<?php class beta5_forums_searchPosts { function beta5_forums_searchPosts($lib) { $this->lib = $lib; $this->db = $this->lib->game->db; $this->mForums = $this->lib->game->getLib('main/forums'); } function run($aForums, $gForums, $nb, $first, $text, $complete, $sField, $sOrder) { $tQs = " AND (title ILIKE '$text'" . ($complete ? " OR contents ILIKE '$text'" : "") . ")"; if (count($aForums) && count($gForums)) { $qs = "SELECT 'A',id,$sField FROM af_post WHERE forum IN (".join(',',$aForums).") $tQs "; $qs .= "UNION SELECT 'G',id,$sField FROM f_post WHERE forum IN (".join(',',$gForums).") AND deleted IS NULL $tQs "; } else if (count($aForums)) { $qs = "SELECT 'A',id,$sField FROM af_post WHERE forum IN (".join(',',$aForums).") $tQs "; } else { $qs = "SELECT 'G',id,$sField FROM f_post WHERE forum IN (".join(',',$gForums).") AND deleted IS NULL $tQs "; } $qs .= "ORDER BY $sField $sOrder LIMIT $nb OFFSET $first"; $q = $this->db->query($qs); $posts = array(); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { if ($r[0] == 'A') { $p = $this->lib->call('getPost', $r[1]); $p['contents'] = $p['html']; } else { $p = $this->mForums->call('getPost',$r[1]); $p['contents'] = $p['html']; } $p['ctype'] = $r[0]; array_push($posts, $p); } return $posts; } } ?>