<?php //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // LegacyWorlds Beta 5 // Game libraries // // lib/pcheck_manager.inc // // This library contains the code of the open proxy detector's main // thread. // // Copyright(C) 2004-2008, DeepClone Development //----------------------------------------------------------------------- declare(ticks = 1); // PHP stupidity class pcheck_manager { /** This property indicates how many of the threads are free. */ private $nFree; /** These properties are accessed by the detection threads to * read their parameters. */ public static $timeout; public static $requests; /** This property points to the only current instance of the * proxy detector. */ private static $instance = null; /** This property indicates whether the manager is being run in * debugging mode. */ private $debug; /** This property contains the objects corresponding to each thread. */ private $threads = array(); /** This property is set to true when the manager is shutting down. */ private $ending = false; /** Ports to scan on. */ static private $ports = array( 80, 81, 1075, 3128, 4480, 5490, 6588, 7033, 8000, 8080, 8081, 8085, 8090, 8095, 8100, 8105, 8110 ); /** This method sends commands to the FIFO controller. If the manager * is being run in debugging mode, the commands are not sent. */ private static function sendToControl($command) { if (self::$instance->debug) { return; } $pipe = fopen(config::$main['cs_fifo'], "w"); fwrite($pipe, "$command\n"); fclose($pipe); } /** This method is called by the error manager in case a fatal error * prevents the manager from functionning properly. */ public static function fatalError($errno, $errorText, $information) { $instance->shutdown(); exit(1); } /** The constructor forks, initialises the message queues, starts * the detector threads then calls waitForInstructions(). It never * returns. */ public function __construct($debug) { self::$instance = $this; $this->debug = $debug; $this->backgroundProcess(); $this->initMessageQueues(); $this->initSignals(); $this->initData(); $this->initThreads(); $this->initCache(); // Sends our PID to the controller self::sendToControl("PCPID " . ($this->pid = posix_getpid())); l::notice("Proxy detector initialised"); l::debug("Timeout: " . self::$timeout . "s; threads: " . count($this->threads)); l::debug("Using URL {$this->url}"); $this->mainLoop(); $this->shutdown(); exit(0); } /** This method initialises the manager's signal handlers. */ private function initSignals() { pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array($this, "terminateHandler")); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array($this, "terminateHandler")); pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, array($this, "threadEndHandler")); } /** This method handles the TERM and INT signals, which both cause * a clean shutdown. */ public function terminateHandler($signo) { if (! $this->mustEnd) { l::notice("Main thread terminating on SIG" . ($signo == SIGTERM ? "TERM" : "INT")); $this->mustEnd = true; } } /** This method handles SIGCHLD and takes appropriate measures if * it has been caused by an error. */ public function threadEndHandler($signo) { // Wait for the child processes and stores their IDs $ended = array(); do { $pid = pcntl_waitpid(-1, $status, WNOHANG); if ($pid > 0) { $ended[$pid] = $status; } } while ($pid > 0); foreach ($this->threads as $thread) { if (array_key_exists($thread->pid, $ended)) { $thread->ended = true; } } if ($this->ending) { l::trace("Threads have ended: " . join(', ', array_keys($ended))); } else { l::notice("Some children have met an untimely end! Terminating."); $this->mustEnd = true; } } /** This method causes the proxy checked to be run in the background. */ private function backgroundProcess() { if ($this->debug) { return; } // Fork to the background $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { l::crit("The open proxy detector failed to start."); exit(1); } elseif ($pid) { exit(0); } posix_setsid(); } /** This method initialises the message queues: a first queue to be * used as a control channel and on which requests will be received, * and a second queue to communicate with the threads. */ private function initMessageQueues() { // Create the control queue's key $ctrlKey = ftok(config::$main['scriptdir'] . "/lib/pcheck_manager.inc", "C"); if ($ctrlKey == -1) { l::crit("Could not create the control queue's key"); exit(1); } // Create the thread queue's key $thrdKey = ftok(config::$main['scriptdir'] . "/lib/pcheck_manager.inc", "T"); if ($ctrlKey == -1) { l::crit("Could not create the thread queue's key"); exit(1); } // Create the control queue $ctrlQueue = msg_get_queue($ctrlKey, 0666 | IPC_CREAT); if ($ctrlQueue === FALSE) { l::crit("Could not create the control queue (using key $ctrlKey)"); exit(1); } // Create the thread queue $thrdQueue = msg_get_queue($thrdKey, 0600 | IPC_CREAT); if ($thrdQueue === FALSE) { l::crit("Could