/* TechTrade component * * Controls the whole page. */ TechTrade = function (initialData) { Component.apply(this, [false]); TechTrade.main = this; this.newEvent('ListLoaded'); this.newSlot('listReceived'); this.newSlot('dataReceived'); this.newSlot('updateData'); this.timer = new Component.Timer(60 * 1000, true); this.getInfo = new Component.Ajax('getGeneralInfo'); this.getList = new Component.Ajax('getTechList'); this.accessDenied = new TechTrade.AccessDenied(); this.techPage = new TechTrade.Page(); this.getInfo.bindEvent('Returned', 'dataReceived', this); this.getList.bindEvent('Returned', 'listReceived', this); this.timer.bindEvent('Tick', 'updateData', this); this.bindEvent('ListLoaded', 'drawAll', this.techPage); this.page = null; this.list = null; this.show(); this.dataReceived(initialData); this.timer.start(); this.getList.call(); }; TechTrade.prototype = new Component; TechTrade.prototype.listReceived = function (data) { var list = []; var spData = data.split('\n'); var line; while (line = spData.shift()) { var spLine = line.split('#'); var id = spLine.shift(); var nDeps = parseInt(spLine.shift(), 10); var deps = []; for (var i = 0; i < nDeps; i ++) { deps.push(spLine.shift()); } list[id] = { dependencies: deps, name: spLine.join('#') }; } this.list = list; this.onListLoaded(); this.switchPage(this.page); }; TechTrade.prototype.updateData = function () { this.getInfo.call(); }; TechTrade.prototype.dataReceived = function (data) { var spData = data.split('#'); var privileges = parseInt(spData[1], 10); this.privileges = privileges; this.hasRequests = (spData[2] == '1'); this.alliance = spData[3]; this.vacation = (spData[4] == '1'); this.switchPage(spData[0]); }; TechTrade.prototype.switchPage = function (page) { this.page = page; if (page == 'NoAccess') { this.removeChild(this.techPage); this.addChild(this.accessDenied); } else if (this.list) { this.removeChild(this.accessDenied); this.techPage.setPage(page); if (this.hasChild(this.techPage)) { this.techPage.menu.drawAll(); } else { this.addChild(this.techPage); } } }; /** TechTrade.computeDependencies * * Method to compute who can send what to whom */ TechTrade.computeDependencies = function (techList) { var statusList = []; for (var i in techList) { var pTechStat = techList[i]; var pStatus = { canSend: [], canReceive: [], ok: false }; statusList[i] = pStatus; // On vacation or restrained, we're done. if (pTechStat.onVacation || pTechStat.restriction || !pTechStat.lastSubmission) { continue; } pStatus.ok = true; // Compute technologies the player can receive from others var satisfied = []; for (var t in TechTrade.main.list) { if (pTechStat.techs[t]) { continue; } var deps = TechTrade.main.list[t].dependencies; var canReceive = true; for (var di in deps) { var d = deps[di]; if (pTechStat.techs[d] != 'I' && pTechStat.techs[d] != 'L') { canReceive = false; break; } } if (! canReceive) { continue; } satisfied.push(t); } // Check players who could send these techs for (var ti in satisfied) { var t = satisfied[ti]; for (var si in techList) { if (!techList[si].techs[t] || techList[si].techs[t] == 'F') { continue; } pStatus.canReceive.push({ tech: t, player: si }); } } } for (var i in statusList) { var pStatus = statusList[i]; for (var ti in pStatus.canReceive) { var t = pStatus.canReceive[ti]; if (statusList[t.player].ok) { statusList[t.player].canSend.push({ tech: t.tech, player: i }); } } } // DEBUG // alert(debugObj(statusList)); return statusList; }; function debugObj(obj) { var str = '{\n'; for (var i in obj) { str += i + ': ' + (typeof obj[i] == 'object' ? debugObj(obj[i]) : obj[i]) + '\n'; } return str + '}\n'; }; /* TechTrade.AccessDenied component * * Displays the "access denied" page. */ TechTrade.AccessDenied = function () { Component.apply(this, [false]); }; TechTrade.AccessDenied.prototype = new Component; TechTrade.AccessDenied.prototype.getDocID = function () { return 'page-contents'; }; TechTrade.AccessDenied.prototype.draw = function () { var e = this.getElement(); if (!e) { return; } e.innerHTML = '<h1>' + TechTrade.AccessDenied.title + '</h1><p>' + TechTrade.AccessDenied.mainText + '<br/>' + (TechTrade.main.alliance != '' ? TechTrade.AccessDenied.allianceTxt : TechTrade.AccessDenied.noAllianceTxt) + '</p>'; }; /* TechTrade.Page component * * Handles the main technology trading page, including the menu and contents. */ TechTrade.Page = function () { Component.apply(this, [false]); this.newSlot('showPage'); this.menu = new TechTrade.Menu(); this.addChild(this.menu); this.menu.bindEvent('Selected', 'showPage', this); this.pages = { Submit: new TechTrade.Page.Main(), Req: new TechTrade.Page.Request(), ViewList: new TechTrade.Page.List(), SOrders: new TechTrade.Page.SetOrders(), VOrders: new TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders() }; this.cPage = null; }; TechTrade.Page.prototype = new Component; TechTrade.Page.prototype.getDocID = function () { return 'page-contents'; }; TechTrade.Page.prototype.setPage = function (page) { this.menu.select(page); }; TechTrade.Page.prototype.showPage = function (page) { if (this.cPage) { this.removeChild(this.cPage); } TechTrade.main.page = page; this.cPage = this.pages[page]; if (this.cPage) { this.addChild(this.cPage); this.cPage.show(); } }; TechTrade.Page.prototype.draw = function () { var e = this.getElement(); if (!e) { return; } if (TechTrade.main.list) { e.innerHTML = '<form style="margin:0px;padding:0px">' + '<div style="text-align:center;width:100%; margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px" ' + 'id="page-menu"> </div><div style="width:100%" id="page-panel"> </div></form>'; } else { e.innerHTML = '<h1 style="text-align:center;margin: 15px 0px">' + TechTrade.Page.loadingText + '</h1>'; } }; /* TechTrade.Menu component * * Displays the menu at the top of the page */ TechTrade.Menu = function () { Component.apply(this, [false]); this.selected = null; this.newEvent('Selected', false); this.bindEvent('Selected', 'draw'); }; TechTrade.Menu.prototype = new Component; TechTrade.Menu.prototype.getDocID = function () { return 'page-menu'; }; TechTrade.Menu.prototype.select = function (page) { if (page != this.selected) { this.selected = page; this.onSelected(page); } }; TechTrade.Menu.prototype.draw = function () { var e = this.getElement(); if (!e) { return; } var entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < TechTrade.Menu.entries.length ; i ++) { if (TechTrade.main.privileges < TechTrade.Menu.minPriv[i] || (! TechTrade.main.hasRequests && TechTrade.Menu.needReq[i]) ) { continue; } var str; if (TechTrade.Menu.entries[i] == this.selected) { str = '<b>'; } else { str = '<a href="#" onclick="Component.list[' + this.id + '].select(\'' + TechTrade.Menu.entries[i] + '\'); return false">'; } str += TechTrade.Menu.text[i] + (TechTrade.Menu.entries[i] == this.selected ? '</b>' : '</a>'); entries.push(str); } e.innerHTML = entries.join(' - '); }; TechTrade.Menu.entries = [ 'Submit', 'Req', 'ViewList', 'SOrders', 'VOrders' ]; TechTrade.Menu.minPriv = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 ]; TechTrade.Menu.needReq = [ false, true, false, false, false ]; /* TechTrade.Page.Main component * * Handles the tech list submission / player orders viewing page. */ TechTrade.Page.Main = function () { Component.apply(this, [false]); this.newSlot('preparePage'); this.newSlot('dataReceived'); this.detachEvent('Show', 'drawAll'); this.bindEvent('Show', 'preparePage'); this.loadPage = new Component.Ajax('getSubmitPage'); this.sendList = new Component.Ajax('submitList'); this.ajaxSendOffer = new Component.Ajax('sendOffer'); this.loadPage.bindEvent('Returned', 'dataReceived', this); this.sendList.bindEvent('Returned', 'dataReceived', this); this.ajaxSendOffer.bindEvent('Returned', 'dataReceived', this); }; TechTrade.Page.Main.prototype = new Component; TechTrade.Page.Main.prototype.dataReceived = function (data) { if (data == 'FU') { TechTrade.main.getInfo.call(); return; } var toStore = {}; var spData = data.split('\n'); var line; // Submission data line = spData.shift().split('#'); toStore.canSubmit = (line.shift() == 1); if (line[0] != '') { toStore.prevSubmission = parseInt(line.shift(), 10); } else { toStore.prevSubmission = null; line.shift(); } if (line[0] != '') { toStore.nextSubmission = parseInt(line.shift(), 10); } else { toStore.nextSubmission = null; } // Send order line = spData.shift(); if (line == '-') { toStore.sendOrder = null; } else { toStore.sendOrder = {}; line = line.split('#'); toStore.sendOrder.orderedOn = parseInt(line.shift(), 10); if (line[0] == '') { toStore.sendOrder.obeyedOn = null; line.shift(); } else { toStore.sendOrder.obeyedOn = parseInt(line.shift(), 10); } toStore.sendOrder.canSend = (line.shift() == '1'); toStore.sendOrder.what = line.shift(); toStore.sendOrder.playerID = line.shift(); toStore.sendOrder.playerName = line.join('#'); } // Receive order line = spData.shift(); if (line == '-') { toStore.recOrder = null; } else { toStore.recOrder = {}; line = line.split('#'); toStore.recOrder.orderedOn = parseInt(line.shift(), 10); if (line[0] == '') { toStore.recOrder.obeyedOn = null; line.shift(); } else { toStore.recOrder.obeyedOn = parseInt(line.shift(), 10); } toStore.recOrder.what = line.shift(); toStore.recOrder.playerID = line.shift(); toStore.recOrder.playerName = line.join('#'); } // Draw page this.data = toStore; this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.Main.prototype.preparePage = function () { this.data = null; this.loadPage.call(); this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.Main.prototype.getDocID = function () { return "page-panel"; }; TechTrade.Page.Main.prototype.draw = function () { var e = this.getElement(); if (!e || TechTrade.main.page != 'Submit') { return; } if (this.data) { e.innerHTML = '<table style="border-style:none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;width: 100%">' + '<tr><td style="width:2%"> </td><td style="width: 48%; vertical-align:top"><h3>' + TechTrade.Page.Main.submitTitle + '</h3>' + this.drawSubmit() + '</td>' + '<td style="width: 48%; vertical-align:top"><h3>' + TechTrade.Page.Main.ordersTitle + '</h3><p>' + this.drawOrders() + '</p></td><td style="width:2%"> </td></tr>'; } else { e.innerHTML = '<h3 style="text-align:center; margin: 10px 0px">' + TechTrade.Page.subLoadingText + '</h3>'; } }; TechTrade.Page.Main.prototype.drawSubmit = function () { var str = '<p>'; if (this.data.prevSubmission) { str += TechTrade.Page.Main.lastSubText.replace(/__LS__/, formatDate(this.data.prevSubmission)); } else { str += TechTrade.Page.Main.noLastSubText; } if (this.data.canSubmit) { str += '</p><p style="margin:0px;padding: 5px 0px;text-align:center">' + '<input type="button" id="submit-tech-list" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].submitList(); return false" value="' + TechTrade.Page.Main.submitButtonText + '" ' + (TechTrade.main.vacation ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') + '/></p>'; } else { str += '<br/>' + TechTrade.Page.Main.nextSubText.replace(/__NS__/, formatDate(this.data.nextSubmission)) + '</p>'; } return str; }; TechTrade.Page.Main.prototype.drawOrders = function () { if (!(this.data.sendOrder || this.data.recOrder)) { return TechTrade.Page.Main.noOrdersText; } var str = '', otext; if (this.data.sendOrder) { otext = TechTrade.Page.Main.sendOrder; otext = otext.replace(/__TN__/, TechTrade.main.list[this.data.sendOrder.what].name); otext = otext.replace(/__TI__/, this.data.sendOrder.what); otext = otext.replace(/__PI__/, this.data.sendOrder.playerID); otext = otext.replace(/__PN__/, this.data.sendOrder.playerName); otext = otext.replace(/__OR__/, formatDate(this.data.sendOrder.orderedOn)); str += '<h4>' + TechTrade.Page.Main.sendOrderTitle + '</h4><p>' + otext; if (this.data.sendOrder.obeyedOn) { otext = TechTrade.Page.Main.sendOrderObeyed; otext = otext.replace(/__OE__/, formatDate(this.data.sendOrder.obeyedOn)); str += '<br/>' + otext; } else { str += '</p><p style="margin:0px;padding: 5px 0px;text-align:center">' + '<input type="button" id="send-tech-offer" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].sendOffer(); return false" value="' + TechTrade.Page.Main.sendButtonText + '" ' + (this.data.sendOrder.canSend ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"') + '/></p>'; } str += '</p>'; } if (this.data.recOrder) { otext = TechTrade.Page.Main.recOrder; otext = otext.replace(/__TN__/, TechTrade.main.list[this.data.recOrder.what].name); otext = otext.replace(/__TI__/, this.data.recOrder.what); otext = otext.replace(/__PI__/, this.data.recOrder.playerID); otext = otext.replace(/__PN__/, this.data.recOrder.playerName); otext = otext.replace(/__OR__/, formatDate(this.data.recOrder.orderedOn)); str += '<h4>' + TechTrade.Page.Main.recOrderTitle + '</h4><p>' + otext; if (this.data.recOrder.obeyedOn) { str += TechTrade.Page.Main.recOrderObeyed.replace(/__OE__/, formatDate( this.data.recOrder.obeyedOn )); } str += '.