<td><input<?=tooltip('Use this text field to type in the string you wish to search for in the forums')?> type="text" name="stxt" value="<?=utf8entities($args['sparm']['text'], ENT_QUOTES)?>" size='40' /></td>
<input<?=tooltip('Use this radio button to search in post titles only')?> type="radio" name="sin" value="0"<?=$args['sparm']['whole']?'':' checked="checked"'?> id="sin0" /> <label for="sin0">Post titles</label>
<input<?=tooltip('Use this radio button to search in whole posts')?> type="radio" name="sin" value="1"<?=$args['sparm']['whole']?' checked="checked"':''?> id="sin1" /> <label for="sin1">Whole posts</label>
<input<?=tooltip('Use this radio button to use an ascending ordering of the retrieved posts')?> type="radio" name="sor" value="0"<?=$args['sparm']['sord']?'':' checked="checked"'?> id="sor0" /> <label for="sor0">Ascending</label>
<input<?=tooltip('Use this radio button to use a descending ordering of the retrieved posts')?> type="radio" name="sor" value="1"<?=$args['sparm']['sord']?' checked="checked"':''?> id="sor1" /> <label for="sor1">Descending</label>
<input<?=tooltip('Use this radio button to display whole posts')?> type="radio" name="srp" value="0"<?=$args['sparm']['resd']?'':' checked="checked"'?> id="srp0" /> <label for="srp0">As posts</label>
<input<?=tooltip('Use this radio button to display only the topics of the retrieved posts')?> type="radio" name="srp" value="1"<?=$args['sparm']['resd']?' checked="checked"':''?> id="srp1" /> <label for="srp1">As topics</label>
<tr><tdcolspan="2"> </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><input<?=tooltip('Click here to launch the search')?> type="submit" name="s" value="Search" /></td>