<?php //------------------------------------------------------------------- // "Battle tick": computes battle outcomes //------------------------------------------------------------------- class beta5_ticks_battle_library { function beta5_ticks_battle_library($lib) { $this->lib = $lib; $this->db = $lib->game->db; $this->fleets = $lib->game->getLib('beta5/fleet'); $this->msgs = $lib->game->getLib('beta5/msg'); $this->planets = $lib->game->getLib('beta5/planet'); $this->players = $lib->game->getLib('beta5/player'); $this->rules = $lib->game->getLib('beta5/rules'); $this->sales = $lib->game->getLib('beta5/sale'); $this->rankings = $lib->game->getLib('main/rankings'); } function runTick() { $this->idrInc = array(); $toThrow = null; try { $locations = $this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, 'getBattleLocations')); foreach ($locations as $lId) { $this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, 'battleAt'), array($lId), 5); } } catch (Exception $e) { $toThrow = $e; } $this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, 'updateStatus')); if (!is_null($toThrow)) { throw $toThrow; } $this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, 'updateRankings')); } public function getBattleLocations() { $q = $this->btQuery( "SELECT DISTINCT location FROM fleet WHERE location IS NOT NULL AND attacking" ); $locations = array(); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { array_push($locations, $r[0]); } return $locations; } public function updateStatus() { // Mark fleets that were in battle as available and commit $this->btQuery("UPDATE fleet SET can_move='Y' WHERE can_move='B'"); } public function updateRankings() { // Increase inflicted damage points $rt = $this->rankings->call('getType', 'p_idr'); $rl = $this->rankings->call('getAll', $rt); $idr = array(); foreach ($rl as $r) { $idr[$r['id']] = $r['points']; } foreach ($this->idrInc as $n => $inc) { $idr[$n] += $inc; } $idrR = array(); foreach ($idr as $n => $p) { if (!is_array($idrR[$p])) { $idrR[$p] = array(); } array_push($idrR[$p], $n); } $this->rankings->call('update', $rt, $idrR); } public function battleAt($lId) { // Execute computations $idrInc = $this->battleComputation($lId); // Increase stored IDR foreach ($idrInc as $n => $ii) { if (is_null($this->idrInc[$n])) { $this->idrInc[$n] = $ii; } else { $this->idrInc[$n] += $ii; } } } private function battleComputation($lId) { static $rnames = array('turret', 'gaship', 'fighter', 'cruiser', 'bcruiser'); static $addLosses = array(.5, .25, 1, .25, .125); // Get the ID of the planet's owner and the amount of turrets $q = $this->btQuery("SELECT name,owner,turrets,vacation FROM planet WHERE id=$lId " . "FOR UPDATE"); list($pName,$pOwner,$pTurrets,$vacation) = dbFetchArray($q); $poFake = is_null($pOwner) ? 0 : $pOwner; // Compute the power of the planet's turrets if ($vacation == 'YES ') { $defPower = 0; $pTurrets = 0; } else { $defPower = $this->planets->call('getPower', $lId); } $turretPower = $defPower; // Get all fleets at that location $q = $this->btQuery("SELECT * FROM fleet WHERE location=$lId FOR UPDATE"); $attFleets = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); $defFleets = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); $attPlayers = $defPlayers = 0; $fleets = array(); $players = array( $poFake => array(false, $turretPower, $pTurrets, 0, 0, 0, 0, array()) ); $attPower = 0; $cSales = null; // Extract fleet data while ($r = dbFetchHash($q)) { if ( ($r['owner'] == $pOwner && $vacation == 'YES ') || ($r['attacking'] == 't' && $r['time_spent'] < 15) ) { continue; } $r['power'] = $this->fleets->call('getPower', $r['owner'], $r['gaships'], $r['fighters'], $r['cruisers'], $r['bcruisers']); if ($r['attacking'] == 't') { $attFleets[0] += $r['gaships']; $attFleets[1] += $r['fighters']; $attFleets[2] += $r['cruisers']; $attFleets[3] += $r['bcruisers']; $attPower += $r['power']; } else { $defFleets[0] += $r['gaships']; $defFleets[1] += $r['fighters']; $defFleets[2] += $r['cruisers']; $defFleets[3] += $r['bcruisers']; $defPower += $r['power']; } if (is_null($players[$r['owner']])) { $players[$r['owner']] = array( $r['attacking'] == 't', $r['power'], 0, $r['gaships'], $r['fighters'], $r['cruisers'], $r['bcruisers'], array() ); if ($r['attacking'] == 't') { $attPlayers ++; } else { $defPlayers ++; } } else { $players[$r['owner']][1] += $r['power']; $players[$r['owner']][3] += $r['gaships']; $players[$r['owner']][4] += $r['fighters']; $players[$r['owner']][5] += $r['cruisers']; $players[$r['owner']][6] += $r['bcruisers']; } array_push($players[$r['owner']][7], $r['id']); $fleets[$r['id']] = $r; } // If there is no defense at all, forget it // (that can also mean that the local defense fleet is on vacation) // Also skip if there are no attack fleets (could happen because of separate transactions) if ($defPower == 0 || $attPower == 0) { l::debug("Skipped battle on $pName, no fleets"); return array(); } l::debug("Starting battle on $pName (owner: $poFake); $pTurrets turrets, vacation=$vacation"); // Compute the damage index, which is the proportion of damage inflicted by the biggest fleet $dRandom = $defPower; while ($dRandom > 1000) { $dRandom = $dRandom / 10; } $rdPower = $defPower + rand(0, round($dRandom * 0.05)); l::debug("Defense: power= $defPower ; random= $dRandom; rPower= $rdPower"); $aRandom = $attPower; while ($aRandom > 1000) { $aRandom = $aRandom / 10; } $raPower = $attPower + rand(0, round($aRandom * 0.05)); l::debug("Attack: power= $attPower ; random= $aRandom; rPower= $raPower"); $bigDef = ($rdPower > $raPower); $bigPower = $bigDef ? $rdPower : $raPower; $smallPower = $bigDef ? $raPower : $rdPower; $ratio = $bigPower / $smallPower; $damageIndex = ($ratio > 10 ? 1 : ((exp($ratio - 1) / (exp($ratio - 1) + 1)))); $attDamage = round(($bigDef ? $damageIndex : (1 - $damageIndex)) * $attPower); $defDamage = round(($bigDef ? (1-$damageIndex) : $damageIndex) * $defPower); l::debug("Damage index: $damageIndex (attDamage: $attDamage ; defDamage: $defDamage)"); // Handle heroic defense if (! $bigDef && $ratio >= 5 && rand(0, 10000) <= 200) { $heroicDefense = true; $addDamage = ceil($smallPower * rand(300, 400) / 100); if ($addDamage > $bigPower / 5) { $addDamage = ceil($bigPower / 5); } $attDamage += $addDamage; l::debug("Heroic defense! Damage increased by $addDamage (-> $attDamage)"); } else { $heroicDefense = false; } // Compute the amount of damage to each player $defLosses = $attLosses = 0; $plist = array_keys($players); $turretLoss = $tPowerLoss = 0; foreach ($plist as $id) { l::debug(" -> Player $id"); if ($players[$id][0]) $losses = ($players[$id][1] / $attPower) * $attDamage; else $losses = ($players[$id][1] / $defPower) * $defDamage; l::debug(" * losses = $losses"); $rules = $this->rules->call('get', ($id == 0) ? null : $id); if ($damageIndex < 1 || ($players[$id][0] && !$bigDef || !