echo"<tr><td class='err' colspan='2'>The address you entered is invalid, please correct it.</td></tr>\n";
<tdclass="div2"><inputtype='text'name='mail'<?=tooltip('Use this text field to type in your email address')?> class='txt' value="<?=is_null($args['err1'])?$args['mail']:$args['err1']?>" size="35" maxlength="128" /></td>
echo" class='err'>";
case1:echo"A database access error has occured";break;
case2:echo"The current password is incorrect";break;
case3:echo"The new password and its confirmation are different";break;
case4:echo"The new password is too short (minimum 4 characters)";break;
case5:echo"The new password is too long (maximum 64 characters)";break;
case6:echo"The new password must be different from your user name";break;
echo" class='note'>Please leave these fields empty if you do not intend to change your password.";
<td><inputtype='password'class='txt'name='opass'<?=tooltip('Use this text field to type in your current password')?>/></td>
<td><inputtype='password'class='txt'name='npass'<?=tooltip('Use this text field to type in your new password')?>/></td>
<td><inputtype='password'class='txt'name='cpass'<?=tooltip('Use this text field to confirm your new password')?>/></td>
<tdcolspan='3'<?=tooltip('Use this text area to type in your signature for your posts in the forums ')?>><textarea name='fsig'><?=utf8entities($args['fsig'])?></textarea></td>
<inputtype='submit'value='Update preferences'<?=tooltip('Click here to update your preferences')?>/>
<inputtype='reset'value='Restore previous values'<?=tooltip('Click here to cancel your changes and restore the previous values')?> />
Youwillstillbeabletoaccesstheothergamesyou're playing, and you'llbeabletostartplayinganyothergamefromtheAccountpage.<br/><br/><inputtype='submit'<?=tooltip('Click here to leave this Legacy Worlds Game')?> name='quit' value='Leave <?=$args['name']?>' />
echo"You have decided to leave {$args['name']}. Your player information will be destroyed in ";
echo"<b>$h</b> hour".($h>1?'s':'');
echo($h!=0?' and ':'')."<b>$m</b> minute".($m>1?'s':'');
unlessyoudecidetocancelthisactionbyclickingthebuttonbelow.<br/><br/><inputtype='submit'name='quit'<?=tooltip('Click here to cancel your request to leave this game')?> value='Do NOT leave <?=$args['name']?>' />