802 реда
35 КиБ
802 реда
35 КиБ
-- LegacyWorlds Beta 5
-- PostgreSQL database scripts
-- beta5/data/readonly.sql
-- Beta 5 games:
-- Read-only data insertion
-- Copyright(C) 2004-2007, DeepClone Development
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- ECM probability table
0 1 0
0 2 0
0 3 0
0 4 1
0 5 99
1 1 0
1 2 0
1 3 10
1 4 70
1 5 20
2 1 0
2 2 10
2 3 70
2 4 15
2 5 5
3 1 5
3 2 70
3 3 15
3 4 8
3 5 2
4 1 60
4 2 30
4 3 6
4 4 4
4 5 0
-- ECCM probability table
0 0 99
0 1 1
0 2 0
0 3 0
0 4 0
1 0 20
1 1 70
1 2 10
1 3 0
1 4 0
2 0 10
2 1 20
2 2 60
2 3 10
2 4 0
3 0 5
3 1 10
3 2 20
3 3 60
3 4 5
4 0 0
4 1 5
4 2 10
4 3 40
4 4 45
-- Default rules
COPY rule_def FROM stdin;
military_level 0
pop_growth_factor 1
if_productivity 30
if_productivity_factor 10
base_income 2
factory_cost 10
turret_cost 20
mf_productivity 10
mf_productivity_factor 10
workunits_turret 1500
workunits_gaship 4500
workunits_fighter 2000
workunits_cruiser 20000
workunits_bcruiser 22000
build_cost_turret 400
build_cost_gaship 750
build_cost_fighter 500
build_cost_cruiser 5000
build_cost_bcruiser 15000
if_cost 400
mf_cost 400
battle_losses 100
unhappiness_factor 100
effective_fleet_power 100
planet_max_pop 10000
capital_ship_speed 1
prevent_hs_exit 0
planet_destruction 0
turret_power 10
gaship_power 5
fighter_power 10
cruiser_power 40
bcruiser_power 80
gaship_upkeep 40
fighter_upkeep 50
cruiser_upkeep 500
bcruiser_upkeep 1500
research_percent 200
gaship_space 3
fighter_space 1
cruiser_haul 20
bcruiser_haul 15
ecm_level 0
eccm_level 0
gaship_pop 200
hs_beacon_level 0
probe_tech 0
-- Rule handlers
COPY rule_handler FROM STDIN;
unhappiness_factor UpdateHappiness
planet_max_pop UpdateMaxPopulation
effective_fleet_power UpdateFleetPower
gaship_power UpdateFleetPower
fighter_power UpdateFleetPower
cruiser_power UpdateFleetPower
bcruiser_power UpdateFleetPower
ecm_level UpdateCommTech
eccm_level UpdateCommTech
-- Research definitions
1 7000 50000 0 1 FALSE
2 5000 15000 0 0 FALSE
3 4000 20000 0 2 FALSE
4 6000 30000 0 2 FALSE
5 13333 5000 0 1 TRUE
6 29000 300000 0 1 FALSE
7 44667 50000 0 2 TRUE
8 10333 40000 0 2 FALSE
9 10333 40000 0 2 FALSE
10 18000 50000 0 2 FALSE
11 18000 50000 0 0 FALSE
12 38000 80000 2 2 FALSE
13 57667 15000 1 2 TRUE
14 54000 100000 1 0 FALSE
15 37554 100000 1 2 FALSE
16 14667 100000 0 0 FALSE
17 34889 100000 1 0 FALSE
18 21777 150000 1 0 FALSE
20 99628 500000 1 2 FALSE
21 211873 1000000 2 2 FALSE
22 99628 500000 1 0 FALSE
23 51519 30000 1 0 TRUE
24 28777 100000 1 2 FALSE
25 87925 500000 1 0 FALSE
26 23777 100000 2 1 FALSE
27 135777 500000 1 0 FALSE
28 241036 800000 1 0 FALSE
29 112000 200000 1 2 FALSE
30 68000 1500000 2 2 FALSE
31 44000 400000 1 2 FALSE
32 68667 60000 1 2 TRUE
33 300000 400000 2 2 FALSE
34 174333 80000 1 2 TRUE
35 127036 800000 2 2 FALSE
36 72146 600000 1 2 FALSE
37 68369 300000 1 2 FALSE
