firstChild; while ($node) { if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $node->nodeName == 'Param') { $aName = $node->getAttribute('name'); if ($aName == '') { l::warn("CONFIG: a main parameter is missing a 'name' attribute"); } elseif (!isset(xml_config::$mGame->params[$aName])) { $aValue = $node->getAttribute('value'); $aFromEnv = $node->getAttribute('from-env'); $aValue = self::readFromEnv($aFromEnv, $aValue); xml_config::$mGame->params[$aName] = $aValue; } else { l::notice("CONFIG: duplicate main parameter '$aName'"); } } elseif ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { l::notice("CONFIG: found unexpected tag '{$node->nodeName}' in MainParams section"); } $node = $node->nextSibling; } } private static function parseMainTicks($root) { $node = $root->firstChild; while ($node) { if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $node->nodeName == 'Tick') { $tScript = $node->getAttribute('script'); $tFirst = $node->getAttribute('first'); $tInterval = $node->getAttribute('interval'); $tLast = $node->getAttribute('last'); if ($tScript == "" || $tFirst == "" || $tInterval == "") { l::warn("CONFIG: a main tick declaration is missing a mandatory attribute"); } elseif ((int)$tInterval == 0) { l::warn("CONFIG: invalid interval for main tick '$tScript'"); } elseif (is_null(xml_config::$mVersion->getTickDefinition($tScript))) { new tick_definition(xml_config::$mVersion, $tScript, false); new tick_instance(xml_config::$mGame, $tScript, (int)$tFirst, (int)$tInterval, $tLast ? (int)$tLast : null); } else { l::notice("CONFIG: duplicate main tick '$tScript'"); } } elseif ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { l::notice("CONFIG: found unexpected tag '{$node->nodeName}' in MainTicks section"); } $node = $node->nextSibling; } } private static function parseTickDefinition($version, $root) { $script = $root->getAttribute('script'); $public = ($root->getAttribute('public') == 1); if ($script == "") { l::warn("CONFIG: invalid tick definition for version {$version->id}"); return; } if (!is_null($version->getTickDefinition($script))) { l::notice("CONFIG: duplicate tick definition '$script' for version {$version->id}"); return; } $def = new tick_definition($version, $script, $public); if (!$public) { return; } $names = array(); $descs = array(); $node = $root->firstChild; while ($node) { if ($node->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $node = $node->nextSibling; continue; } if ($node->nodeName != "Name" && $node->nodeName != 'Description') { l::warn("CONFIG: unexpected tag '{$node->nodeName}' found in tick definition " . "'{$script}' for version '{$version->id}'"); $node = $node->nextSibling; continue; } $lang = $node->getAttribute('lang'); if ($lang == '') { l::warn("CONFIG: missing language for {$node->nodeName} in tick definition " . "'{$script}' for version '{$version->id}'"); $node = $node->nextSibling; continue; } $contents = trim($node->textContent); if ($contents == '') { l::warn("CONFIG: missing contents for {$node->nodeName} in tick definition " . "'{$script}' for version '{$version->id}'"); $node = $node->nextSibling; continue; } if ($node->nodeName == 'Name') { $names[$lang] = $contents; } else { $descs[$lang] = $contents; } $node = $node->nextSibling; } foreach ($names as $lang => $name) { $def->addText($lang, $name, $descs[$lang]); } } private static function parseVersion($root) { $id = $root->getAttribute("id"); $cp = ($root->getAttribute("playable") == 1); $tx = $root->getAttribute("text"); if ($id == "" || $tx == "") { l::warn("CONFIG: invalid version definition (missing identifier or text)"); return null; } elseif ($id == 'main') { l::warn("CONFIG: invalid version definition (using 'main' identifier)"); return null; } $version = new version($id, $cp, $tx); $node = $root->firstChild; while ($node) { if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $node->nodeName == 'Tick') { xml_config::parseTickDefinition($version, $node); } elseif ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { l::warn("CONFIG: found unexpected tag '{$node->nodeName}' in MainTicks section"); } $node = $node->nextSibling; } return $version; } private static function parseVersions($root) { $node = $root->firstChild; $versions = array(); while ($node) { if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $node->nodeName == 'Version') { $v = xml_config::parseVersion($node); if (!is_null($v)) { if (isset($versions[$v->id])) { l::notice("CONFIG: found duplicate definition for version '{$v->id}'"); } else { $versions[$v->id] = $v; } } } elseif ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { l::notice("CONFIG: found unexpected tag '{$node->nodeName}' in Versions section"); } $node = $node->nextSibling; } return $versions; } private static function parseGame($root) { $id = $root->getAttribute('id'); if ($id == '') { l::warn("CONFIG: game definition is missing an identifier"); return null; } if ($id == 'main') { l::warn("CONFIG: game definition with 'main' identifier ignored"); return null; } $version = $root->getAttribute('version'); if (is_null(xml_config::$versions[$version])) { l::warn("CONFIG: game '$id' has unknown version '$version'"); return null; } $namespace = $root->getAttribute('namespace'); if ($namespace == '') { l::warn("CONFIG: no namespace defined for game '$id'"); return null; } $text = $root->getAttribute('text'); if ($namespace == '') { l::warn("CONFIG: no text for game '$id'"); return null; } $public = ($root->getAttribute('public') == 1); $canJoin = ($root->getAttribute('canjoin') == 1); $game = new game(xml_config::$versions[$version], $id, $namespace, $public, $canJoin, $text); $node = $root->firstChild; while ($node) { if ($node->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $node = $node->nextSibling; continue; } if ($node->nodeName == 'Param') { $aName = $node->getAttribute('name'); $aValue = $node->getAttribute('value'); if ($aName == "") { l::warn("CONFIG: a parameter is missing a 'name' attribute for game '$id'"); } elseif (isset($game->params[$aName])) { l::notice("CONFIG: duplicate parameter '$aName'"); } else { $game->params[$aName] = $aValue; } } elseif ($node->nodeName == 'Description') { $lang = $node->getAttribute('lang'); $contents = trim($node->textContent); if ($lang == "") { l::warn("CONFIG: a description is missing the 'lang' attribute for game '$id'"); } elseif ($contents == "") { l::warn("CONFIG: description in language '$lang' has no contents for game '$id'"); } elseif (isset($game->descriptions[$lang])) { l::notice("CONFIG: description in language '$lang' appears twice for game '$id'"); } else { $game->descriptions[$lang] = $contents; } } elseif ($node->nodeName == 'Tick') { $tScript = $node->getAttribute('script'); $tFirst = $node->getAttribute('first'); $tInterval = $node->getAttribute('interval'); $tLast = $node->getAttribute('last'); if ($tScript == "" || $tFirst == "" || $tInterval == "") { l::warn("CONFIG: a tick declaration is missing a mandatory attribute " . "for game '$id'"); } elseif ((int)$tInterval == 0) { l::warn("CONFIG: invalid interval for tick '$tScript' in game '$id'"); } elseif (is_null($game->version->getTickDefinition($tScript))) { l::warn("CONFIG: no definition for tick '$tScript' in game '$id' " . "(version '$version')"); } elseif (isset($game->ticks[$tScript])) { l::notice("CONFIG: duplicate tick initialiser for tick '$tScript' in game '$id'"); } else { new tick_instance($game, $tScript, (int)$tFirst, (int)$tInterval, $tLast ? (int)$tLast : null); } } else { l::notice("CONFIG: found unexpected tag '{$node->nodeName}' in game '$id' definition"); } $node = $node->nextSibling; } return $game; } private static function parseGames($root) { $defaultId = $root->getAttribute('default'); $games = array(); $node = $root->firstChild; while ($node) { if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $node->nodeName == 'Game') { $g = xml_config::parseGame($node); if (!is_null($g)) { if (isset($games[$g->name])) { l::notice("CONFIG: found duplicate definition for game '{$v->name}'"); } else { $games[$g->name] = $g; } } } elseif ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { l::notice("CONFIG: found unexpected tag '{$node->nodeName}' in Games section"); } $node = $node->nextSibling; } if (count($games) && ($defaultId == '' || is_null($games[$defaultId]))) { $defaultId = $games[0]->name; l::notice("CONFIG: no default game, using '$defaultId'"); } xml_config::$defGame = $defaultId; return $games; } public static function parse($xmlData) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); if (!$doc->loadXML($xmlData)) { l::error("CONFIG: error while parsing XML configuration"); return false; } xml_config::$mVersion = new version('main', false, 'Legacy Worlds'); xml_config::$mGame = new game(xml_config::$mVersion, 'main', '', false, false, 'Legacy Worlds'); xml_config::$versions = null; xml_config::$games = null; xml_config::$defGame = null; $root = $doc->documentElement; $node = $root->firstChild; while ($node) { if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { switch ($node->nodeName) : case 'MainParams': xml_config::parseMainParams($node); break; case 'MainTicks': xml_config::parseMainTicks($node); break; case 'Versions': if (is_array(xml_config::$versions)) { l::notice("CONFIG: found duplicate set of version definitions"); } else { xml_config::$versions = xml_config::parseVersions($node); } break; case 'Games': if (is_array(xml_config::$games)) { l::notice("CONFIG: found duplicate set of game definitions"); } elseif (is_array(xml_config::$versions)) { xml_config::$games = xml_config::parseGames($node); } else { l::notice("CONFIG: game definitions found before version " . "definitions, ignored"); } break; default: l::notice("CONFIG: found unknown tag '{$node->nodeName}' at toplevel"); break; endswitch; } $node = $node->nextSibling; } if (!is_array(xml_config::$versions) || count(xml_config::$versions) == 0) { l::error("CONFIG: no versions have been defined!"); return false; } if (!is_array(xml_config::$games) || count(xml_config::$games) == 0) { l::error("CONFIG: no games have been defined!"); return false; } xml_config::$versions['main'] = xml_config::$mVersion; xml_config::$games['main'] = xml_config::$mGame; return new config(xml_config::$versions, xml_config::$games, xml_config::$defGame); } } ?>