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2016-01-10 11:01:49 +01:00
// LegacyWorlds Beta 5
// Game libraries
// beta5/planet/library/detectFleets.inc
// This function checks fleets in HyperSpace standby around a planet and
// tries to detect them if possible.
// Copyright(C) 2004-2008, DeepClone Development
class beta5_planet_detectFleets {
public function __construct($lib) {
$this->lib = $lib;
$this->game = $this->lib->game;
$this->db = $this->game->db;
$this->ecm = $this->game->getLib('beta5/ecm');
$this->msgs = $this->game->getLib('beta5/msg');
$this->players = $this->game->getLib('beta5/player');
$this->fleets = $this->game->getLib('beta5/fleet');
public function run($planet) {
// Get information about the planet
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT owner, beacon, name FROM planet WHERE id = $planet");
list($owner, $beacon, $name) = dbFetchArray($q);
// If there's no beacon or no owner, we're done
$reqLevel = $this->game->params['fakebeacons'] ? 1 : 2;
if (is_null($owner) || $beacon < $reqLevel) {
// Get fleets that are in Hyperspace stand-by above the planet
$hsFleets = $this->getHSFleets($planet);
if (empty($hsFleets)) {
// Store planet name
if (is_null($this->pNames)) {
$this->pNames = array();
if (is_null($this->pNames[$planet])) {
$this->pNames[$planet] = $name;
// Get the planet owner's trusted allies and alliance
$allies = $this->getAllies($owner);
$alliance = $this->getAlliance($owner);
// Check each fleet for detection
foreach ($hsFleets as $fleet) {
if ($fleet['owner'] == $owner || in_array($fleet['owner'], $allies)) {
$this->tryDetect($planet, $owner, $alliance, $fleet);
private function getHSFleets($planet) {
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT f.id, f.owner, w.time_spent FROM fleet f, hs_wait w "
. "WHERE f.location IS NULL AND f.moving IS NULL "
. "AND w.id = f.waiting AND w.drop_point = $planet "
. "AND f.id NOT IN (SELECT fleet FROM beacon_detection WHERE planet = $planet)"
$fleets = array();
while ($r = dbFetchHash($q)) {
array_push($fleets, $r);
return $fleets;
private function getAllies($player) {
$rawAllies = $this->players->call('getAllies', $player);
$allies = array();
foreach ($rawAllies as $ally) {
array_push($allies, $ally['id']);
return $allies;
private function getAlliance($player) {
if (is_null($this->pAlliances)) {
$this->pAlliances = array();
if (is_null($this->pAlliances[$player])) {
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT alliance FROM player WHERE id = $player AND a_status = 'IN'");
if (dbCount($q)) {
list($alliance) = dbFetchArray($q);
} else {
$alliance = null;
$this->pAlliances[$player] = $alliance;
return $this->pAlliances[$player];
private function tryDetect($planet, $owner, $alliance, $fleet) {
// Compute probability of detection according to time spent
$tsProb = ($fleet['time_spent'] >= 3) ? 1 : (0.5 + $fleet['time_spent'] / 6);
// Get ECM/ECCM levels
$ecm = $this->getECMLevel($fleet['owner']);
$eccm = $this->getECCMLevel($owner);
// Compute probability of detection based on ECM/ECCM
$ecmProb = (1 + $this->ecm->call('getInformationLevel', $ecm, $eccm)) * 0.2;
// Get fleet owner's alliance
$fAlliance = $this->getAlliance($fleet['owner']);
// Actual probability
$prob = $tsProb * $ecmProb * 0.8;
if (!is_null($alliance) && $fAlliance === $alliance) {
$prob += 1/3;
$prob = min(1, $prob);
// Log it
logText("Planet #$planet: probability of detecting fleet #{$fleet['id']} is $prob "
. "(tsProb = $tsProb, ecmProb = $ecmProb)");
// Try detecting it
$rnd = rand(0, 100000) / 100000;
if ($rnd < $prob) {
$this->fleetDetected($planet, $owner, $fleet, $ecm, $eccm);
private function getECCMLevel($player) {
if (is_null($this->eccmLevel)) {
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT value FROM rule WHERE player = $player AND name = 'eccm_level'");
list($this->eccmLevel) = dbFetchArray($q);
return $this->eccmLevel;
private function getECMLevel($player) {
if (is_null($this->ecmLevel)) {
$this->ecmLevel = array();
if (is_null($this->ecmLevel[$player])) {
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT value FROM rule WHERE player = $player AND name = 'ecm_level'");
list($this->ecmLevel[$player]) = dbFetchArray($q);
return $this->ecmLevel[$player];
private function fleetDetected($planet, $owner, $fleet, $ecm, $eccm) {
// Get the information level
$iLevel = $this->ecm->call('getInformationLevel', $ecm, $eccm);
// Detected fleet size
if ($iLevel > 0) {
$fleetSize = $this->computeDetectedSize($iLevel, $fleet['id']);
} else {
$fleetSize = null;
logText("Planet #$planet: fleet #{$fleet['id']} detected at level $iLevel"
. ($iLevel == 0 ? "" : " (size: $fleetSize)"));
// Did we detect the owner?
if ($iLevel == 4) {
$fleetOwner = $fleet['owner'];
$fleetOwnerName = $this->players->call('getName', $fleetOwner);
} else {
$fleetOwner = $fleetOwnerName = null;
// Insert into the status table
$sQuery = "INSERT INTO beacon_detection(planet, fleet, i_level";
if ($iLevel > 0) {
$sQuery .= ", fl_size";
if ($iLevel == 4) {
$sQuery .= ", fl_owner";
$sQuery .= ") VALUES ($planet, {$fleet['id']}, $iLevel";
if ($iLevel > 0) {
$sQuery .= ", $fleetSize";
if ($iLevel == 4) {
$sQuery .= ", $fleetOwner";
// Send messages
$this->msgs->call('send', $owner, 'detect', array(
"planet" => $planet,
"p_name" => $this->pNames[$planet],
"is_owner" => 'f',
"i_level" => $iLevel,
"fl_size" => $fleetSize,
"flo_id" => $fleetOwner,
"flo_name" => $fleetOwnerName
$this->msgs->call('send', $fleet['owner'], 'detect', array(
"planet" => $planet,
"p_name" => $this->pNames[$planet],
"is_owner" => 't',
"i_level" => $iLevel
private function computeDetectedSize($iLevel, $fleet) {
// Compute the actual fleet size
$fData = $this->fleets->call('get', $fleet);
$actualFleetSize = $this->fleets->call('getPower', $fData['owner'], $fData['gaships'],
$fData['fighters'], $fData['cruisers'], $fData['bcruisers']);
// Compute the detected fleet size
if ($iLevel >= 3) {
$variation = 0;
} elseif ($iLevel == 2) {
$variation = rand(5, 10) / 100;
} elseif ($iLevel == 1) {
$variation = rand(20, 30) / 100;
$variation = rand(0,1) ? $variation : (-$variation);
return round($actualFleetSize * ($variation + 1));