38 98072 500000 1 1 FALSE
39 212466 700000 2 1 FALSE
40 172837 1000000 1 0 FALSE
41 280449 2000000 1 0 FALSE
42 554218 1500000 1 2 FALSE
43 860476 100000 1 0 TRUE
44 49036 500000 2 1 FALSE
45 49036 500000 1 1 FALSE
46 112048 1000000 2 1 FALSE
48 238218 1500000 1 1 FALSE
49 238218 1500000 1 1 FALSE
50 160195 800000 1 2 FALSE
51 302260 1500000 2 1 FALSE
52 875013 3000000 2 1 FALSE
53 342195 1500000 1 0 FALSE
54 839548 2000000 1 1 FALSE
55 517576 2000000 1 2 FALSE
56 740101 70000 1 2 TRUE
57 263996 1500000 1 0 FALSE
58 241036 1500000 1 0 FALSE
59 403005 120000 1 2 TRUE
60 307222 3000000 2 1 FALSE
61 136195 500000 1 1 FALSE
62 1106581 2500000 1 2 FALSE
63 583758 2500000 1 1 FALSE
64 628073 5000000 1 1 FALSE
65 628073 5000000 1 1 FALSE
68 319418 2000000 1 1 FALSE
69 1019937 150000 1 1 TRUE
70 1949373 5000000 1 0 FALSE
71 630811 4000000 2 1 FALSE
72 529228 2500000 2 0 FALSE
73 965308 3800000 1 2 FALSE
74 1295217 4000000 1 2 FALSE
75 2537057 7000000 1 2 FALSE
76 3725240 200000 1 2 TRUE
77 2228337 10000000 1 1 FALSE
78 1251897 4000000 1 2 FALSE
79 845313 4000000 1 0 FALSE
80 2719164 10000000 1 1 FALSE
81 2709164 10000000 1 2 FALSE
82 3616595 12000000 1 1 FALSE
83 4321117 10000000 1 2 FALSE
84 805637 5000000 1 1 FALSE
85 2088549 8000000 1 1 FALSE
86 4642983 12000000 1 1 FALSE
87 3642219 170000 1 2 TRUE
88 7457771 15000000 1 1 FALSE
89 4000692 10000000 1 1 FALSE
90 2627540 10000000 1 1 FALSE
-- Research dependencies
COPY research_dep FROM STDIN;
5 1
6 1
6 2
16 2
46 2
8 3
9 3
17 3
10 4
11 4
38 4
7 6
51 6
63 6
71 6
15 8
18 8
36 8
15 9
24 9
26 9
27 9
14 10
30 10
50 10
12 11
30 11
31 11
13 12
27 14
29 14
20 15
22 15
38 15
17 16
20 16
22 16
25 16
23 17
43 17
21 18
44 18
45 18
68 46
21 20
42 20
48 20
76 21
40 22
49 22
57 22
25 24
35 24
36 24
37 24
72 25
39 26
28 27
53 27
58 27
42 28
55 28
33 29
34 29
33 30
32 31
35 31
52 33
73 35
50 36
55 36
61 36
53 37
57 37
63 37
39 38
71 38
54 39
41 40
64 40
65 40
63 41
70 41
73 41
79 41
43 42
62 42
74 42
49 44
59 44
46 45
48 45
59 48
62 48
65 48
64 49
51 50
52 51
54 53
74 53
78 53
56 55
75 55
72 57
73 57
71 58
77 58
79 58
68 61
69 61
85 61
70 62
69 63
89 63
90 63
86 64
82 65
80 70
81 70
82 70
89 71
78 72
84 72
83 73
75 74
77 74
83 74
85 74
76 75
90 78
83 79
89 79
86 80
88 80
87 81
88 81
89 84
60 46
60 22
-- Research effects
COPY research_effect FROM STDIN;
1 military_level 1
3 battle_losses -2
4 if_cost 80
4 if_productivity_factor 2
5 if_productivity_factor -2
5 mf_productivity_factor 3
5 unhappiness_factor 5
6 military_level 1
7 effective_fleet_power -5
7 unhappiness_factor -4
8 if_cost 40
8 if_productivity_factor 1
8 mf_cost 40
8 mf_productivity_factor 1
9 if_cost 40
9 if_productivity_factor 1
9 mf_cost 40
9 mf_productivity_factor 1
10 pop_growth_factor 1
12 unhappiness_factor -1
13 if_productivity_factor -2
13 mf_productivity_factor -3
13 unhappiness_factor -5
