173 lines
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173 lines
5 KiB
class page_layout {
public function __construct() {
$this->dir = config::$main['scriptdir'] . "/site/beta5";
$this->static = config::$main['staticdir'] . "/beta5";
function header($pg, $lg) {
// Output the HTML header
echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n"
. "<html><head><title>Legacy Worlds " . input::$game->text . "</title>"
. "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>";
// Read the user preferences
$tt = prefs::get('main/tooltips', 2);
$fs = prefs::get('main/font_size', 2);
$col = prefs::get('main/colour', 'purple');
$thm = prefs::get('beta5/theme', "default");
// Generate CSS and JS resources
$this->generateStylesheets($pg, $thm, $fs, $col);
if (isset(handler::$h->customJS)) {
$this->jsRes = handler::$h->customJS;
} else {
$this->generateJS($pg, $thm, $col, $lg, $tt, $fs);
if (!is_null($this->cssRes)) {
echo "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='".makeLink('css','main',"css")."?id={$this->cssRes}' />";
if (!is_null($this->jsRes)) {
echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8' src='".makeLink('js','main',"js")."?id={$this->jsRes}'></script>";
// Generate HTML body tag
echo "</head><body";
if (isset(handler::$h->customJS)) {
if (!is_null(handler::$h->customJS['load'])) {
echo " onload='" . handler::$h->customJS['load'] . "'";
if (!is_null(handler::$h->customJS['unload'])) {
echo " onunload='" . handler::$h->customJS['unload'] ."'";
} else {
if (ajax::$init != "" || $tt) {
echo " onload='lwAutoInit();'";
if ($tt) {
echo " onunload='tt_Disable()'";
echo ">\n";
// Load the header
if (isset(handler::$h->customHeader)) {
$hdr = handler::$h->customHeader;
} else {
$hdr = "header";
function footer($pg, $lg) {
$tt = prefs::get('main/tooltips', 2);
$col = prefs::get('main/colour', 'purple');
$thm = prefs::get('beta5/theme', "default");
if (isset(handler::$h->customFooter)) {
$ftr = handler::$h->customFooter;
} else {
$ftr = "footer";
// Tooltips
if ($tt && !isset(handler::$h->customJS)) {
echo "<div id='ttPlaceHolderReserved'></div>";
$f = getStatic("beta5/js/tt_{$thm}_$col.js");
if (!is_null($f)) {
echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='$f'></script>";
$f = getStatic("beta5/js/tooltips.js");
if (!is_null($f)) {
echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='$f'></script>";
echo "</body></html>";
function generateStylesheets($page, $thm, $fs, $col) {
$css = array("main");
array_push($css, "thm_$thm");
array_push($css, "pg_$page");
array_push($css, "fonts$fs");
array_push($css, "$col");
foreach ($css as $fn) {
$rf = "/css/$fn" . (input::$IE ? "-ie" : "");
$r = addFileResource("css", "{$this->static}/$rf.css");
if (input::$IE && !$r) {
$r = addFileResource("css", "{$this->static}/css/$fn.css");
$this->cssRes = storeResource("css", 345600);
function generateJS($pg, $thm, $col, $lg, $tt, $fs) {
// JavaScript variables (static access URL, color, etc...)
$jsConf = "var staticurl=\"".config::$main['staticurl']
. "\";\nvar color=\"$col\";\nvar ttFontSize = '" . ($fs + 9) . "px';\n"
. "var ttDelay = " . ($tt * 500) . ";\nvar gameId = \""
. input::$game->name . "\";\n";
// AJAX-specified initialization code
if (ajax::$init != "" || $tt) {
$jsConf .= "function lwAutoInit()\n{\n";
if (is_array(ajax::$fHandler)) {
foreach (ajax::$fHandler as $f) {
$jsConf .= "\tnew rpc_Function('$f','" . ajax::$method[$f] . "');\n";
if (is_array(ajax::$fTheme)) {
foreach (ajax::$fTheme as $f) {
$jsConf .= "\tnew rpc_Function('$f','" . ajax::$method[$f] . "');\n";
if (ajax::$init != "") {
$jsConf .= "\t" . ajax::$init . "\n";
if ($tt) {
$jsConf .= "\ttt_Init();\n";
$jsConf .= "}\n";
addRawResource("js", $jsConf);
// Common JavaScript functions
addFileResource("js", "{$this->static}/js/main.js");
addFileResource("js", "{$this->static}/js/main-$lg.js");
// AJAX script and initialisation
if (count(ajax::$fHandler) || count(ajax::$fTheme)) {
addRawResource("js", "var rpc_pageURI='" . makeLink($pg, input::$game->name, 'rpc') . "';\n");
addFileResource("js", "{$this->static}/js/rpc.js");
addFileResource("js", "{$this->static}/js/rpc-$lg.js");
// Theme-specific JavaScript
addFileResource("js", "{$this->static}/js/thm_$thm.js");
addFileResource("js", "{$this->static}/js/thm_$thm-$lg.js");
// Page-specific JavaScript
addFileResource("js", "{$this->static}/js/pg_$pg.js");
addFileResource("js", "{$this->static}/js/pg_$pg-$lg.js");
// Add JS resource
$this->jsRes = storeResource("js", 345600);
function includeFile($file, $args = null) {