lib = $lib; $this->db = $this->lib->game->db; } function run($a, $fid, $sub, $txt, $ec, $es, $st) { $tm = time(); $qs = "INSERT INTO af_post(forum,author,moment,title,contents,enable_code,enable_smileys) VALUES (" . "$fid,$a,$tm,'".addslashes($sub)."','".addslashes($txt)."'," . dbBool($ec) . "," . dbBool($es) . ")"; if (!$this->db->query($qs)) { return false; } $q = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM af_post WHERE forum=$fid AND topic IS NULL AND author=$a AND moment=$tm"); if (!$q || dbCount($q) != 1) { return false; } list($pid) = dbFetchArray($q); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO af_topic(forum,first_post,last_post,sticky) VALUES($fid,$pid,$pid," . ($st?"TRUE":"FALSE") . ")"); $q = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM af_topic WHERE forum=$fid AND first_post=$pid"); if (!$q || dbCount($q) != 1) { return false; } list($tid) = dbFetchArray($q); $this->db->query("UPDATE af_post SET topic=$tid WHERE id=$pid"); $this->db->query("UPDATE af_forum SET topics=topics+1,posts=posts+1,last_post=$pid WHERE id=$fid"); $this->lib->call('markRead', $tid, $a); return $pid; } } ?>