100 lines
2.9 KiB
100 lines
2.9 KiB
class msgformat_bid {
function __construct($game) {
$this->game = $game;
$this->players = $game->getLib('beta5/player');
function getSender() {
return 'Foreign Minister';
function getSLink() {
return "";
function getRecipient() {
return utf8entities($this->players->call('getName', $this->player));
function getRLink() {
return "";
function getSubject() {
$s = $this->data['is_planet'] == 't' ? "planet" : "fleet at";
return "New bid on $s " . utf8entities($this->data['pname']);
function getReplyLink() {
return "";
function getFleetText() {
$a = array();
$ids = array(
'gas' => "G.A. Ship",
'fighters' => "Fighter",
'cruisers' => "Cruiser",
'bcruisers' => "Battle Cruiser",
foreach ($ids as $i => $n) {
if ($this->data["f_$i"] == 0) {
$nb = $this->data["f_$i"];
array_push($a, "<b>$nb</b> $n" . ($nb > 1 ? "s" : ""));
return join(', ', $a);
function getContents() {
if (is_null($this->data['last_bidder'])) {
$str = "Sir, we had placed a bid on " . ($this->data['is_planet'] == 't' ? "planet" : "a fleet in orbit around") . " ";
if (!is_null($this->data['planet'])) {
$str .= "<a href='planet?id=" . $this->data['planet'] . "'>";
$str .= "<b>" . utf8entities($this->data['pname']) . "</b>" . (is_null($this->data['planet']) ? "" : "</a>");
$fs = $this->getFleetText();
if ($this->data['is_planet'] == 'f') {
$str .= " ($fs)";
} elseif ($fs != '') {
$str .= " (along with the following fleet: $fs)";
$str .= ".<br/>We have been informed that someone just placed a higher bid. The new price is <b>€";
$str .= number_format($this->data['new_price']) . "</b>.";
if (!is_null($this->data['offer'])) {
$str .= '<br/>We should <a href="market?p=p&po='.$this->data['offer'].'">place a higher bid</a>.';
} else {
$str = "Sir, we have received an offer for " . ($this->data['is_planet'] == 't' ? "planet" : "the fleet in orbit around") . " ";
if (!is_null($this->data['planet'])) {
$str .= "<a href='planet?id=" . $this->data['planet'] . "'>";
$str .= "<b>" . utf8entities($this->data['pname']) . "</b>" . (is_null($this->data['planet']) ? "" : "</a>");
$fs = $this->getFleetText();
if ($this->data['is_planet'] == 'f') {
$str .= " ($fs)";
} elseif ($fs != '') {
$str .= " (being sold with the following fleet: $fs)";
$str .= ".<br/>";
$pinf = $this->players->call('get', $this->data['last_bidder'], true);
if (!$pinf['quit']) {
$str .= '<a href="message?a=c&ct=0&id='.$this->data['last_bidder'].'">';
$str .= utf8entities($pinf['name']);
if (!$pinf['quit']) {
$str .= '</a>';
$str .= " is offering to buy the " . ($this->data['is_planet'] == 'f' ? "fleet" : "planet") . " for <b>€";
$str .= number_format($this->data['new_price']) . "</b>.";
return $str;