Universe Overview Page
This page provides you with a status of Legacy Worlds' universe at a glance along with shortcuts to the most important items you might be interested in viewing. It is split into several sections.
This section provides you with general information about the galaxy in which the game takes place including:
- Planets: total number of planets in the galaxy
- Neutral planets: number of neutral planets in the galaxy
- Systems occupied by nebulas: number of systems which aren't occupied by stellar systems but by nebula squares
- Average turrets/planet: average number of turrets on the planets in the galaxy
- Average factories/planet: average number of factories on the planets in the galaxy
This part of the page informs you about the time at wich the next ticks will occure:
- Next Battle Tick
- Next Hour Tick
- Next Cash Tick
- Next Day Tick
It also provides a More Details link to the ticks page.
This section sums up your current status in the game rankings, presenting:
- your current general ranking and the associated number of points
- your current financial ranking and the associated number of points
- your current civilisation ranking and the associated number of points
- your current military ranking and the associated number of points
- you current inflicted damage ranking and the associated number of points
- your overall round ranking and the associated number of points
- the current number of players in the rankings
It also provides a More Details link to the Rankings page.