
134 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable file

use strict;
use Sys::Syslog;
use POSIX;
our $IDIOT_FILE = '/var/cache/ssh-morons';
our $AUTH_LOG = '/var/log/auth.log';
our $MAX_FAIL = 5;
sub writeLog
openlog( 'ban-ssh-morons' , 'nofatal,pid,perror' , 'LOCAL0' );
syslog( @_ );
closelog( );
sub checkForIdiots
my $MAX_FAIL = 5;
my $fn = shift;
my %idiots = ( );
if ( open( my $fh , $IDIOT_FILE ) ) {
while ( my $idiot = <$fh> ) {
chop $idiot;
$idiots{ $idiot } = $MAX_FAIL;
close $fh;
$fn = $AUTH_LOG unless defined $fn;
my $foundNewIdiots = 0;
open( my $fh , '<' , $fn )
or die "couldn't open $fn\n";
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
chop $line;
next unless $line =~ /sshd.*Failed password for( invalid user)? .* from (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) port.*/;
my $newIdiot = $2;
next if ( defined $idiots{ $newIdiot } && $idiots{ $newIdiot } >= $MAX_FAIL );
$idiots{ $newIdiot } = 0 unless defined $idiots{ $newIdiot };
$idiots{ $newIdiot } ++;
if ( $idiots{ $newIdiot } >= $MAX_FAIL ) {
writeLog( 'notice' , 'Adding %s to SSH blacklist' , $newIdiot );
$foundNewIdiots = 1;
close $fh;
writeLog( 'info' , 'Blacklist now contains %d entries' , scalar( keys( %idiots ) ) )
if $foundNewIdiots;
my @commands = ( );
open( my $fh , '>' . $IDIOT_FILE );
foreach my $cretin ( keys %idiots ) {
next unless $idiots{ $cretin } >= $MAX_FAIL;
print $fh "$cretin\n";
push @commands , "iptables -A $BL_RULE -s $cretin -j DROP";
close $fh;
system( 'iptables -F ' . $BL_RULE );
foreach my $cmd ( @commands ) {
system( $cmd );
sub mainLoop
my $mustExit = 0;
my $sigHandler = sub {
$mustExit = 1;
local $SIG{TERM} = $sigHandler;
local $SIG{INT} = $sigHandler;
my $signals = new POSIX::SigSet( &POSIX::SIGINT , &POSIX::SIGTERM , &POSIX::SIGHUP );
writeLog( 'info' , 'SSH blacklist updater starting' );
while ( !$mustExit ) {
sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK , $signals , new POSIX::SigSet( ) );
sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK , $signals , new POSIX::SigSet( ) );
sleep 60;
writeLog( 'info' , 'SSH blacklist updater terminating' );
sub runDaemon
# Fork to background
exit 0 if fork( );
close( STDIN );
close( STDOUT );
close( STDERR );
open( STDIN , "/dev/null" );
open( STDOUT , ">/dev/null" );
open( STDERR , ">/dev/null" );
# Write PID file
my $pidFile = '/var/run/ban-ssh-morons.pid';
if ( -e $pidFile ) {
writeLog( 'crit' , 'PID file %s exists; exiting' , $pidFile );
if ( open( my $f , '>' , $pidFile ) ) {
print $f "$$\n";
close $f;
} else {
writeLog( 'crit' , 'unable to create PID file %s' , $pidFile );
# Run main loop
# Delete PID file
unlink $pidFile;
if ( @ARGV ) {
checkForIdiots( $ARGV[0] );
} else {