</p>'; } return str; }; TechTrade.Page.Main.prototype.submitList = function () { var e = document.getElementById('submit-tech-list'); if (!e) { return; } e.disabled = true; this.sendList.call(); }; TechTrade.Page.Main.prototype.sendOffer = function () { var e = document.getElementById('send-tech-offer'); if (!e) { return; } e.disabled = true; this.ajaxSendOffer.call(); }; /** TechTrade.Page.Request component * * Handles the requests page */ TechTrade.Page.Request = function () { Component.apply(this, [false]); this.newSlot('preparePage'); this.newSlot('dataReceived'); this.detachEvent('Show', 'drawAll'); this.bindEvent('Show', 'preparePage'); this.addSelector = new Component.Form.DropDown('', TechTrade.Page.Request.noSelection); this.addChild(this.addSelector); this.addSelector.bindEvent('Selected', 'drawAll', this); this.loadPage = new Component.Ajax('getRequestsPage'); this.submitRequests = new Component.Ajax('submitRequests'); this.loadPage.bindEvent('Returned', 'dataReceived', this); this.submitRequests.bindEvent('Returned', 'dataReceived', this); }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype = new Component; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.getDocID = function () { return "page-panel"; }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.draw = function () { var e = this.getElement(); if (!e || TechTrade.main.page != 'Req') { return; } if (this.data) { var str = '<h3>' + TechTrade.Page.Request.title + '</h3>'; if (this.data.requests.length) { str += '<ol>'; for (var i = 0; i < this.data.requests.length; i ++) { str += this.drawRequestLine(i); } str += '</ol>'; } else { str += '<p>' + TechTrade.Page.Request.noReqText + '</p>'; } str += '<input type="button" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px 70px" value="' + TechTrade.Page.Request.submitText + '" onclick=Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].submit();return false" id="submit-requests"' + ((TechTrade.main.vacation || this.data.originalRequests == this.data.requests.join('#')) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') + '/>'; if (this.data.originalRequests != this.data.requests.join('#')) { } if (this.data.canRequest.length && this.data.requests.length < 5) { str += '<p>' + TechTrade.Page.Request.addRequest + ' <span id="' + this.addSelector.getDocID() + '"> </span> ' + this.drawAddLinks() + '</p>'; } else if (this.data.canRequest.length) { str += '<p>' + TechTrade.Page.Request.fiveRequests + '</p>'; } else { str += '<p>' + TechTrade.Page.Request.noAvailableTechs + '</p>'; } e.innerHTML = str; } else { e.innerHTML = '<h3 style="text-align:center; margin: 10px 0px">' + TechTrade.Page.subLoadingText + '</h3>'; } }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.preparePage = function () { this.data = null; this.loadPage.call(); this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.dataReceived = function (data) { if (data == 'FU') { TechTrade.main.getInfo.call(); return; } var spData = data.split('\n'); var toStore = {}; toStore.requests = (spData[0] == '' ? [] : spData[0].split('#')); toStore.canRequest = (spData[1] == '' ? [] : spData[1].split('#')); toStore.originalRequests = spData[0]; this.data = toStore; this.updateSelector(); this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.updateSelector = function () { this.addSelector.clearOptions(); var reqStr = '#' + this.data.requests.join('##') + '#'; var canRequest = []; for (var i in this.data.canRequest) { if (reqStr.indexOf('#' + this.data.canRequest[i] + '#') == -1) { canRequest.push(this.data.canRequest[i]); } } canRequest.sort(function (a, b) { var ta = TechTrade.main.list[a].name.toLowerCase(), tb = TechTrade.main.list[b].name.toLowerCase(); return (ta == tb) ? 0 : (ta > tb ? 1 : -1); }); for (var i in canRequest) { this.addSelector.appendOption( canRequest[i], TechTrade.main.list[canRequest[i]].name ); } }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.drawAddLinks = function () { var v = this.addSelector.selected; if (v == '') { return ''; } return '<a href="manual?p=tech_' + v + '" target="_blank">' + TechTrade.Page.Request.addRequestManual + '</a> - <a href="#" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].addRequest();return false">' + TechTrade.Page.Request.addRequestAdd + '</a>'; }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.addRequest = function () { var v = this.addSelector.selected; if (v == '' || this.data.requests.length == 5) { this.drawAll(); return; } this.data.requests.push(v); this.updateSelector(); this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.drawRequestLine = function (index) { var tech = this.data.requests[index]; var str = '<li><a href="manual?p=tech_' + tech + '" target="_blank">' + TechTrade.main.list[tech].name + '</a> (<a href="#" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].removeRequest(' + index + ');return false">' + TechTrade.Page.Request.delRequest + '</a>'; if (index > 0) { str += ' - <a href="#" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].increasePriority(' + index + ');return false">' + TechTrade.Page.Request.increasePriority + '</a>'; } if (index < 4 && this.data.requests.length > index + 1) { str += ' - <a href="#" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].decreasePriority(' + index + ');return false">' + TechTrade.Page.Request.decreasePriority + '</a>'; } str += ')'; return