beta5 en Overview Page
The overview page provides you with a summary of the situation of your empire along with general information about the universe.
This overview page exists in two versions: The difference between the two is of course that the complete overview includes more information and more precise data than the short one.
You can switch between short and complete overview by clicking on the link in the top right corner of the page.
The following sections of the manual will describe each of them.
This overview provides you with a few simple facts about your empire and the universe.
Among empire related data you may find:
  • Messages: an update about pending messages along with links to the relevant mail boxes if you have new messages. A link to get directly to the Compose page of the messaging system is also provided
  • Planets: this section sums up the status of your planets. It displays the number of planets you own, the total population of your empire and the total number of factories you have built
  • Fleets: this section indicates the total average power of your fleets
  • Money: here is displayed your total daily profit
This section provides a few useful facts about the universe:
  • Forums: this section informs you if you have unread topics in either general or alliance specific forums. It also provides links to the page of each of those forums' categories
  • Planets: this section indicates the total number of planets in the universe
  • Next ticks: here is provided a countdown to the next tick of each category: battle, cash, day and hour tick.
  • Rankings: here are displayed your two major rankings: general and round rankings
This overview provides you more detailed information about the same topics as the short overview.
Here you will find some information about your messaging system's status. For each of of your default folders (Inbox, Internal Transmissions and Outbox) you will find:
  • Name of the folder, consisting in a direct link to that folder
  • Number of messages in the folder
  • Number of unread messages in the folder if any
A Compose link which directs you to the compose page of the messaging system is also available.
In the Planets section of the overview, you will find:
  • Planets owned: total number of planets in your empire, along with the average happiness
  • Average corruption: average corruption calculated based on corruption on each of your planets
  • Total population: population of your whole empire along with a per planet average
  • Total factories: count of all your military and industrial factories throughtout your whole empire along with a per planet average
  • Total turrets: total count of the turrets on all your planets with a per planet average
This section also include a More Details links which directs you to the Planets general page.
In this section, you will find general information about your fleets:
  • total fleet power
  • number of fleets and number of fleets engaged in battle if any
  • a More Details link to access directly the fleets page
This part of the complete overview indicates the number of new technologies (that is technologies you haven't implemented yet) that you have discovered. It also provides a direct link to the Research page.
This section consists in a finantial fact sheet for your empire. It includes:
  • Income: total daily income of your empire
  • Fleet upkeep: amount of money you have to spend each day to sustain your fleets
  • Daily Profit: amount of money you actually earn each day, once you have paid for your fleet upkeep
This section of the Universe overview provides you with a summary of the forums' status.
It includes a list of the various forums categories with a view link which directs you to the page of this forums category. All forums in each category are listed. For each forum:
  • The name of the forum consists in a link to the forum's main page
  • Next to the name, the number of topics in the forum is indicated
  • If relevant, the number of unread topic or topics with unread posts is displayed
Here you will find some data about the universe in which everything happens:
  • Total number of planets
  • Number of grid squares in the universe which aren't actually occupied stellar systems with planets but by nebulas
It also includes some universe related links:
  • Maps: to access directly the maps page
  • More Details: to go to the Universe main page
As on the short overview, this part includes a countdown to the next tick of each category: Battle tick, Cash tick, Day tick and Hour tick.
In this section, you will find the list of all rankings with your current rank in each ranking. It also provides a direct More Details link to access the Rankings page.