not create the thread queue (using key $thrdKey)"); @msg_remove_queue($ctrlQueue); exit(1); } $this->control = $ctrlQueue; $this->threadQueue = $thrdQueue; } /** This method destroys the queues. */ private function destroyMsgQueues() { @msg_remove_queue($this->control); @msg_remove_queue($this->threadQueue); } /** This method initialises the data used by the proxy detector * threads. */ private function initData() { $serv = config::getParam('pcheck_server'); $this->url = "http://$serv" . config::getParam('pcheck_path'); $timeout = (int) config::getParam('pcheck_timeout'); self::$requests = array( "GET" => "GET {$this->url}?k=__key__ HTTP/1.0\r\n" . "Host: $serv\r\n" . "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" . "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" . "User-Agent: OpenCheck 1.0\r\n" . "\r\n", "POST" => "POST {$this->url} HTTP/1.0\r\n" . "Host: $serv\r\n" . "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" . "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" . "User-Agent: OpenCheck 1.0\r\n" . "Content-Length: 34\r\n" . "\r\n" . "k=__key__\r\n" ); self::$timeout = $timeout; } /** This method initialises all threads. */ private function initThreads() { $nThreads = (int) config::getParam('pcheck_threads'); for ($i = 0; $i < $nThreads; $i ++) { try { $thread = new pcheck_thread($this->threadQueue); } catch (Exception $e) { l::crit("Thread " . ($i + 1) . " failed to initialise, exiting!"); $this->shutdown(); exit(1); } array_push($this->threads, $thread); } $this->nFree = $nThreads; } /** This method shuts down the manager. */ private function shutdown() { $this->ending = true; // Kill threads foreach ($this->threads as $thread) { $thread->send(array("type" => "QUIT")); } // Wait until all threads have ended do { $endOk = true; foreach ($this->threads as $thread) { if (! $thread->ended) { $endOk = false; sleep(1); break; } } } while (!$endOk); // Destroy message queues $this->destroyMsgQueues(); } /** This method contains the manager's main loop, which handles everything * from receiving requests and sending results to managing the detection * threads. */ private function mainLoop() { $this->requests = array(); $this->reqHostsFound = array(); $this->jobsQueue = array(); $this->jobsData = array(); $ticker = 0; while (!$this->mustEnd) { // Check for incoming requests $success = msg_receive($this->control, 1, $type, 32768, $message, true, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT, $error); if (!$success && $error != MSG_ENOMSG) { l::error("Manager failed to receive from control queue"); break; } elseif ($success) { $this->requestReceived(array_shift($message), $message); continue; } // Check for incoming results from the detection threads $success = msg_receive($this->threadQueue, 1, $type, 32768, $message, true, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT, $error); if (!$success && $error != MSG_ENOMSG) { l::error("Manager failed to receive from thread queue"); break; } elseif ($success) { // A result has been received $this->resultReceived(array_shift($message), $message); continue; } sleep(1); $ticker ++; // For each request in progress, send a message every 10 ticks // to signal the process we're not dead yet if ($ticker % 10 == 0 && count($this->requests)) { $this->sendPing(); } // Send PID to controller every 20 ticks if ($ticker == 20) { $ticker = 0; self::sendToControl("PCPID {$this->pid}"); $this->flushCache(); } } } /** This method handles the reception of a new request. */ private function requestReceived($fromPID, $hosts) { l::debug("Request received from $fromPID"); $now = time(); $this->requests[$fromPID] = array(); $this->reqHostsFound[$fromPID] = 0; foreach ($hosts as $host) { if (is_array($this->cache[$host]) && $now - $this->cache[$host]['last'] < 86400) { // Cached entry found, store result $this->requests[$fromPID][$host] = $this->cache[$host]['status']; $this->reqHostsFound[$fromPID] ++; continue; } // No cached entry found $this->requests[$fromPID][$host] = -2; if (is_array($this->jobsData[$host])) { // We're already trying to detect this host continue; } // This host needs to be detected $this->addToJobsQueue($host); } if ($this->reqHostsFound[$fromPID] == count($this->requests[$fromPID])) { // The request could be satisfied directly from cached data $this->sendResponse($fromPID); } } /** This method stores the results of a scan performed by one of the * detection threads. */ private function resultReceived($fromThread, $result) { list($host, $found) = $result; // If a proxy was detected, log it if ($found) { l::info("Found open proxy at $host on port $port"); } // Store the results $this->jobsData[$host][1] |= $found; $this->jobsData[$host][0] --; if ($this->jobsData[$host][0] == 0) { $this->hostFinished($host); } // Increase amount of free threads, set the thread as free $this->nFree ++; foreach ($this->threads as $thread) { if ($thread->pid == $fromThread) { $thread->free = true; break; } } // Shift the jobs queue $this->moveQueue(); } /** This method adds the jobs required to scan a host to the queue. */ private function addToJobsQueue($host) { l::trace("Adding host $host to the queue..."); $this->jobsData[$host] = array(count(self::$ports), false); foreach (self::$ports as $port) { array_push($this->jobsQueue, array($host, $port)); } $this->moveQueue(); } /** This method returns the response to a request through the queue. */ private function sendResponse($requestPID) { $request = $this->requests[$requestPID]; $nRequests = array(); $nReqHF = array(); foreach ($this->requests as $id => $data) { if ($id != $requestPID) { $nRequests[$id] = $data; $nReqHF[$id] = $this->reqHostsFound[$id]; } } $this->reqHostsFound = $nReqHF; $this->requests = $nRequests; l::debug("Sending response to process #$requestPID"); msg_send($this->control, $requestPID, $request, true); } /** This method sends a "ping" packet to all waiting processes. */ private function sendPing() { l::trace("Pinging processes"); foreach (array_keys($this->requests) as $id) { msg_send($this->control, $id, "PING", true); } } /** This method is called when the processing of a host * is complete. */ private function hostFinished($host) { l::trace("Host scanning finished for $host"); $result = $this->jobsData[$host][1]; // Remove the entry from jobsData $nData = array(); foreach ($this->jobsData as $h => $d) { if ($h != $host) { $nData[$h] = $d; } } $this->jobsData = $nData; // Store result in cache $this->storeCache($host, $result); // Check all requests that contained this host $checkRequests = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->requests) as $request) { if (array_key_exists($host, $this->requests[$request])) { $this->reqHostsFound[$request] ++; $this->requests[$request][$host] = $result ? 1 : 0; array_push($checkRequests, $request); } } // For each request that contained the host, check if it's completed $finished = array(); foreach ($checkRequests as $request) { if ($this->reqHostsFound[$request] == count($this->requests[$request])) { array_push($finished, $request); } } // Send responses to completed requests foreach ($finished as $request) { $this->sendResponse($request); } } /** This method sends free threads a scanning order if the * jobs queue isn't empty. */ private function moveQueue() { while ($this->nFree > 0 && count($this->jobsQueue)) { $job = array_shift($this->jobsQueue); foreach ($this->threads as $thread) { if ($thread->free) { l::trace("Assigning port {$job[1]} at {$job[0]} to thread {$thread->pid}"); $this->nFree --; $thread->free = false; $thread->send(array( "type" => "SCAN", "scan" => $job )); break; } } } } /** This method stores the result of a scan in the cache. */ private function storeCache($host, $result) { $this->cache[$host] = array( "status" => $result ? 1 : 0, "last" => time() ); $this->cacheModified = time(); } /** This method reads the cache from the database. */ private function initCache() { $this->cacheModified = 0; $this->cache = array(); $success = false; do { try { $db = db::connect(); $db->enableExceptions(); $db->query("LOCK TABLE proxy_detector IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE"); $cacheRead = new db_copy("proxy_detector"); $cacheRead->setAccessor($db); $cacheRead->execute(); $db->end(); $db->close(); $db->disableExceptions(); $success = true; } catch (Exception $e) { l::notice("Could not read cache from database. Will retry in 20 seconds."); l::info($e->getMessage()); if (!is_null($db)) { l::trace("Closing database connection"); $db->close(); $db->disableExceptions(); } sleep(20); } } while (! $success); for ($i = 0; $i < $cacheRead->rows(); $i ++) { $row = $cacheRead->getRow($i); $this->cache[$row[0]] = array( "last" => $row[1], "status" => $row[2] == 't' ? 1 : 0 ); } } /** This method tries to store the cache's contents in the * database. */ private function flushCache() { if (! $this->cacheModified || time() - $this->cacheModified < 20) { return; } l::debug("Flushing cache to database"); $db = null; try { $db = db::connect(); $db->enableExceptions(); $db->query("LOCK TABLE proxy_detector IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE"); $toWrite = $this->formatCache(); $toWrite->setAccessor($db); $toWrite->execute(); $db->end(); $db->close(); $db->disableExceptions(); } catch (Exception $e) { l::notice("Could not write cache to database."); l::info($e->getMessage()); if (!is_null($db)) { l::trace("Closing database connection"); $db->close(); $db->disableExceptions(); } return; } $this->cacheModified = 0; } /** This method prepares the cache for copy into the database. */ private function formatCache() { $cache = new db_copy("proxy_detector", db_copy::copyToClean); $now = time(); foreach ($this->cache as $host => $data) { if ($now - $data['last'] > 3 * 86400) { continue; } $cache->appendRow(array($host, $data['last'], $data['status'] ? 't' : 'f')); } return $cache; } } ?>