<?php function menuTopLevelBegin($t, $l, $tt = null) { static $b5menu = 0; if (is_string($tt)) { $te = " onmouseover=\"return escape('" . utf8entities($tt,ENT_QUOTES) . "')\""; } else { $te = ""; } echo "<td><ul class='tmenu'><li class='tmenu'"; if (input::$IE) { echo " onMouseOver='this.obc=this.style.backgroundColor;this.style.backgroundColor=\"black\";thmdef_ieDisplay(\"b5tl$b5menu\")'"; echo " onMouseOut='this.style.backgroundColor=this.obc;thmdef_ieHide(\"b5tl$b5menu\")'"; } $t = preg_replace('/ /', ' ', $t); echo "><a class='tmenu' href='$l'$te>$t</a><ul class='tmenu' id='b5tl$b5menu'>\n"; $b5menu ++; } function menuTopLevelEnd() { echo "</ul></li></ul></td>\n"; } function menuTopLevelEntry($t, $l, $tt = null) { $te = is_string($tt) ? tooltip($tt) : ""; $t = preg_replace('/ /', ' ', $t); echo "<td><ul class='tmenu'><li class='tmenu'><a class='tmenu' href='$l'$te>$t</a></li></ul></td>\n"; } function menuEntry($t, $l, $tt = null) { $te = is_string($tt) ? tooltip($tt) : ""; echo "<li class='tmenu'"; if (input::$IE) { echo " onMouseOver='this.obc=this.style.backgroundColor;this.style.backgroundColor=\"black\";' onMouseOut='this.style.backgroundColor=this.obc'"; } $t = preg_replace('/ /', ' ', $t); echo "><a class='tmenu' href='$l'$te>$t</a></li>\n"; } function menuSubBegin($t, $l, $tt = null, $sid = null) { $te = is_string($tt) ? tooltip($tt) : ""; $id = ($sid == "") ? "" : " id='$sid'"; $t = preg_replace('/ /', ' ', $t); echo "<li class='tmenu'><a class='tmenu' href='$l'$te>$t</a><ul class='tmenu'$id>\n"; } function menuSubEnd() { echo "</ul></li>\n"; } function drawIcon($n, $d) { $src = getStatic("beta5/pics/icons/$n." . (input::$IE ? 'gif' : 'png')); echo "<img class='icon' src='$src' alt=\"". utf8entities($d) .'" />'; } function drawTitle() { $n = handler::$h->output; $c = prefs::get('main/colour', 'purple'); $src = getStatic("beta5/pics/ttl/def/en/$c/$n.gif"); if (!is_null($src)) { echo "<img class='title' src='$src' alt=\"$n\" />"; } } $game = input::$game; $accounts = $game->getLib('main/account'); $players = $game->getLib('beta5/player'); $alliance = $game->getLib('beta5/alliance'); $player = $_SESSION[game::sessName()]['player']; $pInfo = $players->call('get', $player); if ($pInfo['aid']) { $privileges = $alliance->call('getPrivileges', $player); $techTrade = ($privileges['tech_trade'] > 0); } else { $techTrade = false; } $protected = $players->call('getProtectionLevel', $player); ?> <div style="visibility:hidden;display:none"><form action="?" onsubmit="return false"><textarea id="thm-hdr-init"><?php echo thm_getHeaderData(); ?></textarea><textarea id="thm-plist-init"><?php echo thm_getHeaderPList(); ?></textarea></form></div> <table class='topframe' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'> <tr><td><table class='player' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr> <td class='player'><span<?=tooltip('Your player name as well as the tag of the alliance you are a member of.');?>>Player <b id='jspname'></b><span id='jsalliance'></span></td> <td class='funds'><span<?=tooltip('The money you currently own.')?>>Current funds: <b id='jscash'></b></span></td> <td class='stime'><span<?=tooltip('Date and time on the Legacy Worlds server; this gives you a reference which allows you to synchronize your actions with players from the other side of the Earth.');?