happy */ break; } } else { /* Time Out */ update(); } } return 0; } /* called by timer */ static void update(void) { static light pre_backlight; static Bool in_alarm_mode = False; /* get current cpu usage in percent */ temp_getusage(&cpu_temp, &sys_temp); /* alarm mode */ if(cpu_temp >= alarm_cpu || sys_temp >= alarm_sys) { if(!in_alarm_mode) { in_alarm_mode = True; pre_backlight = backlight; } if(backlight == LIGHTOFF) { switch_light(); return; } } else { if(in_alarm_mode) { in_alarm_mode = False; if (backlight != pre_backlight) { switch_light(); return; } } } /* all clear */ if (backlight == LIGHTON) dockapp_copyarea(backdrop_on, pixmap, 0, 0, 58, 58, 0, 0); else dockapp_copyarea(backdrop_off, pixmap, 0, 0, 58, 58, 0, 0); /* draw digit */ draw_cpudigit(cpu_temp); draw_sysdigit(sys_temp); /* show */ dockapp_copy2window(pixmap); } /* called when mouse button pressed */ static void switch_light(void) { switch (backlight) { case LIGHTOFF: backlight = LIGHTON; dockapp_copyarea(backdrop_on, pixmap, 0, 0, 58, 58, 0, 0); break; case LIGHTON: backlight = LIGHTOFF; dockapp_copyarea(backdrop_off, pixmap, 0, 0, 58, 58, 0, 0); break; } /* redraw digit */ temp_getusage(&cpu_temp, &sys_temp); draw_cpudigit(cpu_temp); draw_sysdigit(sys_temp); /* show */ dockapp_copy2window(pixmap); } static void draw_cpudigit(int per) { int v100, v10, v1; int y = 0; if (per < 0) per = 0; v100 = per / 100; v10 = (per - v100 * 100) / 10; v1 = (per - v100 * 100 - v10 * 10); if (backlight == LIGHTON) y = 20; /* draw digit */ dockapp_copyarea(parts, pixmap, v1 * 10, y, 10, 20, 29, 7); if (v10 != 0 || v100 != 0) { dockapp_copyarea(parts, pixmap, v10 * 10, y, 10, 20, 17, 7); if (v100 != 0) { dockapp_copyarea(parts, pixmap, v100 * 10, y, 10, 20, 5, 7); } } } static void draw_sysdigit(int per) { int v100, v10, v1; int y = 0; if (per < 0) per = 0; v100 = per / 100; v10 = (per - v100 * 100) / 10; v1 = (per - v100 * 100 - v10 * 10); if (backlight == LIGHTON) y = 20; /* draw digit */ dockapp_copyarea(parts, pixmap, v1 * 10, y, 10, 20, 29, 34); if (v10 != 0 || v100 != 0) { dockapp_copyarea(parts, pixmap, v10 * 10, y, 10, 20, 17, 34); if (v100 != 0) { dockapp_copyarea(parts, pixmap, v100 * 10, y, 10, 20, 5, 34); } } } static void parse_arguments(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int integer; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) printf("%s version %s\n", PACKAGE, VERSION), exit(0); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d")) { display_name = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ac")) { if (argc == i + 1) alarm_cpu = 60; else if (sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%i", &integer) != 1) alarm_cpu = 60; else if (integer < 0 || integer > 100) fprintf(stderr, "%s: argument %s must be from 0 to 100\n", argv[0], argv[i]), exit(1); else alarm_cpu = integer, i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-as")) { if (argc == i + 1) alarm_sys = 60; else if (sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%i", &integer) != 1) alarm_sys = 60; else if (integer < 0 || integer > 100) fprintf(stderr, "%s: argument %s must be from 0 to 100\n", argv[0], argv[i]), exit(1); else alarm_sys = integer, i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-bl")) backlight = LIGHTON; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-lc")) { light_color = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-i")) { if (argc == i + 1) fprintf(stderr, "%s: error parsing argument for option %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]), exit(1); if (sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%i", &integer) != 1) fprintf(stderr, "%s: error parsing argument for option %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]), exit(1); if (integer < 1) fprintf(stderr, "%s: argument %s must be >=1\n", argv[0], argv[i]), exit(1); update_interval = integer; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-w")) dockapp_iswindowed = True; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-bw")) dockapp_isbrokenwm = True; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c")) { if (argc == i + 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error parsing argument for option %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]); exit(1); } configfile = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-s")) { char *t; t = cpu_feature_name; cpu_feature_name = sys_feature_name; sys_feature_name = t; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cf")) { if (argc == i + 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error parsing argument for option %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]); exit(1); } cpu_feature_name = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sf")) { if (argc == i + 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error parsing argument for option %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]); exit(1); } sys_feature_name = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-f")) t_type = FAHRENHEIT; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-k")) t_type = KELVIN; else { print_help(argv[0]), exit(1); } } } static void print_help(char *prog) { printf("Usage : %s [OPTIONS]\n", prog); printf("WMtemp - temperature monitor dockapp\n"); printf(" -d display to use\n"); printf(" -bl turn on back-light\n"); printf(" -lc back-light color (rgb:6E/C6/3B is default)\n"); printf(" -i number of secs between updates (1 is default)\n"); printf(" -h show this help text and exit\n"); printf(" -v show program version and exit\n"); printf(" -w run the application in windowed mode\n"); printf(" -bw activate broken window manager fix\n"); printf(" -ac activate alarm mode of CPU\n"); printf(" is threshold from 0 to 100\n"); printf(" (60 is default)\n"); printf(" -as activate alarm mode of system\n"); printf(" is threshold from 0 to 100\n"); printf(" (60 is default)\n"); printf(" -c location of the sensors.conf file\n"); printf(" ('/etc/sensors.conf' is default)\n"); printf(" -cf which feature to use for cpu temperature\n"); printf(" ('temp1_input' is default)\n"); printf(" -sf which feature to use for sys temperature\n"); printf(" ('temp2_input' is default)\n"); printf(" -s swap the cpu and sys temperatures\n"); printf(" (/etc/sensors.conf is default)\n"); printf(" -f show temperatures in Fahrenheit\n"); printf(" -k show temperatures in Kelvin\n"); }