2016-01-10 11:01:49 +01:00
-- LegacyWorlds Beta 5
-- PostgreSQL database scripts
-- 19-main-values.sql
-- Insert data into some of the main tables
-- Copyright(C) 2004-2007, DeepClone Development
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Connect to the database in ADMIN mode
\c legacyworlds legacyworlds_admin
2025-01-02 14:03:02 +01:00
-- Initial admin account
INSERT INTO main.account (name, email, password, status, vac_credits, last_login, last_logout, admin)
VALUES (:'admin_name', :'admin_mail', :'admin_password', 'STD', 240,
INSERT INTO main.credits (account, credits_obtained)
VALUES ((SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = :'admin_name'), 1000000000);
2016-01-10 11:01:49 +01:00
-- Peacekeepers AI
INSERT INTO main.account (name, email, password, status, vac_credits, last_login, last_logout, admin)
VALUES ('AI>Peacekeepers', 'not-a-valid-email@not-a-valid-domain.com',
2025-01-02 14:03:02 +01:00
:'peacekeepers_password', 'STD', 240,
2016-01-10 11:01:49 +01:00
-- Words banned from the manual's index
COPY main.man_index_ban FROM STDIN;
en -
en a
en am
en an
en as
en at
en and
en are
en be
en being
en by
en for
en had
en has
en have
en he
en if
en in
en into
en is
en it
en its
en it's
en of
en on
en or
en out
en she
en that
en the
en then
en these
en this
en those
en thus
en to
en was
en were
en with
en what
en when
en where
en which
en who
en you
en your
COPY main.f_smiley FROM STDIN;
:-?\\) smile
[:;]-?p razz
:-?D lol
[:;]-> biggrin
;-?\\) wink
;-?D mrgreen
:-?\\( sad
:evil: evil
:smile: smile
:happy: smile
:wink: wink
:sad: sad
:unhappy: sad
:'\\( cry
:cry: cry
:crying: cry
:grin: biggrin
:lol: lol
:tongue: razz
:rofl: mrgreen
[:;]-?\\| neutral
:neutral: neutral
COPY main.f_code FROM STDIN;
\\[b\\](.*?)\\[\\/b\\] <b>$1</b>
\\[u\\](.*?)\\[\\/u\\] <u>$1</u>
\\[i\\](.*?)\\[\\/i\\] <i>$1</i>
\\[sep(arator)?\\] <hr/>
\\[item\\](.*?)\\[\\/item\\] <ul><li>$1</li></ul>
\\[quote\\](.*?)\\[\\/quote\\] <blockquote class="quote">$1</blockquote>
\\[quote=([^\\]]+)\\](.*?)\\[\\/quote\\] <blockquote class="quote"><b>$1</b> said:<br/>$2</blockquote>
\\[link=(http[^\\]]+)\\](.+?)\\[\\/link\\] <a href="$1" target="_blank">$2</a>
\\[code\\](.*?)\\[\\/code\\] <pre>$1</pre>
<\\/li><\\/ul>\\s*(<br\\/>\\s*)*<ul><li> </li><li>
\\[manual\\](.*?)\\[\\/manual\\] <a href="manual" target="_blank">$1</a>
\\[manual=(\\w+)(#\\w+)?\\](.*?)\\[\\/manual\\] <a href="manual?p=$1$2" target="_blank">$3</a>
\\[topic=(\\d+)\\](.*?)\\[\\/topic\\] <a href="forums?cmd=T%23G%23$1" target="_blank">$2</a>
-- Connect to the database in USER mode
\c legacyworlds legacyworlds
-- Default values for user preferences
COPY main.user_preferences (id, version, value) FROM STDIN;
colour main red
font_size main 2
forums_nitems main 20
forums_ntopics main 20
forums_reversed main 1
forums_threaded main 1
forum_code main 1
smileys main 1
tooltips main 2