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2016-01-10 11:01:49 +01:00
// "Cash tick": Income computations & fleet destruction
class beta5_ticks_cash_library {
public function __construct($lib) {
$this->lib = $lib;
$this->game = $this->lib->game;
$this->db = $this->game->db;
$this->fleets = $this->game->getLib('beta5/fleet');
$this->msgs = $this->game->getLib('beta5/msg');
$this->planets = $this->game->getLib('beta5/planet');
$this->players = $this->game->getLib('beta5/player');
$this->rules = $this->game->getLib('beta5/rules');
public function runTick() {
// Update time required to abandon planets
$this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, "handleAbandon"));
// Handle the players' income
$players = $this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, "getPlayers"));
foreach ($players as $player) {
$this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, "playerIncome"), $player);
// Handle CTF victory
$this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, "checkCTF"));
public function checkCTF() {
// Check victory status on CTF games
if ($this->game->params['victory'] == 2 && ! $this->game->getLib()->call('isFinished')) {
public function getPlayers() {
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT id FROM player "
. "WHERE quit IS NULL "
. "OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - quit < 86400"
$players = array();
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
array_push($players, $r[0]);
return $players;
public function playerIncome($id) {
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT p.cash, (a.status = 'VAC') FROM player p,account a "
. "WHERE p.id = $id AND a.id = p.userid "
list($cash, $vac) = dbFetchArray($q);
$protected = $this->players->call('getProtectionLevel', $id);
$div = ($vac == 't' ? 4 : 1);
$mult = ($protected ? 1.15 : 1);
$income = round($this->computeIncome($id) * $mult / $div);
$upkeep = round($this->computeUpkeep($id) / $div);
$profit = ceil($income - $upkeep) / 2;
$cash += $profit;
if ($cash < 0) {
$this->debt($id, $income, $upkeep, $cash);
$cash = 0;
$this->db->query("UPDATE player SET cash=$cash WHERE id=$id");
private function computeIncome($player) {
$income = 0;
$ppl = $this->players->call('getPlanets', $player);
foreach ($ppl as $id => $name) {
$info = $this->planets->call('byId', $id);
$m = $this->planets->call('getIncome', $player, $info['pop'], $info['happiness'],
$info['ifact'], $info['mfact'], $info['turrets'], $info['corruption']);
$income += $m[0];
return $income;
private function computeUpkeep($player) {
$pfl = $this->players->call('getFleets', $player);
$upkeep = 0;
foreach ($pfl as $id => $name) {
$info = $this->fleets->call('get', $id);
$u = $this->fleets->call('getUpkeep', $player, $info['gaships'], $info['fighters'],
$info['cruisers'], $info['bcruisers']);
$upkeep += $u;
return $upkeep;
private function killFleets($id, $ratio) {
$fl = array_keys($this->players->call('getFleets', $id));
$rules = $this->rules->call('get', $id);
$kills = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
foreach ($fl as $fid) {
$f = $this->fleets->call('get', $fid);
if (is_null($f['waiting']) && (is_null($f['moving'])
|| !is_null($f['moving']) && $f['move']['hyperspace'] == 'f')) {
// Fleet is idle or not in HyperSpace
$kg = ceil($ratio * $f['gaships']);
$kf = ceil($ratio * $f['fighters']);
$kc = ceil($ratio * $f['cruisers']);
$kb = ceil($ratio * $f['bcruisers']);
} else {
// Fleet is in Hyperspace
$kc = ceil($f['cruisers'] * $ratio);
$kb = ceil($f['bcruisers'] * $ratio);
// Compute the amount of transported ships to be destroyed
// FIXME: computeHyperspaceDamage() ?
$gaSpace = $f['gaships'] * $rules['gaship_space'];
$fSpace = $f['fighters'] * $rules['fighter_space'];
$tSpace = $gaSpace + $fSpace;
if ($tSpace > 0) {
$haul = $f['cruisers'] * $rules['cruiser_haul']
+ $f['bcruisers'] * $rules['bcruiser_haul'];
$haulUsed = $tSpace / $haul;
$lHaul = $kc * $rules['cruiser_haul'] + $kb * $rules['bcruiser_haul'];
$lSpace = $haulUsed * $lHaul;
$gaLSpace = ($lSpace / $tSpace) * $gaSpace;
$fLSpace = ($lSpace / $tSpace) * $fSpace;
$kg = min($f['gaships'], ceil($gaLSpace / $rules['gaship_space']));
$kf = min($f['fighters'], ceil($fLSpace / $rules['fighter_space']));
} else {
$kg = $kf = 0;
if ($kc == $f['cruisers'] && $kb == $f['bcruisers'] && $kf == $f['fighters']
&& $kg == $f['gaships']) {
$this->fleets->call('disband', $fid, true);
} elseif ($kc + $kb + $kf + $kg > 0) {
"UPDATE fleet SET gaships=gaships - $kg, fighters = fighters - $kf, "
. "cruisers=cruisers - $kc,bcruisers = bcruisers - $kb "
. "WHERE id=$fid"
$this->fleets->call('invCache', $fid);
$kills[0] += $kg; $kills[1] += $kf; $kills[2] += $kc; $kills[3] += $kb;
// No kills?
if ($kills[0] + $kills[1] + $kills[2] + $kills[3] == 0) {
// Send the message
$this->msgs->call('send', $id, 'kfleet', array(
"gaships" => $kills[0],
"fighters" => $kills[1],
"cruisers" => $kills[2],
"bcruisers" => $kills[3],
$this->players->call('updateHappiness', $id);
private function debt($id, $income, $upkeep, $cash) {
if ($upkeep > 0) {
$ratio = min(-$cash * 2 / $upkeep, 1) / 5;
$this->killFleets($id, $ratio);
$rules = $this->rules->call('get', $id);
$ppl = $this->players->call('getPlanets', $id);
$pinf = array();
foreach ($ppl as $pid => $name) {
$info = $this->planets->call('byId', $pid);
$ic = $this->planets->call('getIncome', $id, $info['pop'], $info['ifact'],
$info['mfact'], $info['turrets'], $info['corruption']);
$info['income'] = $ic[0];
if ($info['income'] >= 0) {
$income -= $info['income'];
} else {
$income -= $ic[1] + $ic[2];
$info['income'] -= $ic[1] + $ic[2];
$pinf[$pid] = $info;
$kill = array(0, 0);
foreach ($pinf as $pid => $p) {
$ratio = $p['income'] / $income;
$tCost = $p['turrets'] * $rules['turret_cost'];
$mCost = $p['mfact'] * $rules['factory_cost'];
$tRatio = (rand(10,20)/100) * $ratio * $tCost / (-$p['income']);
$mRatio = (rand(10,20)/100) * $ratio * $mCost / (-$p['income']);
$tLoss = ceil($p['turrets'] * $tRatio);
$mLoss = ceil($p['mfact'] * $mRatio);
if ($tLoss + $mLoss == 0) {
$this->db->query("UPDATE planet SET turrets=turrets-$tLoss,mfact=mfact-$mLoss WHERE id=$pid");
$kill[0] += $tLoss; $kill[1] += $mLoss;
$this->planets->call('updateHappiness', $pid);
if ($kill[0] + $kill[1] == 0) {
$this->msgs->call('send', $id, 'kimpr', array("turrets" => $kill[0], "factories" => $kill[1]));
public function handleAbandon() {
"UPDATE planet_abandon_time "
. "SET time_required = time_required + 1 "
. "WHERE time_required < 24"