game = $game; if (is_null($libraries)) { $libraries = array(); } $this->__initLibraries($libraries); } /** This method loads libraries from the game instance and * stores them inside the $__libraries array. */ private function __initLibraries($libraries) { $libs = array(); foreach ($libraries as $key => $name) { $libs[$key] = $this->game->getLib($name); } $this->__libraries = $libs; } /** The __get() overload method is useful to access the * libraries associated with this game action. */ public function __get($var) { if (array_key_exists($var, $this->__libraries)) { return $this->__libraries[$var]; } return null; } } /** This function allows the user to call a game action function; it must * have at least one argument, which may be either a string (the name of the * action function to call for the current game version) or an array * containing two strings (the version identifier and the name of the action). * Other arguments may follow; they will be passed to the action function. */ function gameAction() { $sitePath = input::$path; $n = func_num_args(); if ($n == 0) { l::fatal(22, "Requested game was '$sitePath'"); } $args = func_get_args(); $gas = array_shift($args); if (is_array($gas)) { list($v,$a) = $gas; } elseif (is_string($gas)) { $v = $sitePath; $a = $gas; } else { l::fatal(23, "Requested game was '$sitePath'"); } array_unshift($args, $a); $g = config::getGame($v); l::deprecated("gameAction($v, $a, ...)"); return call_user_func_array(array($g, 'deprecatedAction'), $args); } ?>