<?php class beta5_tech_switchLaw { function __construct($lib) { $this->lib = $lib; $this->db = $this->lib->game->db; $this->rules = $this->lib->game->getLib('beta5/rules'); } // Enacts or revoke a law function run($pl, $id) { $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT p.in_effect, r.cost FROM research_player p, research r " . "WHERE p.player = $pl AND p.research = $id AND r.id = $id " . "AND p.points = r.points AND r.is_law AND p.in_effect IN (0,1)" ); if (!($q && dbCount($q) == 1)) { return false; } list($ie, $cost) = dbFetchArray($q); $q = $this->db->query("SELECT cash FROM player WHERE id = $pl"); list($cash) = dbFetchArray($q); if ($cash < $cost) { return false; } $this->db->query("UPDATE player SET cash = cash - $cost WHERE id = $pl"); $this->db->query("UPDATE research_player SET in_effect = ".($ie==0?"6":"-5")." WHERE player = $pl AND research = $id"); // Change the player's rules $q = $this->db->query("SELECT rule,modifier FROM research_effect WHERE research = $id"); $rules = array(); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { $rules[$r[0]] = ($ie ? -1 : 1) * $r[1]; } $this->rules->call('change', $pl, $rules); return true; } } ?>