>>Server Time: <span id='jsservtm'></span></span></td> </tr></table></td></tr> <tr><td class='topmenu'><table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr> <td><table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='topmenu'><tr> <?php menuTopLevelBegin('Overview', 'overview', 'This page gives an overview of the state of your empire.'); menuEntry('Preferences', 'preferences', 'Change the way pages are displayed and modify in-game preferences.'); menuEntry('My Account', makeLink('index','main'), 'Go back to your account management page.'); menuEntry('Log out', makeLink('logout','main'), 'Log out from the game.'); menuTopLevelEnd(); menuTopLevelBegin('Empire', 'empire', 'Overview of your planets, fleets, and research.'); if (input::$IE) { menuEntry('Planets', 'planets', 'Displays an overview of your planets and allows you to manipulate all of their build queues.'); } else { menuSubBegin('Planets', 'planets', 'Displays an overview of your planets and allows you to manipulate all of their build queues.', 'jspmenu'); menuSubEnd(); } menuEntry('Fleets', 'fleets', 'Fleet management'); menuEntry('Beacons', 'probes', 'Allows you to manage hyperspace beacons on your planets'); if (input::$IE) { menuEntry('Research', 'research', 'Implement new technologies, enact and revoke laws, balance your research budget and exchange technologies and scientific knowlege with other empires.'); } else { menuSubBegin('Research', 'research', 'Implement new technologies, enact and revoke laws, balance your research budget and exchange technologies and scientific knowlege with other empires.'); menuEntry('Topics', 'research?p=t', 'Implement new technologies, view foreseen breakthroughs and already implemented technologies.'); menuEntry('Laws', 'research?p=l', 'Enact and revoke laws.'); menuEntry('Budget', 'research?p=b', 'Balance your research budget between fundamental, military and civilian research.'); menuEntry('Diplomacy', 'research?p=d', 'Give or sell technologies and scientific knowledge with other empires, and examine offers made to you'); menuSubEnd(); } menuEntry('Money', 'money', 'This page shows the money you earn on the planets you own as well as the money you spend to maintain your fleets and infrastructure.'); menuTopLevelEnd(); menuTopLevelBegin('Diplomacy', 'diplomacy', 'Overview of your current diplomatic relations.'); menuEntry('Alliance', 'alliance', 'Create, join, inspect, manage or spy on alliances.'); if ($techTrade) { menuEntry('Tech. trading', 'techtrade', 'Alliance technology trading tool.'); } if (!$players->call('isRestrained', $player)) { menuEntry('Marketplace', 'market', 'Sell stuff to other players and buy other stuff from them.'); } menuEntry('Enemies', 'enemylist', 'Manage your enemy list.'); menuEntry('Trusted Allies', 'allies', 'Manage your trusted allies list.'); menuTopLevelEnd(); menuTopLevelBegin('Universe', 'universe', 'Overview of the game universe.'); if (input::$IE) { menuEntry('Maps', 'map', 'View the maps of the game universe.'); menuEntry('Rankings', 'rank', 'View the rankings of players and alliances.'); } else { menuSubBegin('Maps', 'map', 'View the maps of the game universe.'); menuEntry('Planets', 'map?menu=p', 'View the planets in the current universe.'); menuEntry('Alliances', 'map?menu=a', 'View planets belonging to alliances in the current universe.'); menuEntry('Listing', 'map?menu=l', 'View a listing of the planets in the game universe.'); menuSubEnd(); menuSubBegin('Rankings', 'rank', 'View the rankings of players and alliances.'); menuEntry('Summary', 'rank?p=s', 'Overview of your current ranking.'); menuEntry('General', 'rank?p=g', 'Display general player rankings.'); menuEntry('Detailed', 'rank?p=d', 'Display detailed player rankings.'); menuEntry('Alliance', 'rank?p=a', 'Display alliance rankings.'); menuEntry('Overall', 'rank?p=o', 'Display overall player