<?php class page_handler { public $needsAuth = true; public $ajax = array( 'init' => "makeAlliesTooltips();\ninitPage();", 'func' => array( 'getTrusted', 'moveAllies', 'removeAllies', 'addAlly', 'removeRAllies', 'removeBanRAllies', 'removeBans', 'addBan' ) ); /******************** * GETTING THE LIST * ********************/ /** This method generates the AJAX data for the lists returned * by the getTrustedAllies() action. */ private function formatData($taData) { $result = array(); array_push($result, count($taData['allies']) . "#" . count($taData['reverse']) . "#" . count($taData['blacklist'])); foreach ($taData['allies'] as $data) { array_push($result, "{$data['id']}#" . utf8entities($data['name'])); } foreach ($taData['reverse'] as $id => $data) { array_push($result, "$id#{$data['level']}#" . utf8entities($data['name'])); } foreach ($taData['blacklist'] as $id => $name) { array_push($result, "$id#" . utf8entities($name)); } return join("\n", $result); } /** AJAX callback that returns the list of trusted allies, the * reverse list as well as the blacklist. */ public function getTrusted() { $taData = $this->game->action('getTrustedAllies', $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player']); return $this->formatData($taData); } /******************* * MANAGING ALLIES * *******************/ /** AJAX callback to add an ally to the player's list. */ public function addAlly($name) { $result = $this->game->action('addTrustedAlly', $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player'], $name); if (is_array($result)) { return $this->formatData($result); } switch ($result) : case beta5_addTrustedAlly::playerNotFound: $error = -1; break; case beta5_addTrustedAlly::playerOnVacation: $error = 200; break; case beta5_addTrustedAlly::noAllyName: $error = 1; break; case beta5_addTrustedAlly::invalidAllyName: $error = 0; break; case beta5_addTrustedAlly::allyNotFound: $error = 2; break; case beta5_addTrustedAlly::allyIsPlayer: $error = 3; break; case beta5_addTrustedAlly::allyIsEnemy: $error = 6; break; case beta5_addTrustedAlly::playerBlacklisted: $error = 9; break; case beta5_addTrustedAlly::allyAlreadyListed: $error = 4; break; case beta5_addTrustedAlly::maxPlayerTrust: $error = 14; break; case beta5_addTrustedAlly::maxAllyTrust: $error = 5; break; endswitch; return "ERR#$error"; } /************************* * MANAGING REVERSE LIST * *************************/ /** AJAX callback to remove a player from his allies' lists. */ public function removeRAllies($list) { $result = $this->game->action('removeTrustingAllies', $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player'], explode('#', $list)); if (is_array($result)) { return $this->formatData($result); } switch ($result) : case beta5_removeTrustingAllies::playerNotFound: $error = -1; break; case beta5_removeTrustingAllies::playerOnVacation: $error = 200; break; case beta5_removeTrustingAllies::trustingPlayerNotFound: $error = 7; break; endswitch; return "ERR#$error"; } /********************** * MANAGING BLACKLIST * **********************/ public function addBan($name) { $result = $this->game->action('banTrustingAlly', $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player'], $name); if (is_array($result)) { return $this->formatData($result); } switch ($result) : case beta5_banTrustingAlly::playerNotFound: $error = -1; break; case beta5_banTrustingAlly::playerOnVacation: $error = 200; break; case beta5_banTrustingAlly::emptyName: $error = 11; break; case beta5_banTrustingAlly::invalidName: $error = 15; break; case beta5_banTrustingAlly::targetNotFound: $error = 2; break; case beta5_banTrustingAlly::targetIsPlayer: $error = 13; break; case beta5_banTrustingAlly::alreadyBanned: $error = 12; break; endswitch; return "ERR#$error"; } // ----------------------------------- OLD CODE BELOW!!!! public function findLevels($list) { $al = explode('#', $list); $l = gameAction('getPlayerAllies', $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player']); $ll = array(); $i = 0; $c = count($l); foreach ($al as $id) { for ($j=0;$j<$c&&$l[$j]['id']!=$id;$j++) ; if ($j<$c) array_push($ll,$j); $i ++; if ($i == 5) break; } return $ll; } public function moveAllies($list, $dir) { if (gameAction('isOnVacation', $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player'])) { return "ERR#200"; } $levels = $this->findLevels($list); sort($levels); if (!count($levels)) return $this->getTrusted(); $pid = $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player']; if ($dir == "0") { $l = gameAction('getPlayerAllies', $pid); if ($levels[0] == count($l) - 1) return $this->getTrusted(); $levels = array_reverse($levels); } elseif ($levels[0] == 0) return $this->getTrusted(); $act = 'moveAlly' . (($dir == "0") ? "Down" : "Up"); foreach ($levels as $l) gameAction($act, $pid, $l); return $this->getTrusted(); } public function removeAllies($list) { if (gameAction('isOnVacation', $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player'])) { return "ERR#200"; } $levels = $this->findLevels($list); if (count($levels)) { $pid = $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player']; foreach ($levels as $l) gameAction('removeAlly', $pid, $l); gameAction('reorderPlayerAllies', $pid); } return $this->getTrusted(); } public function removeBanRAllies($list) { if (gameAction('isOnVacation', $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player'])) { return "ERR#200"; } $tb = gameAction('getPlayerIsAlly', $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player']); $pid = $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player']; $al = explode('#', $list); foreach ($al as $opid) { if (is_null($tb[$opid])) return "ERR#7"; elseif (gameAction('checkTAListBan', $pid, $opid)) return "ERR#8"; } foreach ($al as $opid) { gameAction('removeAlly', $opid, $tb[$opid]['level']); gameAction('reorderPlayerAllies', $opid); gameAction('addTAListBan', $pid, $opid); } return $this->getTrusted(); } public function removeBans($list) { if (gameAction('isOnVacation', $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player'])) { return "ERR#200"; } $pid = $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player']; $tb = gameAction('getTAListBans', $pid); $al = explode('#', $list); foreach ($al as $opid) if (is_null($tb[$opid])) return "ERR#10"; foreach ($al as $opid) gameAction('delTAListBan', $pid, $opid); return $this->getTrusted(); } /** Main webpage handler. */ public function handle($input) { $this->data = $this->getTrusted(); $this->output = "allies"; } } ?>