beta5 en Fleets
Fleets are one of the major elements in LegacyWorlds, since they allow you to travel the universe, conquer new planets and defend yourself against enemies. Fleets are sets of ships you can use either to >defend yourself or attack other planets. Each fleet can be composed of ships of several different categories. Those fleets can be moved from planet to planet according to a particular set of rules. When faced with enemy fleets they of course engage in battle.
In order to have fleets you first of all have to possess the required technologies. You also have to build them.
Fleets building is covered more precisely in the following manual sections:
Fleets being one of the major concepts to grasp in LegacyWorlds, various fleets related topics will be studied in more details in different subsections of the manual. Those subsections are presented in the next paragraph.
Fleets are composed of ships. It sounds only natural to start with ships. This section of the manual will present all topics linked with ships categories and caracteristics.
The Fleets page is the main entry point to manage fleets. This part of the manual will present this page more deeply. The fleet page consists in three different sections:
  • Top part: it includes a set of filters
  • Middle Part: it's the actual fleets list. It's either a complete list or the result of the choices you've made with the filters
  • Bottom Part: it's the Action section of the fleet page, where you can actually act on the fleets.
The fleets page manual section will describe each part of the page.
Once you have selected at least one fleet in the fleets list of the fleets page, a list of links, corresponding to different actions you can perform with the fleets, is displayed. This list include a selection among the total list of possible actions, depending on the circumstances. Those actions will be presented in the Fleets actions part of the manual.
The main goal of fleets is, obviously, to fight. The different rules surrounding the battle is the topic of the Battles section of the manual.