var pgTitles = ['Policy', 'Beacons']; var empPolTitle = "General Policy"; var plaPolTitle = "Planet-specific Policy"; var polTexts = ['probes from trusted allies', 'probes from alliance members', 'probes from other players', 'probes from enemies']; var polValue = ['Destroy', 'Jam', 'Allow']; var noPlanets = 'No planets were found.'; var planetTxt = 'Planet'; var polUse = 'Use a planet-specific policy instead of the general policy'; var polUseEmpire = 'This planet follows the empire\'s general policy'; var bcnCurrent = ['No beacon', 'Hyperspace Beacon', 'Probing Beacon', 'Advanced Warning Beacon']; var bcnNoUpgrade = 'There is no available upgrade for this planet\'s beacon.'; var bcnAlreadyBuilt = 'A beacon or probe has been built on this planet recently; you must wait for the next Day Tick.'; var bcnUpgrade = "You can upgrade this planet\'s beacon to the level of <b>__B__</b> (cost: <b>€__C__</b>)"; var bcnUpgradeBtn = "Upgrade Beacon"; var bcnInfoLevel = ['Minimal', 'Very rough estimate', 'Rough estimate', 'Fleet size', 'Positive identification']; var bcnUnknown = 'Unknown'; function PolicyPage_error(a) { var ec = parseInt(a.shift(), 10), str = 'Probes policy manager: error\n\n'; switch (ec) { case 0: str += 'Database error.'; break case 1: str += 'Invalid parameters.'; break; case 2: str += 'You no longer have control over this planet.'; break; default: str += 'Something weird has happened (unknown error).'; break; } alert(str); } function BeaconsPage_error(a) { var ec = parseInt(a.shift(), 10), str = 'Beacons manager: error\n\n'; switch (ec) { case 0: str += 'Invalid parameters.'; break; case 1: str += 'You no longer have control over this planet.'; break; case 2: str += 'You don\'t have enough cash to pay for this upgrade.'; break; case 200: str += 'You can\'t upgrade beacons while in vacation mode'; break; default: str += 'Something weird has happened (unknown error).'; break; } alert(str); } function BeaconsPage_confirmUpgrade(p) { var str = 'Are you sure you want to upgrade the beacon on planet\n' + + ' to the level of ' + bcnCurrent[p.cLevel + 1] + '\nfor ' + p.upgrade + ' euros?'; return confirm(str); }