$players[$id][0] && $bigDef)) { $losses = ($losses / 100) * $rules['battle_losses']; l::debug(" * losses = $losses after adjustment ({$rules['battle_losses']}%)"); } else { l::debug(" * losses not adjusted"); } // Compute damage for each type of ship $probLoss = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $oriFleet = array(); if ($players[$id][1] > 0) { $sPowers = array(); $power = array(); $tLoss = 0; $lossRatio = $losses / $players[$id][1]; for ($i=0;$i<5;$i++) { $sPowers[$i] = ($rules[$rnames[$i] . "_power"] / 100) * $rules['effective_fleet_power']; $oriFleet[$i] = $players[$id][$i+2]; $power[$i] = $sPowers[$i] * $players[$id][$i+2]; $shipRatio = $power[$i] / $players[$id][1]; $pLoss = $shipRatio * $losses; $probLoss[$i] = min($players[$id][$i+2], round($pLoss / $sPowers[$i])); $tLoss += $probLoss[$i] * $sPowers[$i]; } $i = $n = 0; while ($tLoss < $losses && $n < 5) { if ($probLoss[$i] < $players[$id][$i+2]) { $probLoss[$i] ++; $tLoss += $sPowers[$i]; $n = 0; } else { $n++; } $i = ($i + 1) % 5; } } l::debug(" * ship losses (T/G/F/C/B) = " . join(', ', $probLoss) . " out of " . join(', ', $oriFleet)); // If there are turret losses, remove turrets if ($probLoss[0] > 0) { $turretLoss = $probLoss[0]; $tPowerLoss = $this->planets->call('getPower', $pOwner, $turretLoss); $this->btQuery("UPDATE planet SET turrets=turrets-$turretLoss WHERE id=$lId"); $tm = time(); $this->btQuery("DELETE FROM turhist WHERE $tm-moment>86400"); $this->btQuery("INSERT INTO turhist VALUES ($lId,$tm,-$turretLoss)"); // Mark the planet's sale to be cancelled if that applies $q = $this->btQuery("SELECT id,player,finalized,sold_to FROM sale WHERE planet=$lId"); if (($r = dbFetchArray($q)) && is_null($cSales)) { $cSales = $r; } } // Apply losses to the player's individual fleets $removed = array(0, 0, 0, 0); foreach ($players[$id][7] as $fid) { $rff = $tif = 0; $rem = array(); for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { // Ships that must be destroyed $toRemove = $probLoss[$i+1] - $removed[$i]; // Ships in the fleet $inFleet = $fleets[$fid][$rnames[$i+1]."s"]; $tif += $inFleet; // Remove ships $fromFleet = min($toRemove, $inFleet); $removed[$i] += $fromFleet; $rff += $fromFleet; $rem[$i] = $fromFleet; } l::debug(" * fleet $fid losses (G/F/C/B) = " . join(', ', $rem)); // Mark the fleet's sale to be cancelled if that applies if ($rff) { $q = $this->btQuery("SELECT id,player,finalized,sold_to FROM sale WHERE fleet=$fid"); if ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { if (is_null($r[2])) { $ga = 'cancel'; } else { $ga = 'cancelTransfer'; } $this->sales->call($ga, $r[1], $r[0]); // FIXME: send messages if (!is_null($cSales) && $cSales == $r[0]) { $cSales = null; } } } if ($rff == $tif) { // The whole fleet has been lost $this->btQuery("DELETE FROM fleet WHERE id=$fid"); } elseif ($rff) { // Fleet has suffered some losses $qs = "UPDATE fleet SET "; $qsi = false; for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { if ($rem[$i] == 0) { continue; } if ($qsi) { $qs .= ","; } else { $qsi = true; } $qs .= $rnames[$i+1]."s=".$rnames[$i+1]."s-".$rem[$i]; } $qs .= " WHERE id=$fid"; $this->btQuery($qs); } else { // No losses, we're done break; } } // Add losses to the correct array if ($players[$id][0]) { for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { $attFleets[$i+4] += $probLoss[$i+1]; } } else { for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { $defFleets[$i+4] += $probLoss[$i+1]; } } // Store the player's losses $lostPower = $this->fleets->call('getPower', ($id==0 ? null : $id), $probLoss[1], $probLoss[2], $probLoss[3], $probLoss[4]); $lostPower += $this->planets->call('getPower', ($id==0 ? null : $id), $probLoss[0]); array_shift($probLoss); $players[$id][8] = $probLoss; $players[$id][9] = $lostPower; if ($players[$id][0]) { $attLosses += $lostPower; } else { $defLosses += $lostPower; } } // Cancel the planet's sale if it suffered damage if (!is_null($cSales)) { if (is_null($cSales[2])) { $ga = 'cancel'; } else { $ga = 'cancelTransfer'; } $this->sales->call($ga, $cSales[1], $cSales[0]); // FIXME: send messages } // Give the players "inflicted damage" points $idrInc = array(); foreach ($plist as $id) { if ($id == 0) { continue; } $q = $this->btQuery("SELECT hidden FROM player WHERE id = $id"); list($hidden) = dbFetchArray($q); if ($hidden == 't') { continue; } if ($players[$id][0]) { $tPower = $attPower; $eLoss = $defLosses; } else { $tPower = $defPower; $eLoss = $attLosses; } $ii = round(($players[$id][1] / $tPower) * $eLoss); $n = $this->players->call('getName', $id); if (is_null($idrInc[$n])) { $idrInc[$n] = $ii; } else { $idrInc[$n] += $ii; } } // Send battle reports $tm = time(); foreach ($plist as $id) { // Avoid the fake "neutral" player if ($id == 0) { continue; } $p = $players[$id]; // Get friendly/hostile data if ($players[$id][0]) { $fPower = $attPower; $ePower = $defPower; $fLosses = $attLosses; $eLosses = $defLosses; $fFleets = $attFleets; $eFleets = $defFleets; $tMode = ($pTurrets != 0 ? 3 : 0); } else { $fPower = $defPower; $ePower = $attPower; $fLosses = $defLosses; $eLosses = $attLosses; $fFleets = $defFleets; $eFleets = $attFleets; $tMode = ($pTurrets != 0 ? ($pOwner == $id ? 1 : 2) : 0); } // Remove the player's own statistics from the list of friendlies $fPower -= $p[1]; $fLosses -= $p[9]; for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { $fFleets[$i] -= $p[$i+3]; $fFleets[$i+4] -= $p[8][$i]; } // Send battle report $this->msgs->call('send', $id, "battle", array( "planet_id" => $lId, "planet" => $pName, "o_gaships" => $p[3], "o_fighters" => $p[4], "o_cruisers" => $p[5], "o_bcruisers" => $p[6], "o_power" => $p[1], "ol_gaships" => $p[8][0], "ol_fighters" => $p[8][1], "ol_cruisers" => $p[8][2], "ol_bcruisers" => $p[8][3], "ol_power" => $p[9], "a_gaships" => $fFleets[0], "a_fighters" => $fFleets[1], "a_cruisers" => $fFleets[2], "a_bcruisers" => $fFleets[3], "a_power" => $fPower, "al_gaships" => $fFleets[4], "al_fighters" => $fFleets[5], "al_cruisers" => $fFleets[6], "al_bcruisers" => $fFleets[7], "al_power" => $fLosses, "e_gaships" => $eFleets[0], "e_fighters" => $eFleets[1], "e_cruisers" => $eFleets[2], "e_bcruisers" => $eFleets[3], "e_power" => $ePower, "el_gaships" => $eFleets[4], "el_fighters" => $eFleets[5], "el_cruisers" => $eFleets[6], "el_bcruisers" => $eFleets[7], "el_power" => $eLosses, "turrets" => $pTurrets, "tpower " => $turretPower, "l_turrets" => $turretLoss, "l_tpower" => $tPowerLoss, "tmode" => $tMode, "heroic_def" => $heroicDefense ? ($players[$id][0] ? -1 : 1) : 0 )); } // Update happiness and attack status $this->planets->call('updateHappiness', $lId); $this->planets->call('updateMilStatus', $lId); // If the planet was pending entrance in vacation mode and all enemy // fleet is dead, set it to vacation mode. if ($vacation == 'PEND') { $q = $this->btQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fleet WHERE location=$lId AND attacking"); if ($q && dbCount($q) == 1) { list($c) = dbFetchArray($q); if ($c == 0) { $this->btQuery("UPDATE planet SET vacation='YES' WHERE id=$lId"); } } } return $idrInc; } function btQuery($q) { $r = $this->db->query($q); l::trace("Result '$r' for query: $q"); return $r; } } ?>