Legacy Worlds Home Page
The LegacyWorlds home page consists in three different sections:
- a top banner containing a set of links
- a left panel containing various forms and information
- a middle section which consists in the body of the page
The following sections of the manual will present those various items.
The top banner consists in the set of links that allow you to navigate between the various pages of the external LegacyWorlds web site:
- Home: to go back to the home page
- Create Account: to go to the account creation form; this link is only present if you're not logged in yet
- Manual: to go to the manual page
- Rankings: to go to the external Rankings page
The left panel can be split into two sections:
- Top part: it includes account related data
- Bottom part: it presents some rankings or manual browsing facilities
The top part of this panel includes account related information.
When you are not logged in, it presents three sets of data:
- login form: in order to log in, type you username and password in the corresponding fields and click on the Log in -> button. You will then log in into your account
- players information: the number of online players and registered players are displayed below the login form
- Terms of use: ait's a link to a special page describing shortly the terms of use for the page
When you are logged in, this section presents the name of the account with which you have logged in. Below you'll find a link to the account's preferences pages and the terms of use page and a Log out link. Clicking on the log out button logs out the account and directs you to a special log out page.
On most pages, the bottom part of the left panel presents the Top Ten of the Public Beta 5 Overall round rankings, including Player name and corresponding number of Points.
The very bottom part of the left panel provides the version number of the newest LegacyWorlds game.
On the manual page, it contains manual navigation tools, that will be explained along with the manual page.
The home page for the game has two different layouts depending if you're logged in or not. Each will be described in the next parapgraphs.
If you're not logged in, this page presents a quick introduction to the game. It also provides a link to the website of the team who built the game: DeepClone Development.
Below this introduction, you can find an Online Games Directories title. This part of the page lists online review of the game on the following websites:
The bottom part of the page includes a set of links allow you to access other DeepClone Development games related items:
- F1 Manager Pro: another online game developed by the team
- Legacy Worlds Beta 4: this link directs you to the main page of the previous version of the game (beta 4) if you wish to play it. This older version will be kept running for a few more months
- external forums: since beta 1-4 didn't have any included forums, external forums on a website hosting message boards were created. This link directs you to this external forum.
If you are logged in, this page is split into three sections:
- A games related section
- A vacation mode related section
- A closing account related section
The next paragraphs will cover all these topics.
The games related section presents the list of games you are currently playing, including:
- Game name: the name of the game
- Planets: the number of planets you own in this particular game
- Cash: the amount of money you own in this game
Clicking on the name of a game will log you in this game.
Vacation mode allows you to take a break from the game. Entering vacation mode doesn't deleted your account nor your game data and you're still able to access the pages of the games you're playing. Being on vacation only means that your assets are protected but that you can't perform any game actions.
This part of the page first of all provides you with some information about your vacation status:
- number of vacation credits: vacation credits correspond to period of 6h during which you can stay in vacation
- Corresponding period of time: the period of time corresponding to your amount of vacation credits
Below is displayed a Enter Vacation mode button. Clicking the button starts the process of entering vacation mode which is described more precisely in the vacation mode section of the manual.
Closing your account allows you to permanently remove all game data link to your account.
This part of the page first of all explains what closing the account means. Below is displayed a Close my account button. Clicking the button gets you to the forms that allow you to actually close your account, which is explained more precisely in the closing account section of the manual.
Once on the manual page, you have access both to the manual itself and to a set of tools in the bottom part of the left panel. Both will be presented here.
All manual pages are organised in the same fashion:
- The title of the manual section is displayed at the top of the page
- Below the title, the contents of the sections are displayed in a bulleted list. Each item in the list is an internal link to the corresponding part of the page
- The main parts of each section (top level bullets in the contents) are separated by horizontal lines
- In the body of the page, each title is followed with a Top link on the right. Clicking this link will get you back to the top of the page
There are three kinds of navigation tools that allow you to browse the manual:
- A set of navigation links: those links (Top, Previous, Up, Next) allow you to go back and forth in your navigation session
- A search facility: type in a keyword in the provided textfield and click on the Search button. This will direct you to a special result page displaying the manual sections including your search string with links to access them.
- A contents list: This list includes a set of manual topics corresponding each to one manual page. Clicking on one of those topics will display the corresponding page.
The Rankings page allows you to access all rankings for any LegacyWorlds game. The top of the page consists in a form where you can choose the rankings to display, by selecting:
- Game: the first drop down list allows you to select the game for which you want to see the rankings
- Rankings: the second drop down list allows you to select the type of rankings to display
Clicking the Display Rankings button updates the rankings list in the bottom part of the page. This list includes for each player in the rankings:
- Rank: number of the rank
- Name: name of the player
- Points: number of points the player has for this particular ranking