beta5 en Money Page
In game money has nothing to do with real money. It's an imaginary currency even if the sign used correspond to the euro sign (yes, yes, we're europeans...). Money is the main mean used in LegacyWorlds to acquire items, be it by building them or from other players.
General information about the concept of money is provided in the corresponding section of the empire manual page. This maunal section is focused on the Money page of the game interface.
This part of the page keeps you updated on the current amount of money you have in bank and that you can use to build fleets, improve your planets, implement technologies or enact laws.
Once your account is old enough, it also provides you with a form with which you can transfer cash to another player. To transfer cash to another player fill in the amount to transfer in the first provided text field and the player name in the second one. Then click the Ok button.
This section of the page provides you with a quick overview of your profits and losses with three important figures: The two first items are links to the relevant detailled sections of the page.
This list details for each of your planets: At the bottom of the list is displayed the Total Daily Income which sums all the planets' profits.
This list details for each of your fleets: At the bottom of the list is displayed the Total Fleet Upkeep which sums all the fleets' upkeeps.