lib = $lib; $this->db = $this->lib->game->db; } function run($text, $lang) { $version = "'{$this->lib->mainClass->version}'"; $text = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($text)); // Read the banned words list $banList = array(); $q = $this->db->query("SELECT word FROM man_index_ban WHERE lang='$lang'"); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { array_push($banList, $r[0]); } // Generate the three lists: required, excluded and normal words $required = $excluded = $normal = array(); $tl = explode(' ', $text); foreach ($tl as $word) { if ($word[0] == '+' || $word[0] == '-') { $qual = $word[0]; $word = substr($word, 1); } else { $qual = ''; } $word = preg_replace('/["\s\.,;:!\(\)<>&]+/', ' ', $word); $rwl = explode(' ', $word); foreach ($rwl as $rword) { $rword = strtolower($rword); if (in_array($rword, $banList)) { continue; } $rword = addslashes($rword); if ($qual == '') { array_push($normal, $rword); } elseif ($qual == '+') { array_push($required, $rword); } else { array_push($excluded, $rword); } } } $required = array_unique($required); $excluded = array_unique($excluded); $normal = array_unique($normal); // Read the index for each list $words = array($required, $normal, $excluded); $lists = array(array(), array(), array()); for ($i=0;$idb->query("SELECT i.word,i.wcount,i.section" . " FROM man_index i,man_section s " . "WHERE i.lang='$lang' AND AND s.version=$version " . "AND word in ('" . join("','", $words[$i]) . "')"); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { if (!is_array($lists[$i][$r[0]])) { $lists[$i][$r[0]] = array(); } $lists[$i][$r[0]][$r[2]] = $r[1]; } } if (count($words[0])) { // Look for sections that have all required words $secReq = array(); foreach ($required as $word) { if (!is_array($lists[0][$word])) { continue; } foreach (array_keys($lists[0][$word]) as $s) { $secReq[$s] ++; } } $secOk = array(); foreach ($secReq as $s => $n) { if ($n == count($words[0]) && !in_array($s, $secOk)) { array_push($secOk, $s); } } } else { // Look for sections that have these words $secOk = array(); if (count($words[1])) { foreach ($lists[1] as $word => $sections) { foreach (array_keys($sections) as $section) { if (!in_array($section, $secOk)) { array_push($secOk, $section); } } } } } // Remove sections that have excluded words if (count($words[2])) { // Generate a list of banned sections $bannedSections = array(); foreach ($lists[2] as $word => $sections) { foreach ($sections as $s => $c) { if (!in_array($s, $bannedSections)) { array_push($bannedSections, $s); } } } // Remove banned sections from the list $newList = array(); foreach ($secOk as $s) { if (!in_array($s, $bannedSections)) { array_push($newList, $s); } } $secOk = $newList; } /* * For each section in the generated list, find out: * - how many occurences of each required or normal word it * has, * - the maximum amount of occurences a section has of each * required or normal word. */ // Initialise the word list $sWords = array_unique(array_merge($words[0], $words[1])); $mWords = array(); foreach ($sWords as $word) { $mWords[$word] = 0; } // Generate the section list and update maximum counts $wPerSec = array(); foreach ($secOk as $section) { $wPerSec[$section] = array(); foreach ($sWords as $word) { $count = $lists[is_null($lists[0][$word]) ? 1 : 0][$word][$section]; if (!is_null($count)) { $wPerSec[$section][$word] = $count; if ($count > $mWords[$word]) { $mWords[$word] = $count; } } else { $wPerSec[$section][$word] = 0; } } } /* Now we assign a "distance" from the optimal value to * each section by using each word as a dimension; the closer * a section to the optimal value, the higher it will be in * the displayed results. */ // Eliminate words that are not on any section $nWords = array(); foreach ($sWords as $word) { if ($mWords[$word] > 0) { array_push($nWords, $word); } } // Compute the maximum distance $sum = 0; foreach ($nWords as $word) { $d = $mWords[$word]; $sum += $d * $d; } $dMax = sqrt($sum); // Compute the revelance of each section $dSec = array(); foreach ($secOk as $section) { $sum = 0; foreach ($nWords as $word) { $d = $mWords[$word] - $wPerSec[$section][$word]; $sum += $d * $d; } $dSec[$section] = 1 - (sqrt($sum) / $dMax); } // Find out the page for each section $pages = array(); $nSecs = array(); foreach ($secOk as $section) { $pageId = $this->lib->call('getPageId', $section); if (is_null($pageId)) { continue; } $pages[$pageId] += $dSec[$section]; $nSecs[$pageId] += 1; } // Sort the pages according to their points $pts = array(); foreach (array_keys($pages) as $p) { $pp = sprintf("%.2f", $pages[$p] / $nSecs[$pageId]); if (!is_array($pts[$pp])) { $pts[$pp] = array(); } array_push($pts[$pp], $p); } $k = array_keys($pts); sort($k); // Return the results $results = array(); foreach (array_reverse($k) as $points) { foreach ($pts[$points] as $p) { array_push($results, $p); } } return $results; } } ?>