15 research_percent 10
17 research_percent 10
18 unhappiness_factor -2
20 research_percent 10
21 base_income 2
23 base_income -1
23 if_productivity_factor -2
23 research_percent 25
24 battle_losses -5
24 if_cost 80
24 if_productivity_factor 2
24 mf_cost 80
24 mf_productivity_factor 2
26 gaship_pop 75
29 if_cost 120
29 if_productivity_factor 3
30 pop_growth_factor 1
31 if_productivity_factor -1
31 mf_productivity_factor -1
31 unhappiness_factor -2
32 if_productivity_factor -1
32 mf_productivity_factor -1
32 unhappiness_factor -4
33 pop_growth_factor 1
34 pop_growth_factor 1
34 unhappiness_factor 5
35 planet_max_pop 10000
36 if_cost 120
36 if_productivity_factor 3
36 mf_cost 120
36 mf_productivity_factor 3
37 battle_losses -5
37 if_cost 80
37 if_productivity_factor 2
37 mf_cost 80
37 mf_productivity_factor 2
38 effective_fleet_power 10
39 gaship_pop 75
41 capital_ship_speed 1
42 research_percent 10
43 if_productivity_factor -3
43 mf_productivity_factor -3
43 research_percent 50
44 ecm_level 1
45 eccm_level 1
46 hs_beacon_level 1
48 eccm_level 1
49 ecm_level 1
51 battle_losses -2
52 battle_losses -2
53 battle_losses -2
53 if_cost 80
53 if_productivity_factor 2
53 mf_cost 80
53 mf_productivity_factor 2
54 gaship_pop 75
55 if_cost 80
55 if_productivity_factor 2
55 mf_cost 80
55 mf_productivity_factor 2
55 unhappiness_factor 7
56 if_productivity_factor -2
56 mf_productivity_factor -2
56 unhappiness_factor -7
57 battle_losses -4
59 eccm_level -1
59 ecm_level -1
59 unhappiness_factor -4
60 hs_beacon_level 1
61 turret_power 3
62 research_percent 10
63 military_level 1
64 ecm_level 1
65 eccm_level 1
68 turret_power 3
69 if_productivity_factor -4
69 mf_productivity_factor 6
69 unhappiness_factor 10
70 capital_ship_speed 1
71 fighter_power 4
71 gaship_power 2
73 planet_max_pop 10000
74 battle_losses -2
74 if_cost 80
74 if_productivity_factor 2
74 mf_cost 80
74 mf_productivity_factor 2
75 if_cost 160
75 if_productivity_factor 4
75 mf_cost 120
75 mf_productivity_factor 3
76 base_income 3
76 if_productivity_factor 10
76 mf_productivity_factor -5
76 research_percent -50
76 unhappiness_factor 15
77 battle_losses -5
78 if_cost 80
78 if_productivity_factor 2
78 mf_cost 80
78 mf_productivity_factor 2
80 prevent_hs_exit 1
81 if_productivity_factor -3
81 unhappiness_factor -5
82 eccm_level 1
83 planet_max_pop 10000
84 capital_ship_speed 1
84 effective_fleet_power 5
85 turret_power 3
86 ecm_level 1
87 if_cost 120
87 if_productivity_factor 3
87 unhappiness_factor 7
88 planet_destruction 1
89 bcruiser_power 20
89 cruiser_power 10
90 effective_fleet_power 10
-- Research descriptions
COPY research_txt FROM STDIN;
1 en Fighters Sir! We have successfully researched a new type of ship, the Fighter! These ships are faster and more efficient at combating enemy ships than our current Ground Assault ships.
