query = $query; } public function getQuery() { return $this->query; } } class db_deadlock_exception extends Exception { public function __construct($error) { parent::__construct("Deadlock detected ($error)"); } } class db { static $database = null; private $accessors = array(); private $isOpen = false; private $cString = ''; private $conn = null; private $inTrans = false; private $queries = 0; private $__needsReset = false; private $useExceptions = 0; private $trace = false; static function connect() { if (self::$database && ! self::$database->open()) { throw new db_srv_exception("unable to connect"); } else { new db(); } return self::$database; } public function __construct() { if (!$this->open()) { throw new db_srv_exception("unable to connect"); } self::$database = $this; } public function open() { if ($this->isOpen) { return true; } // Get access to the 'main' game $main = config::getGame('main'); if (!$main) { if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_srv_exception("failed to fetch 'main' pseudo-game"); } return false; } // Generate the connection string if ($this->cString == '') { $cString = "dbname='{$main->params['dbname']}'"; if ($main->params['dbhost'] != '') { $cString .= " host='{$main->params['dbhost']}' sslmode='disable'"; } if ($main->params['dbuser'] != '') { $cString .= " user='{$main->params['dbuser']}'"; } if ($main->params['dbpass'] != '') { $cString .= " password='{$main->params['dbpass']}'"; } $this->cString = $cString; } // Connect to the database ob_start(); $this->conn = pg_connect($this->cString); $error = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // Check status if (!$this->conn || pg_connection_status($this->conn) == PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD) { $this->conn = null; if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_srv_exception("database connection failed: $error"); } return false; } $this->isOpen = true; $this->inTrans = false; $this->queries = 1; if (!@pg_query($this->conn, 'SET search_path=public,main')) { $error = pg_last_error(); @pg_close($this->conn); $this->conn = null; if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_sql_exception('SET search_path=public,main', "failed to initialise search path: $error"); } return false; } $this->begin(); return true; } public function close() { if (! $this->isOpen) { return; } $this->end(); @pg_close($this->conn); $this->isOpen = false; $this->accessors = array(); if ($this->queries >= 20) { l::debug("SQL: connection closed after {$this->queries} queries"); } } public function enableExceptions() { $this->useExceptions ++; } public function disableExceptions() { if ($this->useExceptions > 0) { $this->useExceptions --; } } private function fail($logTxt, $query) { if ($this->error) { if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_sql_exception($query, $logText); } return; } l::error("SQL: $logTxt"); l::info("QUERY: $query"); l::backtrace(); $this->error = true; if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_sql_exception($query, $logTxt); } } public function begin() { if ($this->inTrans || $this->__needsReset) { return; } if (@pg_query($this->conn, "BEGIN TRANSACTION")) { $this->queries ++; $this->inTrans = true; $this->error = false; } else { l::error("SQL: could not start transaction"); l::info("SQL: error was " . ($error = pg_last_error($this->conn))); if (pg_connection_status($this->conn) == PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD) { $this->__needsReset = true; if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_srv_exception($error); } } else { if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_sql_exception("BEGIN TRANSACTION", $error); } } } } public function end($rollback = false) { if (!$this->inTrans) { return true; } $r = ($rollback || $this->error); $query = $r ? "ROLLBACK" : "COMMIT"; if (@pg_query($this->conn, $query)) { $this->queries ++; $this->inTrans = false; } else { $cStat = pg_connection_status($this->conn); $error = pg_last_error($this->conn); if ($cStat == PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD) { l::notice("SQL: could not end transaction, connection is in an invalid status"); $this->__needsReset = true; if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_srv_exception($error); } } else { l::error("SQL: could not end transaction while " . ($r ? "rolling back" : "comitting")); l::info("SQL ERROR: $error"); l::backtrace(); if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_sql_exception($query, $error); } } return false; } return true; } public function query($query) { if (!$this->inTrans) { $this->fail("query executed outside of transaction", $query); return null; } $this->queries ++; if ($this->trace) { l::trace("EXECUTE: $query"); } $r = @pg_query($this->conn, $query); if (!