beta5 en Game Interface
Each in game page is split into three sections:
  • Top banner: you'll find there the main menu of the game
  • Banner: here is located the title of the page you're currently on
  • Page body: the actual contents of the page are there. On all pages, a Help link on the top right corner of the page directs you to the relevant manual section
Most pages are automatically refreshed except the forums' pages. As a consequence it's useless to reload the pages on a regular basis: the game does it for you.
In each game you are playing the top menu includes a link or button which takes you back to your account's page. But be careful: getting back to your account's page doesn't mean you have actually logged out from LegacyWorlds. If you want to benefit from features available to your allies when you're offline, make sure you have also logged out from your account, by clicking on the Log Out link on your account's page or by using the Log out link in the menu.
The main menu consists in the menu bar on top of all in game pages. This game menu allows you to access all in game pages and features for the current game you're playing. Several game themes are available and the main menu lay-out depends on the theme you've selected in your preferences. A description of the menu depending on those themes is provided in the following paragraphs.
The menu bar is split into two sections:
  • Top part: this section of the menu bar provides general informations about the player and the game
  • Bottom part: this section of the menu bar provides you with menu entried linking with all the game pages along with icons for major shortcuts
The following sections of the manual will describe more precisely those two parts of the menu bar.
The top part of the menu includes a set of data about the player and the current game, including:
  • Player: Name of the player
  • Alliance: if the player belongs to an alliance the alliance tag is displayed between brackets
  • Current funds: amount of cash the player has in bank
  • Server Time: current time and date of the server, which is set to "Coordinated Universal Time" (abbreviated UTC)
The bottom part of the menu bar includes a set of menu entries for game pages as long as icons for major shortcuts. Those entries include:
  • Overview
  • Empire
  • Diplomacy
  • Universe
  • Communications
  • Shortcut Icons
The next sections of the manual will present each entry in more details.
The Overview menu entry directs you to the overview page which presents at a glance all important data about your empire and Legacy Worlds' universe. This menu entry also includes three submenu entries:
  • Preferences: this entry directs you to the Preferences page where you can set up game specific preferences
  • My Account: this entry directs you to your account's main page, leaving the current game but not logging you out of LegacyWorlds
  • Log out: this links logs you out of the game
The Empire entry directs you to the Empire page which presents at a glance all important empire related information. This menu entry also includes several submenu entries:
  • Planets: this entry directs you to the planets overview page which presents the list of all your planets and a quick builder facility. This entry also include as many submenu entries as you have planets. Each submenu entry directs you to the individual planet page for that particular planet
  • Fleets: this entry directs you to the fleets management page which presents all your fleets and allows you to control their movements and other fleets related actions
  • Beacons: this entry directs you to the Probes and Beacons page where you can manage those features
  • Research: this entry directs you to the main research page where you can manage research. It also includes four submenu entries corresponding to the various sections of the research page:
    • Topics: to manage research topics
    • Laws: to manage laws
    • Budget: to manage research budget
    • Diplomacy: to manage research exchanges
  • Money: this entry directs you to the Money page, where is collected all information about the finantial status of your empire
The Diplomacy entry directs you to the main Diplomacy page which provides you with a diplomatic status of your empire. This entry also includes four submenu entries:
  • Alliance: this entry directs you to the main alliance page where you can manage and access alliance related data
  • Marketplace: this entry directs you to the marketplace page, where is managed everything emplying selling or buying stuffs
  • Enemies: this entry directs you to the Enemies page where you can manage enemies lists
  • Trusted Allies: this entry directs you to the Trusted Allies page where you can manage a trusted allies list
The Universe entry directs you to the main Universe page which displays at a glance major facts about Legacy Worlds' universe. This entry also includes four submenu entries:
  • Maps: this entry directs you to the main Maps pages which present a display of the galaxy. It also includes three submenu entries:
    • Planets: this entry directs you to a map page with a grid diplay and planets identified by their name
    • Alliance: this entry directs you to a map page with a grid diplay and planets identified by their alliance tag
    • Listing: this entry directs you to a map presented in a list
  • Ticks: this entry directs you to the main Ticks page which presents the various ticks in the game
  • Rankings: this entry directs you to the main Rankings page which provided various rankings for players and alliances
  • Manual: this entry directs you to this manual main entry
The Communications entry directs you to the main Communications page which provides you with major data about your messages and forums. It also includes three submenus entries:
  • Compose a message: this entry directs you to the the compose page of the messaging system where you can write a new message to be sent
  • Folders: this entry directs you to the folders page of the messaging system where you can manage and access you folders. This entry also includes submenu entries:
    • Inbox: to go directly to your inbox folder
    • Transmissions: to go directly to your Internal Transmissions folder
    • Sent: to go directly to your Sent folder
    • A submenu entry for each custom folder: to go directly to the given folder's contents page
  • Forums: this entry directs you to the main forums page where you can access all the general forums and your alliance forums
On the right part of the page, a set of icons provide shortcuts to some important pages:
  • Planet icon: the link on that icon directs you to the planets management page
  • Ships icon: the link on that icon directs you to the fleets management page
  • Map icon: the link on that icon directs you to the maps page
  • Alliance icon: the link on that icon directs you to the alliance page
  • Log out icon: the link on that icon logs you out
This theme is very similar to the LegacyWorlds Beta 5 one and contains exactly the same data. The only difference is that the two parts are inverted: the menu bar is above the player and game information instead of being below them.
The LegacyWorlds Classic theme correspond to the theme used in Beta 1-4. It consists in a table containing three rows of links. The next sections wil describe the contains of each row.
The top row contains four cells corresponding to the four following links:
  • Overview: the Overview link directs you to the overview page which presents at a glance all important data about your empire and Legacy Worlds' universe
  • Fleets: this link directs you to the fleets management page which presents all your fleets and allows you to control their movements and other fleets related actions
  • Alliance: this link directs you to the main alliance page where you can manage and access alliance related data
  • Messages: this link directs you to the messaging system page where you can write a new message to be sent, manage and access your messages folders
The middle row contains four cells corresponding to the four following links:
  • Planets: this link directs you to the planets overview page which presents the list of all your planets and a quick builder facility
  • Research: this link directs you to the main research page where you can manage research
  • Marketplace: this link directs you to the marketplace page, where is managed everything emplying selling or buying stuffs
  • Forums: this link directs you to the main forums page where you can access all the general forums and your alliance forums
The bottom row contains eight cells corresponding to the eight following links:
  • Money: this link directs you to the Money page, where is collected all information about the finantial status of your empire
  • Beacons: this link directs you to the Probes and Beacons page where you can manage those features
  • Maps: this link directs you to the main Maps pages which present a display of the galaxy
  • Rankings: this link directs you to the main Rankings page which provided various rankings for players and alliances
  • Enemies: this link directs you to the Enemies page where you can manage enemies lists
  • Trusted Allies: this link directs you to the Trusted Allies page where you can manage a trusted allies list
  • Preferences: this link directs you to the Preferences page where you can set up game specific preferences
  • Log out: this links logs you out of the game