call('isRestrained', $player)) {
menuEntry('Marketplace', 'market', 'Sell stuff to other players and buy other stuff from them.');
menuEntry('Enemies', 'enemylist', 'Manage your enemy list.');
menuEntry('Trusted Allies', 'allies', 'Manage your trusted allies list.');
menuTopLevelBegin('Universe', 'universe', 'Overview of the game universe.');
if (input::$IE) {
menuEntry('Maps', 'map', 'View the maps of the game universe.');
menuEntry('Rankings', 'rank', 'View the rankings of players and alliances.');
} else {
menuSubBegin('Maps', 'map', 'View the maps of the game universe.');
menuEntry('Planets', 'map?menu=p', 'View the planets in the current universe.');
menuEntry('Alliances', 'map?menu=a', 'View planets belonging to alliances in the current universe.');
menuEntry('Listing', 'map?menu=l', 'View a listing of the planets in the game universe.');
menuSubBegin('Rankings', 'rank', 'View the rankings of players and alliances.');
menuEntry('Summary', 'rank?p=s', 'Overview of your current ranking.');
menuEntry('General', 'rank?p=g', 'Display general player rankings.');
menuEntry('Detailed', 'rank?p=d', 'Display detailed player rankings.');
menuEntry('Alliance', 'rank?p=a', 'Display alliance rankings.');
menuEntry('Overall', 'rank?p=o', 'Display overall player rankings.');
menuEntry('Damage', 'rank?p=i', 'Display inflicted damage rankings.');
menuEntry('Ticks', 'ticks', 'Display details about the ticks.');
menuEntry('Manual', 'manual', 'The manual. Newbies, please read it. Seriously.');
menuTopLevelBegin('Communications', 'comms', 'An overview of your communications with other players');
menuEntry('Compose', 'message?a=c', 'Compose a new private message.');
menuEntry('Inbox', 'message?a=f&f=I', 'View the contents of your inbox.');
if (input::$IE) {
menuEntry('Transmissions', 'message?a=f&f=T', 'View internal transmissions');
menuEntry('Folders', 'message?a=mf', 'Manage your custom folders.');
} else {
menuSubBegin('Folders', 'message?a=mf', 'Manage your custom folders.', 'jsfmenu');
menuEntry('Transmissions', 'message?a=f&f=T', 'View internal transmissions');
menuEntry('Outbox', 'message?a=f&f=O', 'View the messages you sent.');
menuEntry('Forums', 'forums?cmd=o', 'Access the forums.');
if ($accounts->call('isLeech', $_SESSION['userid'])) {
menuTopLevelEntry('Contribute!', makeLink('contrib', 'main'), 'Contribute to LegacyWorlds!');
if ($accounts->call('isAdmin', $_SESSION['userid'])) {
menuTopLevelEntry('Admin', 'admin', 'Administrative tools');