<?php echo "<h2>Links and categories</h2>"; if (!count($data)) { echo "<p>There are no categories. Click <a href='?c=lk&ac=0'>here</a> to add one.</p>"; return; } $hasAccount = (is_array($_SESSION) && !is_null($_SESSION['userid'])); for ($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) { echo "<p style='margin:10px 0px 5px 20px;text-align:justify'><b><u>" . utf8entities($data[$i]['title']) . "</u></b>"; if (!is_null($data[$i]['description'])) { echo "<br/>" . preg_replace('/\n/', '<br/>', utf8entities($data[$i]['description'])); } echo "<br/><a href='?c=lk&ac=1&cid={$data[$i]['id']}'>Add link</a> - <a href='?c=lk&ac=2&cid={$data[$i]['id']}'>Edit</a>"; echo " - <a onclick='return confirm(\"Are you sure you want to delete this category?\")' href='?c=lk&ac=3&cid={$data[$i]['id']}'>Delete</a>"; if ($i > 0) { echo " - <a href='?c=lk&ac=4&cid={$data[$i]['id']}'>Move up</a>"; } if ($i < count($data) - 1) { echo " - <a href='?c=lk&ac=5&cid={$data[$i]['id']}'>Move down</a>"; } echo "</p>"; echo "<ul style='margin:0px 30px 0px 60px'>"; if (!count($data[$i]['links'])) { echo "<li><i>No links in this category.</i></li>"; } else { foreach ($data[$i]['links'] as $l) { echo "<li><a href='{$l['url']}' target='_blank' title=\"" . utf8entities($l['title']) . "\"><u>" . utf8entities($l['title']) . "</u></a>"; if (!is_null($l['description'])) { echo "<br/>" . preg_replace('/\n/', '<br/>', utf8entities($l['description'])); } echo "<br/><a href='?c=lk&ac=10&lid={$l['id']}'>Edit</a> - <a onclick='return confirm(\"Are you sure you want to delete this link?\")' href='?c=lk&ac=11&lid={$l['id']}'>Delete</a>"; echo "<br/> </li>"; } } echo "</ul>"; } echo "<p style='margin:10px 0px 5px 20px;text-align:justify'><a href='?c=lk&ac=0'>Add category</a></p>"; ?>