0.0.6 (2008-04-28) * Riccardo Stagni (the current Debian maintainer of this package) submitted a patch fixing some syntactic stuff in the -h output 0.0.5 (2005-06-23) * Found out Debian (http://www.debian.org/) has a package and the maintainer has added a manual page, which I've shamelessly copied. Only the part explaining this package had no manual page is removed, since it's no longer true :). Thanks to Lars Steinke for maintaining the Debian package. 0.0.4 (2004-03-12) * Fixed a small bug in the Makefile, probably caused by an older version of sed, which caused gcc to complain about extra characters after an #include when compiling the xpms. Again thanks to Jean Delvare for pointing this out. 0.0.3 (2004-03-10) * Modified the background_off.xpm image a bit, so it would be more consistent with WMCPULoad and WMMemLoad (more shadow at the borders) * Added a flag to show temperatures in Fahrenheit * Added a flag to show temperatures in Kelvin * Modified the digit code so it could show values greater than 100 * Modified the build system, so XPMs are build seperately instead of included in the main.c file * Stripped all long arguments, they are quite useless and take more effort to type * Do not wait seconds before the first update, just update, then enter the main loop. * Removed the optimization options for Pentium 4, not everybody has a Pentium 4 to play with :). Also made de CFLAGS a bit more conservative. * Some textual changes in the help output, thanks to Jean Delvare (http://www.ensicaen.ismra.fr/~delvare/) for pointing that out. 0.0.2 (2004-03-08) * Added a couple of options, so CPU and SYS features could be swapped or entirely customized * Added README, COPYING and AUTHORS files and made the package 0.0.1 (2004-03-08) * Stripped WMMemLoad to the bones and replaced the memory statistics code with temperature statistics code, obtained from libsensors (a part of the lm_sensors package