69 lines
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69 lines
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// "Session tick": removes outdated sessions and tracking data
// Executed once per minute, starting from 7:00:40 ST
class main_ticks_session_library {
public function __construct($lib) {
$this->lib = $lib;
$this->db = $this->lib->game->db;
$this->accounts = $this->lib->game->getLib("main/account");
public function runTick() {
$this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, 'removeTracking'));
$this->db->safeTransaction(array($this, 'removeSessions'));
public function removeTracking() {
// Removes old tracking data (> 3 months or > 1 day and last used within a minute of creation)
"UPDATE web_tracking SET stored_data = '' "
. "WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - last_used > 7776000"
"DELETE FROM web_tracking "
. "WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - last_used > 86400 AND last_used - created < 60)"
public function removeSessions() {
// Removes old sessions
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT s.id, t.id, a.id FROM web_session s, web_tracking t, account a "
. "WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - s.last_used > 3600 "
. "AND a.id = s.account "
. "AND t.id = s.tracking "
. "FOR UPDATE OF s, t, a"
if (! dbCount($q)) {
$accounts = array();
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
list($sid, $tid, $uid) = $r;
if (is_null($uid)) {
$this->accounts->call('log', $uid, 'o');
array_push($accounts, $uid);
l::info("Player #$uid logged out automatically");
"UPDATE account SET last_logout = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) "
. "WHERE id IN (" . join(',', $accounts) . ")"
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM web_session WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - last_used > 3600");