lib = $lib; $this->db = $this->lib->game->db; $this->msg = $this->lib->game->getLib('beta5/msg'); } // Sends messages related to fleet movements function run() { $locs = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($this->lib->mainClass->fleetDepartures), array_keys($this->lib->mainClass->fleetArrivals))); if (count($locs) == 0) { return; } // Get all fleet or planet owners for the affected locations and their status $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT owner AS id,FALSE AS att,id AS loc FROM planet WHERE owner IS NOT NULL AND id IN (".join(',',$locs).") " . "UNION SELECT owner AS id,attacking AS att,location AS loc FROM fleet WHERE location IN (".join(',',$locs).")" ); $fMove = array(); $ownArrivals = array(); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { list($player,$status,$location) = $r; $status = (int) $status; $oa = $ha = $hd = $fa = $fd = array(); // Generate the list of fleet departures if (is_array($this->lib->mainClass->fleetDepartures[$location])) { foreach ($this->lib->mainClass->fleetDepartures[$location][$status] as $fId) { $f = $this->lib->call('get', $fId); if ($f['owner'] == $player) { continue; } array_push($fd, $f); } foreach ($this->lib->mainClass->fleetDepartures[$location][1-$status] as $fId) { $f = $this->lib->call('get', $fId); if ($f['owner'] == $player) { continue; } array_push($hd, $f); } } // Generate the list of fleet arrivals if (is_array($this->lib->mainClass->fleetArrivals[$location])) { foreach ($this->lib->mainClass->fleetArrivals[$location][$status] as $fdt) { list($fId, $from) = $fdt; $f = $this->lib->call('get', $fId); $f['from'] = $from; if ($f['owner'] == $player) { if (!is_array($ownArrivals[$player])) { $ownArrivals[$player] = array(); } if (!is_array($ownArrivals[$player][$location])) { $ownArrivals[$player][$location] = array(); } array_push($ownArrivals[$player][$location], $f); } else { array_push($fa, $f); } } foreach ($this->lib->mainClass->fleetArrivals[$location][1-$status] as $fdt) { list($fId, $from) = $fdt; $f = $this->lib->call('get', $fId); $f['from'] = $from; if ($f['owner'] == $player) { l::warn("beta5/sendFleetMoveMessages(): fleet $fId owned by player $player hostile to its owner"); continue; } array_push($ha, $f); } } // Add the data to the list of fleet movements if (!(count($fa)||count($fd)||count($ha)||count($hd))) { continue; } if (!is_array($fMove[$player])) { $fMove[$player] = array($location => array($fa, $fd, $ha, $hd)); } else { $fMove[$player][$location] = array($fa, $fd, $ha, $hd); } } $pnames = array(); $fpowers = array(); // Send messages for own fleets arrivals $tm = time() - 1; foreach ($ownArrivals as $player => $locs) { foreach ($locs as $loc => $flist) { // Get planet name if (is_null($pnames[$loc])) { $q = $this->db->query("SELECT name FROM planet WHERE id=$loc"); list($pnames[$loc]) = dbFetchArray($q); } $pname = $pnames[$loc]; // Generate a message $mid = $this->msg->call('send', $player, 'flmove', array( 'p_id' => $loc, 'p_name' => $pname )); // Insert fleet data foreach ($flist as $fleet) { // Get origin planet name if (is_null($pnames[$fleet['from']])) { $q = $this->db->query("SELECT name FROM planet WHERE id={$fleet['from']}"); list($pnames[$fleet['from']]) = dbFetchArray($q); } $pname = $pnames[$fleet['from']]; $fpowers[$fleet['id']] = $fPower = $this->lib->call('getPower', $player, $fleet['gaships'], $fleet['fighters'], $fleet['cruisers'], $fleet['bcruisers']); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO flmove_data VALUES ($mid,'".addslashes($fleet['name'])."',$player," . "{$fleet['gaships']},{$fleet['fighters']},{$fleet['cruisers']},{$fleet['bcruisers']},$fPower," . "FALSE,TRUE,{$fleet['from']},'".addslashes($pname)."')"); } } } // Send messages for other fleets $tm++; foreach ($fMove as $player => $locs) { foreach ($locs as $loc => $flists) { $flist = array(); foreach ($flists[0] as $f) { $f['hostile'] = 0; array_push($flist, $f); } foreach ($flists[1] as $f) { $f['hostile'] = 0; array_push($flist, $f); } foreach ($flists[2] as $f) { $f['hostile'] = 1; array_push($flist, $f); } foreach ($flists[3] as $f) { $f['hostile'] = 1; array_push($flist, $f); } // Get planet name if (is_null($pnames[$loc])) { $q = $this->db->query("SELECT name FROM planet WHERE id=$loc"); list($pnames[$loc]) = dbFetchArray($q); } $pname = $pnames[$loc]; // Generate a message $mid = $this->msg->call('send', $player, 'flmove', array( 'p_id' => $loc, 'p_name' => $pname )); // Insert fleet data foreach ($flist as $fleet) { if (is_null($fleet['from'])) { $arrived = 0; } else { // Get origin planet name if (is_null($pnames[$fleet['from']])) { $q = $this->db->query("SELECT name FROM planet WHERE id={$fleet['from']}"); list($pnames[$fleet['from']]) = dbFetchArray($q); } $pname = $pnames[$fleet['from']]; $arrived = 1; } if (is_null($fpowers[$fleet['id']])) { $fpowers[$fleet['id']] = $this->lib->call('getPower', $fleet['owner'], $fleet['gaships'], $fleet['fighters'], $fleet['cruisers'], $fleet['bcruisers']); } $fPower = $fpowers[$fleet['id']]; l::trace("beta5/sendFleetMoveMessages: inserting message for player $player, location $loc, fleet {$fleet['id']}"); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO flmove_data VALUES ($mid,'".addslashes($fleet['name'])."',{$fleet['owner']}," . "{$fleet['gaships']},{$fleet['fighters']},{$fleet['cruisers']},{$fleet['bcruisers']},$fPower," . ($fleet['hostile'] ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") . "," . ($arrived ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") . "," . ($arrived ? ("{$fleet['from']},'".addslashes($pname)."'") : "NULL,NULL") . ")"); } } } $this->lib->mainClass->fleetArrivals = $this->lib->mainClass->fleetDepartures = array(); } } ?>