lib = $lib; $this->db = $this->lib->game->db; $this->main = $this->lib->game->getLib(); $this->accounts = $this->lib->game->getLib("main/account"); } function runTick() { // Delete logs and update vacation credits $this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, "updateStatus")); // Manage inactive / leaving accounts $this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, "terminateAccounts")); // Send mails if needed foreach ($this->mails as $mail) { if ($this->main->call('sendMail', $mail[0], $mail[1], $mail[2])) { l::info($mail[3]); } else { l::warn("Failed to send mail {$mail[0]} to {$mail[1]}"); } } } public function updateStatus() { // Delete old logs $this->db->query( "DELETE FROM account_log " . "WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-t>3600*24*60 AND action IN ('IN','OUT')" ); // Add vacation credits $this->db->query( "UPDATE account SET vac_credits=vac_credits + 1 " . "WHERE status='STD' AND vac_credits<240 AND vac_start IS NULL" ); } public function terminateAccounts() { $this->mails = array(); // Send mails to accounts that have been inactive for 21 days $this->warnInactive(); // Close really inactive accounts $this->closeInactive(); // Close accounts on request $this->closeQuitters(); // Delete accounts that haven't been confirmed yet $this->deleteUnconfirmed(); } private function sendMail($file, $addr, $data, $log) { array_push($this->mails, array($file, $addr, $data, $log)); } private function warnInactive() { // Get accounts that have been inactive for 21 days $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT id, name, email FROM account " . "WHERE NOT admin AND status='STD' " . "AND last_logout IS NOT NULL AND last_logout > last_login " . "AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - last_logout BETWEEN 24*3600*21 AND 24 * 3600 * 22)" ); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { list($id, $name, $addr) = $r; // Get the user's language $l = $this->accounts->call('getLanguage', $id); // Send the warning e-mail $this->sendMail("mail-warn-inactive.$l.txt", $addr, array("USER" => $name), "main/day: inactivity warning mail sent to player $name"); } } private function closeInactive() { // Disable accounts that have been inactive for 28 days $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT id, name, email FROM account " . "WHERE NOT admin AND status='STD' AND last_logout IS NOT NULL " . "AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - last_logout >= 24 * 3600 * 28" ); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { list($uid, $name, $addr) = $r; $this->closeAccount($uid, $name, $addr, 'INAC', 'kick-inactive'); } } private function closeQuitters() { // Close accounts for players who requested to quit $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT id, name, email FROM account " . "WHERE (status='STD' OR status='VAC') AND quit_ts IS NOT NULL " . "AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) > quit_ts + 86400" ); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { list($uid, $name, $addr) = $r; $this->closeAccount($uid, $name, $addr, 'QUIT', 'quit'); } } private function closeAccount($uid, $name, $addr, $reason, $mail) { // Get the user's language $l = $this->accounts->call('getLanguage', $uid); // Send the termination e-mail $this->sendMail("mail-$mail.$l.txt", $addr, array("USER" => $name), "main/day: mail sent to player $name ($reason)"); // Terminate the account $this->accounts->call('terminate', $uid, $reason); } private function deleteUnconfirmed() { // Silently delete accounts that have the 'NEW' status and have been created more than 6 days ago $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT FROM account a,account_log l " . "WHERE a.status='NEW' AND AND l.action='CREATE' " . "AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - l.t > 6 * 24 * 3600" ); $nd = array(); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { array_push($nd, $r[0]); } if (count($nd)) { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM account WHERE id IN (" . join(',', $nd) . ")"); } } } ?>