
185 lines
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class session {
static $cName = "";
static $id = null;
static $dbId = null;
static $new = null;
static $dataMD5 = null;
/** This function generates a new session identifier. */
private static function generateId() {
// Create a new tracking cookie if none exists
do {
$v = md5(uniqid(rand()));
$q = "SELECT id FROM web_session WHERE cookie = '$v'";
$qr = dbQuery($q);
} while ($qr && dbCount($qr));
// If $qr is null, something went wrong
if (!$qr) {
l::warning('No query result in session::generateId()');
return null;
return $v;
/** This function reads the session cookie from the user's browser or generates
* a value for the session cookie if none is found.
private static function readId($create) {
// Get session identifier from cookie if it exists
if (isset($_COOKIE[self::$cName]) && ctype_alnum($_COOKIE[self::$cName]) && strlen($_COOKIE[self::$cName]) == 32) {
$v = pg_escape_string($_COOKIE[self::$cName]);
$q = "SELECT id FROM web_session WHERE cookie='$v' AND tracking=" . tracking::$dbId;
$qr = dbQuery($q);
if ($qr && dbCount($qr) == 1) {
return array($v, false);
} else {
l::notice("Session '$v' not found");
$create = true;
return $create ? array(self::generateId(), true) : array(null, false);
/** This function inserts session data into the database's web_session table. */
static private function createData() {
$q = "INSERT INTO web_session(cookie,ip_addr,tracking,stored_data) VALUES ('"
. self::$id . "','" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "'," . tracking::$dbId . ",'a:0:{}')";
return dbQuery($q);
/** This function updates a session's last access timestamp. */
static private function updateAccess() {
$q = "UPDATE web_session SET last_used=unix_timestamp(now()) WHERE cookie='" . self::$id . "'";
return dbQuery($q);
/** This function reads tracking data from the web_tracking table and stores it
* in the $_SESSION autoglobal variable.
static private function readData() {
$q = "SELECT stored_data,id FROM web_session WHERE cookie = '" . self::$id . "'";
$qr = dbQuery($q);
if (!$qr || dbCount($qr) != 1) {
return false;
$tmp = dbFetchArray($qr);
$_SESSION = unserialize($tmp[0]);
self::$dataMD5 = md5($tmp[0]);
self::$dbId = $tmp[1];
return is_array($_SESSION);
/** This function updates the session record in the web_session table using
* the serialized contents of $_SESSION.
static function store() {
if (is_null(self::$dbId)) {
return true;
$ser = serialize($_SESSION);
if ($ser != self::$dataMD5) {
$txt = pg_escape_string($ser);
$q = "UPDATE web_session SET stored_data='$txt' WHERE id=" . self::$dbId;
return dbQuery($q);
return true;
/** This function terminates the current session and removes the record from
* the web_session table. If an user was authenticated, accountLog() is
* called to account for the fact that the user has "logged out".
static function kill() {
if (is_null(self::$dbId)) {
if ($_SESSION['userid'] != "") {
dbQuery("UPDATE account SET last_logout=".time()." WHERE id={$_SESSION['userid']}");
accountLog('o', $_SESSION['userid']);
$_SESSION = array();
setcookie(self::$cName, false, 0, dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
dbQuery("DELETE FROM web_session WHERE id=".self::$dbId);
self::$dbId = self::$id = null;
/** This method sets the account identifier associated with a session. */
static function setAccount($account) {
if (is_null($account)) {
$account = "NULL";
dbQuery("UPDATE web_session SET account=$account WHERE id=" . self::$dbId);
/** This function manages the session, creating it if it is required or
* reading it from the base.
static function handle($create) {
self::$cName = config::getParam('sessname');
// If tracking is disabled, return
if (tracking::$disabled) {
return 1;
// Get or generate session identifier
if (!tracking::$new) {
list($sessId, $sessNew) = self::readId($create);
} elseif ($create) {
list($sessId, $sessNew) = array(self::generateId(), true);
// If no session identifier has been returned, end.
if (is_null($sessId)) {
return 2;
self::$id = $sessId;
self::$new = $sessNew;
// Create or update session record
if ($sessNew && !self::createData()) {
l::fatal(13, "Session ID was $sessId");
} elseif (!$sessNew && !self::updateAccess()) {
l::fatal(14, "Session ID was $sessId");
// Read session data
if (!self::readData()) {
l::fatal(15, "Session ID was $sessId");
// If no user is currently authenticated and no
// authentication is required, terminate the session
if (!($create || $_SESSION['authok'])) {
return 0;
// Sets session cookie
setcookie(self::$cName, $sessId, 0, dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
return 0;