rankings.'); menuEntry('Damage', 'rank?p=i', 'Display inflicted damage rankings.'); menuSubEnd(); } menuEntry('Ticks', 'ticks', 'Display details about the ticks.'); menuEntry('Manual', 'manual', 'The manual. Newbies, please read it. Seriously.'); menuTopLevelEnd(); menuTopLevelBegin('Communications', 'comms', 'An overview of your communications with other players'); menuEntry('Compose', 'message?a=c', 'Compose a new private message.'); menuEntry('Inbox', 'message?a=f&f=I', 'View the contents of your inbox.'); if (input::$IE) { menuEntry('Transmissions', 'message?a=f&f=T', 'View internal transmissions'); menuEntry('Folders', 'message?a=mf', 'Manage your custom folders.'); } else { menuSubBegin('Folders', 'message?a=mf', 'Manage your custom folders.', 'jsfmenu'); menuEntry('Transmissions', 'message?a=f&f=T', 'View internal transmissions'); menuEntry('Outbox', 'message?a=f&f=O', 'View the messages you sent.'); menuSubEnd(); } menuEntry('Forums', 'forums?cmd=o', 'Access the forums.'); menuTopLevelEnd(); if ($accounts->call('isLeech', $_SESSION['userid'])) { menuTopLevelEntry('Contribute!', makeLink('contrib', 'main'), 'Contribute to LegacyWorlds!'); } if ($accounts->call('isAdmin', $_SESSION['userid'])) { menuTopLevelEntry('Admin', 'admin', 'Administrative tools'); } ?> </tr></table></td> <td id="msgicon"> </td> <td class='icons'><a href='planets'<?=tooltip('Manage your planets')?>><?php drawIcon('planets', 'Planet management'); ?></a><a href='fleets'<?=tooltip('Manage your fleets')?>><?php drawIcon('fleets', 'Fleet management'); ?></a><a href='map'<?=tooltip("View maps of the universe")?>><?php drawIcon('map', 'Galactic maps'); ?></a><a href='alliance'<?=tooltip('Display information about your current alliance or allows you to join an alliance')?>><?php drawIcon('alliance', 'Alliance panel'); ?></a><a href='../main/logout'<?=tooltip('Log out from the game')?>><?php drawIcon('logout', 'Log out'); ?></a></td> </tr></table></td></tr> </table> <div style="text-align:center"> <div style="float: right; padding: 2px 4px"><i>Game: <?=$game->text?></i></div> <table style="width:94%;height:30px;margin:0 2%"> <tr> <?php $pinf = $players->call('get', $player); if ($accounts->call('getQuitCountdown', $_SESSION['userid'])) { ?> <td style="width:20%;text-align:right;color:red;font-weight:bold;vertical-align:middle">CLOSING ACCOUNT</td> <td style="text-align:center"><?php drawTitle(); ?></td> <td style="width:20%;text-align:left;color:red;font-weight:bold;vertical-align:middle">CLOSING ACCOUNT</td> <?php } else if (!is_null($pinf['qts'])) { ?> <td style="width:20%;text-align:right;color:red;font-weight:bold;vertical-align:middle">LEAVING GAME</td> <td style="text-align:center"><?php drawTitle(); ?></td> <td style="width:20%;text-align:left;color:red;font-weight:bold;vertical-align:middle">LEAVING GAME</td> <?php } else if ($players->call('isOnVacation', $player)) { ?> <td style="width:20%;text-align:right;color:red;font-weight:bold;vertical-align:middle">ON VACATION</td> <td style="text-align:center"><?php drawTitle(); ?></td> <td style="width:20%;text-align:left;color:red;font-weight:bold;vertical-align:middle">ON VACATION</td> <?php } else if ($protected) { ?> <td style="width:20%;text-align:right;color:red;font-weight:bold;vertical-align:middle">UNDER PROTECTION</td> <td style="text-align:center"><?php drawTitle(); ?></td> <td style="width:20%;text-align:left;color:red;font-weight:bold;vertical-align:middle">UNDER PROTECTION</td> <?php } else { ?> <td style="text-align:center"><?php drawTitle(); ?></td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> </div> <hr/>