$r) { $cStat = pg_connection_status($this->conn); $error = pg_last_error($this->conn); if ($cStat == PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD) { l::notice("SQL: connection is gone while executing query"); l::debug("QUERY: $query"); $this->__needsReset = true; $this->error = true; if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_srv_exception($error); } return; } elseif (preg_match('/deadlock/i', $error)) { l::error("SQL: deadlock detected"); if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_deadlock_exception($error); } $this->error = true; return; } else { $this->fail("an error has occured: $error", $query); } } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*insert\s+into ("?\w+"?)/i', $query, $match)) { pg_free_result($r); $tn = $match[1]; if ($tn[0] == '"') { $tn = str_replace('"', '', $tn); } else { $tn = strtolower($tn); } $r2 = @pg_query("SELECT last_inserted('$tn')"); if ($r2) { $rv = pg_fetch_row($r2); if (is_null($rv[0])) { $r = true; } else { $r = $rv[0]; } pg_free_result($r2); } elseif (preg_match('/deadlock/i', $error)) { l::error("SQL: deadlock detected"); if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_deadlock_exception($error); } $this->error = true; return; } else { $cStat = pg_connection_status($this->conn); $error = pg_last_error($this->conn); if ($cStat == PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD) { l::notice("SQL: connection is gone while fetching last ID"); $this->__needsReset = true; if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_srv_exception($error); } } else { $this->fail("failed to fetch last ID: $error", "SELECT last_inserted('$tn')"); } $r = null; } } return $r; } public function getGameAccess($prefix) { if (!isset($this->accessors[$prefix])) { $this->accessors[$prefix] = new db_accessor($this, $prefix); } return $this->accessors[$prefix]; } public function needsReset() { return $this->__needsReset; } public function reset($attempts = 5, $delay = 1) { l::notice("SQL: resetting connection after {$this->queries} queries"); $this->__needsReset = false; $i = 0; do { $rv = @pg_connection_reset($this->conn); if (!$rv) { $error = pg_last_error($this->conn); $i ++; l::warn("Reconnection attempt #$i failed" . ($i < $attempts ? ", retrying" : "")); sleep($delay); } } while ($i < $attempts && !$rv); if ($rv) { $this->error = false; $this->inTrans = false; $this->queries = 0; $this->trace = true; } else { $this->isOpen = false; if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_srv_exception($error); } } return $rv; } public function copyTo($table, $data) { $actualData = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { $actualRow = array(); foreach ($row as $column) { if (is_null($column)) { $output = "\\N"; } elseif (is_string($column)) { $output = preg_replace( array('/\\\\/', '/\x08/', '/\f/', '/\r/', '/\\n/', '/\t/', '/\v/'), array('\\\\\\', '\\b', '\\f', '\\r', '\\n', '\\t', '\\v'), $column ); } else { $output = $column; } array_push($actualRow, $output); } array_push($actualData, join("\t", $actualRow)); } $result = @pg_copy_from($this->conn, $table, $actualData); if (!$result) { $cStat = pg_connection_status($this->conn); $error = pg_last_error($this->conn); if ($cStat == PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD) { l::notice("SQL: connection is gone while copying into table '$table'"); $this->__needsReset = true; $this->error = true; if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_srv_exception($error); } return false; } elseif (preg_match('/deadlock/i', $error)) { l::error("SQL: deadlock detected while copying into table '$table'"); if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_deadlock_exception($error); } $this->error = true; return false; } else { $this->fail("an error has occured: $error", "COPY \"$table\" FROM STDIN"); } } return true; } public function copyFrom($table) { $result = pg_copy_to($this->conn, $table); if ($result === FALSE) { $cStat = pg_connection_status($this->conn); $error = pg_last_error($this->conn); if ($cStat == PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD) { l::notice("SQL: connection is gone while copying from table '$table'"); $this->__needsReset = true; $this->error = true; if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_srv_exception($error); } return false; } elseif (preg_match('/deadlock/i', $error)) { l::error("SQL: deadlock detected while copying from table '$table'"); if ($this->useExceptions) { throw new db_deadlock_exception($error); } $this->error = true; return false; } else { $this->fail("an error has occured: $error", "COPY \"$table\" TO STDOUT"); } } $actualData = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $actualRow = array(); $splitRow = explode("\t", $row); foreach ($splitRow as $column) { if ($column == "\\N") { $output = null; } else { $output = preg_replace( array('/\\\\b/', '/\\\\f/', '/\\\\r/', '/\\\\n/', '/\\\\t/', '/\\\\v/', '/\\\\\\\\/'), array("\x08", "\x0c", "\r", "\n", "\t", "\x0b", "\\"), $column ); } array_push($actualRow, $output); } array_push($actualData, $actualRow); } return $actualData; } } ?>