str; }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.increasePriority = function (index) { var v1 = this.data.requests[index]; this.data.requests[index] = this.data.requests[index - 1]; this.data.requests[index - 1] = v1; this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.decreasePriority = function (index) { var v1 = this.data.requests[index]; this.data.requests[index] = this.data.requests[index + 1]; this.data.requests[index + 1] = v1; this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.removeRequest = function (index) { this.data.requests.splice(index, 1); this.updateSelector(); this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.Request.prototype.submit = function () { var e = document.getElementById('submit-requests'); if (!e) { return; } e.disabled = true; this.submitRequests.call(this.data.requests.join('#')); }; /** TechTrade.Page.List component * * Displays the alliance-wide technology list */ TechTrade.Page.List = function () { Component.apply(this, [false]); this.newSlot('preparePage'); this.newSlot('dataReceived'); this.newSlot('pppChanged'); this.newSlot('tppChanged'); this.detachEvent('Show', 'drawAll'); this.bindEvent('Show', 'preparePage'); this.md5 = null; this.data = null; this.xCoord = this.yCoord = 0; this.pppSelector = new Component.Form.DropDown('', '???'); this.addChild(this.pppSelector); for (var i = 2; i < 11; i ++) { this.pppSelector.appendOption(i, i); } this.pppSelector.bindEvent('Selected', 'pppChanged', this); this.tppSelector = new Component.Form.DropDown('', '???'); this.addChild(this.tppSelector); for (var i = 1; i < 9; i ++) { this.tppSelector.appendOption(i * 10, i * 10); } this.tppSelector.bindEvent('Selected', 'tppChanged', this); this.loadPage = new Component.Ajax('getAllianceList'); this.loadPage.bindEvent('Returned', 'dataReceived', this); this.sendOptions = new Component.Ajax('setListOptions'); }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype = new Component; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.getDocID = function () { return "page-panel"; }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.draw = function () { var e = this.getElement(); if (!e || TechTrade.main.page != 'ViewList') { return; } if (this.data) { if (this.forceRedraw || !document.getElementById('alliance-list-grid')) { e.innerHTML = this.genGrid(); this.forceRedraw = false; } this.drawGridContents(); } else { e.innerHTML = '<h3 style="text-align:center; margin: 10px 0px">' + TechTrade.Page.subLoadingText + '</h3>'; } }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.preparePage = function () { this.loadPage.call(this.md5); this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.dataReceived = function (data) { if (data == 'FU') { TechTrade.main.getInfo.call(); return; } else if (data == 'NC') { return; } var spLine, nTechs; var spData = data.split('\n'); var newMD5 = spData.shift(); spLine = spData.shift().split('#'); if (! this.techsPerPage) { this.techsPerPage = parseInt(spLine[0], 10); this.playersPerPage = parseInt(spLine[1], 10); } var nPlayers = parseInt(spData.shift(), 10); var toStore = []; for (var i = 0; i < nPlayers; i ++) { spLine = spData.shift().split('#'); var pId = spLine.shift(); var pData = {}; pData.onVacation = (spLine.shift() == '1'); pData.lastSubmission = parseInt(spLine.shift(), 10); pData.restriction = (spLine.shift() != '0'); nTechs = parseInt(spLine.shift(), 10); pData.name = spLine.join('#'); pData.techs = []; for (var j = 0; j < nTechs; j ++) { spLine = spData.shift().split('#'); pData.techs[spLine[0]] = spLine[1]; } spLine = spData.shift(); if (spLine == '') { pData.requests = []; } else { pData.requests = spLine.split('#'); } toStore[pId] = pData; } this.md5 = newMD5; this.data = toStore; this.plCache = []; for (j in this.data) { this.plCache.push(j); } var me = this; this.plCache.sort(function (a, b) { var pa = me.data[a].name.toLowerCase(), pb = me.data[b].name.toLowerCase(); return (pa > pb ? 1 : (pa < pb ? -1 : 0)); }); if (this.playersPerPage > this.plCache.length) { this.playersPerPage = this.plCache.length; } if (this.playersPerPage + this.xCoord > this.plCache.length) { this.xCoord = this.plCache.length - (this.playersPerPage - 1); } this.tppSelector.select(this.techsPerPage); this.pppSelector.select(this.playersPerPage); this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.genGrid = function () { var str0 = '<table style="border-style:none;border-width:0px;width:97%;margin:0px 1%;border-collapse:' + 'collapse" id="alliance-list-grid"><tr><td style="padding:10px 0px;text-align:center;' + 'vertical-align:middle" colspan="' + (this.playersPerPage + 3) + '">' + TechTrade.Page.List.playersPerPage + ' <span id="' + this.pppSelector.getDocID() + '"> </span> - ' + TechTrade.Page.List.techsPerPage + ' <span id="' + this.tppSelector.getDocID() + '"> </span>' + '</td></tr><tr><td style="border:1px solid #7f7f7f;width:32px;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center"' + ' rowspan="' + (this.techsPerPage + 6) + '" id="list-left" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].moveLeft()"> </td><th style="border: 1px solid #7f7f7f;width:250px">' + TechTrade.Page.List.playerHdr + '</th>'; var str1 = '<td style="border:1px solid #7f7f7f;width:32px;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center" rowspan="' + (this.techsPerPage + 6) + '" id="list-right" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].moveRight()"> </td></tr><tr><th style="border: 1px solid #7f7f7f">' + TechTrade.Page.List.lastSubHdr + '</th>'; var str2 = '</tr><tr><th style="border: 1px solid #7f7f7f">' + TechTrade.Page.List.vacationHdr + '</th>'; var str3 = '</tr><tr><th style="border: 1px solid #7f7f7f">' + TechTrade.Page.List.restrainedHdr + '</th>'; var str4 = '</tr><tr><td colspan="' + (this.playersPerPage + 1) + '" style="border:1px solid #7f7f7f;' + 'text-align:center;height:32px;vertical-align:middle" id="list-up" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].moveUp()"> </td></tr>'; for (var i = 0; i < this.playersPerPage; i ++) { str0 += '<th style="border:1px solid #7f7f7f" id="player-hdr-' + i + '"> </th>'; str1 += '<td style="border:1px solid #7f7f7f;text-align:center" id="last-sub-hdr-' + i + '"> </td>'; str2 += '<td style="border:1px solid #7f7f7f;text-align:center" id="vac-hdr-' + i + '"> </td>'; str3 += '<td style="border:1px solid #7f7f7f;text-align:center" id="res-hdr-' + i + '"> </td>'; } for (var i = 0; i < this.techsPerPage; i ++) { str4 += '<tr><td style="border:1px solid #7f7f7f" id="tech-hdr-' + i + '"> </td>'; for (var j = 0; j < this.playersPerPage; j ++) { str4 += '<td style="border:1px solid #3f3f3f;text-align:center" id="ptech-' + j + '-' + i + '"> </td>'; } str4 += '</tr>'; } str4 += '<tr><td colspan="' + (this.playersPerPage + 1) + '" style="border:1px solid #7f7f7f;text-align:' + 'center;height:32px;vertical-align:middle" id="list-down" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].moveDown()"> </td></tr>'; return str0 + str1 + str2 + str3 + str4 + '</table>'; }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.drawGridContents = function () { if (!document.getElementById('alliance-list-grid') || ! TechTrade.main.list) { return; } var i, j; if (! this.tlCache) { this.tlCache = []; for (j in TechTrade.main.list) { this.tlCache.push(j); } } if (this.yCoord > 0) { document.getElementById('list-up').innerHTML = '<img src="' + staticurl + '/beta5/pics/up_' + color + '.gif" alt="/\\" />'; } else { document.getElementById('list-up').innerHTML = ' '; } if (this.yCoord + this.techsPerPage < this.tlCache.length) { document.getElementById('list-down').innerHTML = '<img src="' + staticurl + '/beta5/pics/down_' + color + '.gif" alt="\\/" />'; } else { document.getElementById('list-down').innerHTML = ' '; } if (this.xCoord > 0) { document.getElementById('list-left').innerHTML = '<img src="' + staticurl + '/beta5/pics/left_' + color + '.gif" alt="<<" />'; } else { document.getElementById('list-left').innerHTML = ' '; } if (this.xCoord + this.playersPerPage < this.plCache.length) { document.getElementById('list-right').innerHTML = '<img src="' + staticurl + '/beta5/pics/right_' + color + '.gif" alt=">>" />'; } else { document.getElementById('list-right').innerHTML = ' '; } for (i = this.yCoord, j = 0; i < this.yCoord + this.techsPerPage; i ++, j ++) { document.getElementById('tech-hdr-' + j).innerHTML = TechTrade.main.list[this.tlCache[i]].name; } for (i = this.xCoord, j = 0; i < this.xCoord + this.playersPerPage; i ++, j ++) { if (! this.plCache[i]) { document.getElementById('player-hdr-' + j).innerHTML = ' '; document.getElementById('last-sub-hdr-' + j).innerHTML = ' '; document.getElementById('vac-hdr-' + j).innerHTML = ' '; document.getElementById('res-hdr-' + j).innerHTML = ' '; for (k = 0; k < this.techsPerPage; k ++) { with (document.getElementById('ptech-' + j + '-' + k)) { innerHTML = ' '; backgroundColor = color = '#000000'; } } continue; } document.getElementById('player-hdr-' + j).innerHTML = this.data[this.plCache[i]].name; var d = this.data[this.plCache[i]].lastSubmission; document.getElementById('last-sub-hdr-' + j).innerHTML = d ? formatDate(d) : '-'; document.getElementById('vac-hdr-' + j).innerHTML = TechTrade.Page.List.boolText[ this.data[this.plCache[i]].onVacation ? 1 : 0 ]; document.getElementById('res-hdr-' + j).innerHTML = TechTrade.Page.List.boolText[ this.data[this.plCache[i]].restriction ? 1 : 0 ]; var k, l; for (k = this.yCoord, l = 0; k < this.yCoord + this.techsPerPage; k ++, l ++) { var cell = document.getElementById('ptech-' + j + '-' + l); var tStat = this.data[this.plCache[i]].techs[this.tlCache[k]]; if (!tStat) { var z; for (z = 0; z < this.data[this.plCache[i]].requests.length; z ++) { if (this.data[this.plCache[i]].requests[z] == this.tlCache[k]) { cell.style.backgroundColor = '#ff0000'; cell.style.color = '#ffffff'; cell.innerHTML = TechTrade.Page.List.requested + ' (#' + (z + 1) + ')'; break; } } if (z == this.data[this.plCache[i]].requests.length) { cell.style.backgroundColor = '#000000'; cell.style.color = '#7f7f7f'; cell.innerHTML = this.data[this.plCache[i]].lastSubmission ? '-' : '?'; } continue; } var col, bgCol, contents; switch (tStat) { case 'N': col = '#000000'; bgCol = '#bfbf7f'; contents = TechTrade.Page.List.techStatus[0]; break; case 'F': col = '#ff0000'; bgCol = '#8fbf8f'; contents = TechTrade.Page.List.techStatus[1]; break; case 'I': col = '#0000ff'; bgCol = '#5fbf5f'; contents = TechTrade.Page.List.techStatus[2]; break; case 'L': col = '#0000ff'; bgCol = '#5fbf5f'; contents = TechTrade.Page.List.techStatus[3]; break; } cell.style.backgroundColor = bgCol; cell.style.color = col; cell.innerHTML = contents; } } }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.moveUp = function () { if (this.yCoord > 0) { this.yCoord --; this.drawGridContents(); } }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.moveDown = function () { if (this.tlCache && this.yCoord + this.techsPerPage < this.tlCache.length) { this.yCoord ++; this.drawGridContents(); } }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.moveLeft = function () { if (this.xCoord > 0) { this.xCoord --; this.drawGridContents(); } }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.moveRight = function () { if (this.plCache && this.xCoord + this.playersPerPage < this.plCache.length) { this.xCoord ++; this.drawGridContents(); } }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.pppChanged = function (value) { var v = parseInt(value, 10); if (this.playersPerPage == v) { return; } if (v > this.plCache.length) { this.pppSelector.select(this.plCache.length); return; } this.playersPerPage = v; if (this.playersPerPage + this.xCoord > this.plCache.length) { this.xCoord = this.plCache.length - this.playersPerPage; } this.sendOptions.call(this.playersPerPage, this.techsPerPage); this.forceRedraw = true; this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.List.prototype.tppChanged = function (value) { if (this.techsPerPage == parseInt(value, 10)) { return; } this.techsPerPage = parseInt(value, 10); if (this.techsPerPage + this.yCoord > this.tlCache.length) { this.yCoord = this.tlCache.length - this.techsPerPage; } this.forceRedraw = true; this.sendOptions.call(this.playersPerPage, this.techsPerPage); this.drawAll(); }; /* TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders component * * Handles the list of current orders */ TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders = function () { Component.apply(this, [false]); this.newSlot('preparePage'); this.newSlot('dataReceived'); this.detachEvent('Show', 'drawAll'); this.bindEvent('Show', 'preparePage'); this.loadPage = new Component.Ajax('getCurrentOrders'); this.loadPage.bindEvent('Returned', 'dataReceived', this); }; TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.prototype = new Component; TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.prototype.dataReceived = function (data) { if (data == 'FU') { TechTrade.main.getInfo.call(); return; } else if (data == 'NC') { return; } var toStore = []; var spData = data.split('\n'); this.md5 = spData.shift(); var line; this.plCache = []; while (line = spData.shift()) { line = line.split('#'); var record = {}; var id = line.shift(); record.sendTo = line.shift(); record.sendTech = line.shift(); record.sendIssued = parseInt(line.shift(), 10); record.sendObeyed = parseInt(line.shift(), 10); record.recvFrom = line.shift(); record.recvTech = line.shift(); record.recvIssued = parseInt(line.shift(), 10); record.recvObeyed = parseInt(line.shift(), 10); record.name = line.join('#'); toStore[id] = record; this.plCache.push(id); } this.plCache.sort(function (a,b) { var ra = toStore[a].name.toLowerCase(), rb = toStore[b].name.toLowerCase(); return (ra == rb ? 0 : (ra > rb ? 1 : -1)); }); // Draw page this.data = toStore; this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.prototype.preparePage = function () { this.loadPage.call(this.md5); this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.prototype.getDocID = function () { return "page-panel"; }; TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.prototype.draw = function () { var e = this.getElement(); if (!e || TechTrade.main.page != 'VOrders') { return; } if (this.data) { e.innerHTML = '<h3>' + TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.title + '</h3>' + (this.data.length ? this.drawContents() : ('<p>' + TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.noOrders + '</p>')); } else { e.innerHTML = '<h3 style="text-align:center; margin: 10px 0px">' + TechTrade.Page.subLoadingText + '</h3>'; } }; TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.prototype.drawContents = function () { var str = '<table style="width:90%;margin:0px 4%;padding:0px;border-style:none;border-width:0px;' + 'border-collapse:collapse" class="list"><tr><th style="width:20%;text-align:left">' + TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.playerHdr + '</th><th style="width:40%;text-align:left">' + TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.sendHdr + '</th><th style="width:40%;text-align:left">' + TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.recvHdr + '</th></tr>'; for (var i in this.plCache) { var player = this.data[this.plCache[i]]; var text; str += '<tr><td style="vertical-align:top">' + player.name + '</td><td style="vertical-align:top">'; if (player.sendTo == '') { str += TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.noOrders; } else { text = TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.sendTech; str += text.replace(/__TI__/, player.sendTech).replace(/__TN__/, TechTrade.main.list[player.sendTech].name).replace(/__PN__/, this.data[player.sendTo].name).replace(/__OI__/, formatDate(player.sendIssued)); if (player.sendObeyed) { str += '<br/>' + TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.techSent.replace(/__OE__/, formatDate(player.sendObeyed)); } } str += '</td><td style="vertical-align:top">' if (player.recvFrom == '') { str += TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.noOrders; } else { text = TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.receiveTech; str += text.replace(/__TI__/, player.recvTech).replace(/__TN__/, TechTrade.main.list[player.recvTech].name).replace(/__PN__/, this.data[player.recvFrom].name).replace(/__OI__/, formatDate(player.recvIssued)); if (player.recvObeyed) { str += '<br/>' + TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.techReceived.replace(/__OE__/, formatDate(player.recvObeyed)); } } str += '</td></tr>'; } str += '</table>'; return str; }; /* TechTrade.Page.SetOrders component * * Handles the list of current orders */ TechTrade.Page.SetOrders = function () { Component.apply(this, [false]); this.newEvent('TechListUpdated'); this.newEvent('SubmitError'); this.newSlot('preparePage'); this.newSlot('dataReceived'); this.newSlot('sendOrders'); this.newSlot('ordersSent'); this.detachEvent('Show', 'drawAll'); this.bindEvent('Show', 'preparePage'); this.editor = new TechTrade.OrdersEditor(this); this.addChild(this.editor); this.bindEvent('TechListUpdated', 'techListUpdated', this.editor); this.bindEvent('SubmitError', 'submitError', this.editor); this.editor.bindEvent('Submitted', 'sendOrders', this); this.loadPage = new Component.Ajax('getChangeOrdersData'); this.loadPage.bindEvent('Returned', 'dataReceived', this); this.submitOrders = new Component.Ajax('submitOrders'); this.submitOrders.bindEvent('Returned', 'ordersSent', this); }; TechTrade.Page.SetOrders.prototype = new Component; TechTrade.Page.SetOrders.prototype.dataReceived = function (data) { if (data == 'FU') { TechTrade.main.getInfo.call(); return; } else if (data == 'NC') { return; } // Fetch the tech lists var spLine, nTechs; var spData = data.split('\n'); var newMD5 = spData.shift(); spLine = spData.shift().split('#'); this.lastSet = parseInt(spLine.shift(), 10); this.nextSet = parseInt(spLine.shift(), 10); if (this.nextSet == 0) { var nPlayers = parseInt(spData.shift(), 10); var techList = []; for (var i = 0; i < nPlayers; i ++) { spLine = spData.shift().split('#'); var pId = spLine.shift(); var pData = {}; pData.onVacation = (spLine.shift() == '1'); pData.lastSubmission = parseInt(spLine.shift(), 10); pData.restriction = (spLine.shift() != '0'); nTechs = parseInt(spLine.shift(), 10); pData.name = spLine.join('#'); pData.techs = []; for (var j = 0; j < nTechs; j ++) { spLine = spData.shift().split('#'); pData.techs[spLine[0]] = spLine[1]; } spLine = spData.shift(); if (spLine == '') { pData.requests = []; } else { pData.requests = spLine.split('#'); } techList[pId] = pData; } this.techList = techList; // Generate the player name cache this.plCache = []; for (j in this.techList) { this.plCache.push(j); } var me = this; this.plCache.sort(function (a, b) { var pa = me.techList[a].name.toLowerCase(), pb = me.techList[b].name.toLowerCase(); return (pa > pb ? 1 : (pa < pb ? -1 : 0)); }); this.onTechListUpdated(this.techList, this.plCache); } else { this.plCache = this.techList = null; } this.md5 = newMD5; // Draw page this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.SetOrders.prototype.sendOrders = function (orders) { var toSend = []; for (var i in orders) { if (! orders[i].sendTo) { continue; } toSend.push(orders[i].player + '#' + orders[i].sendTech + '#' + orders[i].sendTo); } this.submitOrders.call(toSend.join('!')); }; TechTrade.Page.SetOrders.prototype.ordersSent = function (data) { if (data == 'FU') { TechTrade.main.getInfo.call(); return; } if (data.indexOf('ERR') == 0) { this.onSubmitError(); data = data.replace(/^ERR/, ''); } this.dataReceived(data); }; TechTrade.Page.SetOrders.prototype.preparePage = function () { this.data = null; this.loadPage.call(this.md5); this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.Page.SetOrders.prototype.getDocID = function () { return "page-panel"; }; TechTrade.Page.SetOrders.prototype.draw = function () { var e = this.getElement(); if (!e || TechTrade.main.page != 'SOrders') { return; } if (this.md5) { var str = '<h3>' + TechTrade.Page.SetOrders.title + '</h3>'; if (this.nextSet != 0) { str += '<p>' + TechTrade.Page.SetOrders.alreadySubmitted.replace(/__LS__/, formatDate(this.lastSet)).replace(/__NS__/, formatDate(this.nextSet)) + '</p>'; } else { if (this.editor.getElement()) { return; } str += '<div id="' + this.editor.getDocID() + '"> </div>'; } e.innerHTML = str; } else { e.innerHTML = '<h3 style="text-align:center; margin: 10px 0px">' + TechTrade.Page.subLoadingText + '</h3>'; } }; /** TechTrade.OrdersEditor component * * Handles editing the technology trading orders */ TechTrade.OrdersEditor = function (page) { Component.apply(this, [false]); this.newSlot('techListUpdated'); this.newSlot('playerChanged'); this.newSlot('techChanged'); this.newSlot('submitError'); this.newEvent('Submitted'); this.plSelector = new Component.Form.DropDown('-', '----'); this.addChild(this.plSelector); this.plSelector.bindEvent('Selected', 'playerChanged', this); this.tSelector = new Component.Form.DropDown('-', '----'); this.addChild(this.tSelector); this.tSelector.bindEvent('Selected', 'techChanged', this); this.page = page; this.orders = null; }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype = new Component; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.techListUpdated = function (techList, plCache) { this.techList = techList; this.dependencies = TechTrade.computeDependencies(techList); if (this.orders) { alert("FIXME: tech list received, orders should be updated"); } else { this.ordersSet = 0; this.orders = []; this.rOrders = []; for (var i in plCache) { var pid = plCache[i]; this.orders.push({ player: pid, sendTech: null, sendTo: null, recvTech: null, recvFrom: null }); this.rOrders[pid] = i; } } this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.draw = function () { var e = this.getElement(); if (!e || ! this.orders) { return; } if (this.submitting) { e.innerHTML = '<p>' + TechTrade.OrdersEditor.submitting + '</p>'; } else if (this.orderEdit) { e.innerHTML = this.drawEditor(); } else { e.innerHTML = this.drawList(); } }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.drawList = function () { var bs0 = 'text-align:left;border-style:solid;border-color:white;border-width: 0px 0px 1px 0px'; var bs = 'vertical-align:top;border-style:solid;border-color:white;border-width: 1px 0px;padding:10px 0px'; var str = '<table style="width:91%;padding:0px;margin:10px 4%;border-collapse:collapse" class="list">' + '<tr><th style="width:20%;' + bs0 + '">' + TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.playerHdr + '</th><th style="width:40%;' + bs0 + '">' + TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.sendHdr + '</th><th style="' + bs0 + '">' + TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.recvHdr + '</th></tr>'; for (var i in this.orders) { var pOrder = this.orders[i]; str += '<tr><td style="' + bs + '">' + this.techList[pOrder.player].name + '</td>'; if (!this.dependencies[pOrder.player].ok) { str += '<td style="' + bs + ';text-align:center;color:red;font-weight:bold" colspan="2">' + TechTrade.OrdersEditor.cantTrade + '</td>'; } else { str += '<td style="' + bs + '">'; if (pOrder.sendTech) { str += TechTrade.OrdersEditor.sendTech.replace(/__TI__/, pOrder.sendTech).replace(/__TN__/, TechTrade.main.list[pOrder.sendTech].name).replace(/__PN__/, this.techList[pOrder.sendTo].name) + '<br/>(<a href="#" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].delOrder(' + i + ',false);return false">' + TechTrade.OrdersEditor.delOrder + '</a> - <a href="#" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].editOrder(' + i + ',false);return false">' + TechTrade.OrdersEditor.editOrder + '</a>)'; } else { str += TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.noOrders + ' (<a href="#" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].addOrder(' + i + ',false);return false">' + TechTrade.OrdersEditor.addOrder + '</a>)'; } str += '</td><td style="' + bs + '">'; if (pOrder.recvTech) { str += TechTrade.OrdersEditor.recvTech.replace(/__TI__/, pOrder.recvTech).replace(/__TN__/, TechTrade.main.list[pOrder.recvTech].name).replace(/__PN__/, this.techList[pOrder.recvFrom].name) + '<br/>(<a href="#" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].delOrder(' + i + ',true);return false">' + TechTrade.OrdersEditor.delOrder + '</a> - <a href="#" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].editOrder(' + i + ',true);return false">' + TechTrade.OrdersEditor.editOrder + '</a>)'; } else { str += TechTrade.Page.ViewOrders.noOrders + ' (<a href="#" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].addOrder(' + i + ',true);return false">' + TechTrade.OrdersEditor.addOrder + '</a>)'; } } str += '</tr>'; } str += '</table><p style="padding:0px;text-align:center"><input type="button" value="' + TechTrade.OrdersEditor.submitOrders + '" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].confirmSubmit();return false" ' + (this.ordersSet ? '' : 'disabled="disabled" ') + 'id="submit-orders" /></p>'; return str; }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.confirmSubmit = function () { var e = document.getElementById('submit-orders'); if (!e) { return; } e.disabled = true; if (confirm(TechTrade.OrdersEditor.confirmSubmit)) { this.submitting = true; this.drawAll(); this.onSubmitted(this.orders); } else { e.disabled = false; } }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.submitError = function () { alert(TechTrade.OrdersEditor.submitError); this.submitting = false; }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.delOrder = function (index, isRec) { var order = this.orders[index]; if (isRec) { var oOrder = this.orders[this.rOrders[order.recvFrom]]; oOrder.sendTo = oOrder.sendTech = order.recvFrom = order.recvTech = null; } else { var oOrder = this.orders[this.rOrders[order.sendTo]]; oOrder.recvFrom = oOrder.recvTech = order.sendTo = order.sendTech = null; } this.ordersSet --; this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.addOrder = function (index, isRec) { this.initEditor({ order: index, isReceive: isRec, oTech: null, oPlayer: null }); }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.editOrder = function (index, isRec) { this.initEditor({ order: index, isReceive: isRec, oTech: isRec ? this.orders[index].recvTech : this.orders[index].sendTech, oPlayer: isRec ? this.orders[index].recvFrom : this.orders[index].sendTo }); }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.drawEditor = function () { var eParams = this.orderEdit; var order = this.orders[eParams.order]; var text = eParams.isReceive ? TechTrade.OrdersEditor.willReceive : TechTrade.OrdersEditor.willSend; var str = '<p style="padding: 20px 50px">' + text.replace(/__PN__/, this.techList[order.player].name).replace(/__SP1__/, '<span id="' + this.tSelector.getDocID() + '"> </span>').replace(/__SP2__/, '<span id="' + this.plSelector.getDocID() + '"> </span>') + ' <input type="button" value="' + TechTrade.OrdersEditor.ok + '" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].confirmEdit();return false" ' + (eParams.confirmOk ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"') + '/> <input type="button" value="' + TechTrade.OrdersEditor.cancel + '" onclick="Component.list[\'' + this.id + '\'].cancelEdit();return false" />' + '</p>'; return str; }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.cancelEdit = function () { this.orderEdit = null; this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.confirmEdit = function () { if (this.orderEdit) { var order = this.orders[this.orderEdit.order]; var rOrder = this.orders[this.rOrders[this.orderEdit.player]]; if (this.orderEdit.isReceive) { var oOrder = this.orderEdit.oPlayer ? this.orders[this.rOrders[this.orderEdit.oPlayer]] : null; if (oOrder) { oOrder.sendTech = null; oOrder.sendTo = null; } order.recvTech = this.orderEdit.tech; order.recvFrom = this.orderEdit.player; rOrder.sendTech = this.orderEdit.tech; rOrder.sendTo = order.player; } else { var oOrder = this.orderEdit.oPlayer ? this.orders[this.rOrders[this.orderEdit.oPlayer]] : null; if (oOrder) { oOrder.recvTech = null; oOrder.recvFrom = null; } rOrder.recvTech = this.orderEdit.tech; rOrder.recvFrom = order.player; order.sendTech = this.orderEdit.tech; order.sendTo = this.orderEdit.player; } if (!this.orderEdit.oPlayer) { this.ordersSet ++; } } this.cancelEdit(); }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.initEditor = function (editData) { this.orderEdit = editData; this.orderEdit.tech = this.orderEdit.oTech; this.orderEdit.player = this.orderEdit.oPlayer; this.updateEditorStatus(); }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.updateEditorStatus = function () { this.orderEdit.confirmOk = (this.orderEdit.tech && this.orderEdit.player); var order = this.orders[this.orderEdit.order]; var tPlayers = [], tTechs = []; var depList = this.orderEdit.isReceive ? this.dependencies[order.player].canReceive : this.dependencies[order.player].canSend; for (var i in depList) { var oOrder = this.orders[this.rOrders[depList[i].player]]; if (this.orderEdit.isReceive && oOrder.sendTech && oOrder.sendTo != order.player || !this.orderEdit.isReceive && oOrder.recvTech && oOrder.recvFrom != order.player) { continue; } if (('#' + tPlayers.join('#') + '#').indexOf('#' + depList[i].player + '#') == -1 && (!this.orderEdit.tech || depList[i].tech == this.orderEdit.tech) ) { tPlayers.push(depList[i].player); } if (('#' + tTechs.join('#') + '#').indexOf('#' + depList[i].tech + '#') == -1 && (!this.orderEdit.player || depList[i].player == this.orderEdit.player) ) { tTechs.push(depList[i].tech); } } this.plSelector.clearOptions(); this.plSelector.appendOption('', TechTrade.OrdersEditor.selectPlayer); for (var i in tPlayers) { this.plSelector.appendOption(tPlayers[i], this.techList[tPlayers[i]].name); } this.plSelector.selected = this.orderEdit.player ? this.orderEdit.player : ''; this.tSelector.clearOptions(); this.tSelector.appendOption('', TechTrade.OrdersEditor.selectTech); for (var i in tTechs) { this.tSelector.appendOption(tTechs[i], TechTrade.main.list[tTechs[i]].name); } this.tSelector.selected = this.orderEdit.tech ? this.orderEdit.tech : ''; this.drawAll(); }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.playerChanged = function (player) { if (!this.orderEdit) { return; } this.orderEdit.player = (player == '' ? null : player); this.updateEditorStatus(); }; TechTrade.OrdersEditor.prototype.techChanged = function (tech) { if (!this.orderEdit) { return; } this.orderEdit.tech = (tech == '' ? null : tech); this.updateEditorStatus(); };