2 en Hyperspace Basics Sir! Our scientists have made major progress in understanding the basics behind Hyperspace theory. Those basic hyperspace capabilities are the very beginning of a new area in space flight and allow a wide range of new experiments.
3 en Advanced Materials Sir! Our scientists just discovered new production methods that will allow us to create hardened materials! Our factories must be upgraded in order to start producing those new alloys.
4 en Bio-engineering Sir! Our scientists worked hard to improve our empire's knowledge of bio-engineering, which will greatly improve the production of basic goods, as well as pave the way for further advances.
5 en Martial law Sir! We can enact Martial Law to force our people to work in the military's best interest! They probably won''t be too happy about it, and our economy might suffer, but who cares? Our military production will be greatly improved!
6 en Cruisers Sir! We have successfully researched a new type of ship, the Cruiser! These are able to travel outside of our solar system thanks to the recent developments in Hyperspace technology, and can carry our current ships in their holds.
7 en Civilian Transportation Act This law grants our citizens the right to use military ships to move between planets. This increases happiness but reduces battle efficiency of our ships since they have civilians on board.
8 en Room Temperature Superconductors Sir! Our scientists have worked on a new type of electronic circuitry that will allow us to greatly improve the efficiency of our factories, using those room temperature superconductors.
9 en Nanotechnologies Sir! Our scientists have made major progress in miniaturisation. With this technology our researchers have gained the capability to work at the "nano" level.
10 en Advanced Hospitals Sir! We have successfully researched a new public service! We hope that these "Advanced Hospitals" will improve the health of our subjects so that they are less likely to bite the dust at an unprofitable moment.
11 en High-efficiency Hydroponics Recent progress in bio-engineering has allowed for new farming techniques, that are safer for the planet and allow for further studies in green technologies.
12 en Safe Recreational Drugs Recent progress in the field of farming has allowed our scientists to develop safe recreational drugs such as the so-called "Space weed". This will improve commerce and make the population happier, since these drugs can be used instead of traditional anaesthetics in our hospitals.
13 en Legalize Space Weed Yeah, maaan ... I mean, Sir ... Enacting this law will allow every citizen in our empire to smoke Space Weed as they see fit, without any harmful effect for their health. I mean... huh, What was I saying again? ... Ah, yes! Well, they might be a bit inefficient, because they'll still be stoned, but they''ll be happy!
14 en Cloning Techniques Sir! Their stem cells analysis have finally brought our scientists a new breakthrough. Our researchers have succeeded in cloning various lifeforms.
15 en Nano-scale Computers Sir, their recent progresses in nanotechnologies has allowed our scientists to create a new generation of computers. This new miniaturised computer allows us to improve research efficiency and opens a brand new field of research.
16 en Quantum Gravitation These advances in the field of quantum theory will open a new area for further studies.
17 en Miniaturised Particle Colliders These new and small particle colliders increase research in many areas, increasing lab outputs.
18 en Advanced Communications Having achieved major breakthroughs in electronic research, our scientists are now able to apply this research to the communications field, where some interesting developments are expected.
20 en Quantum Computers Based on the new discoveries in the quantum theory field, these new computers are much more efficient and faster. Equipping our labs will be expensive but the advantages of the increased research speed should be incredible.
21 en Economy Globalisation Recent advances in both communications and computer capacities have allowed us to set up an empire wide economic system that should increase our planets base income.
22 en Hyperspace Theory Our scientists have developed and tested a complete advanced theory regarding the structure of Hyperspace! We need to upgrade their labs for them to continue researches in this field.
23 en Increased Research Grants This law allows to divert a higher percentage of income towards research thus allowing faster discoveries but reducing income.
24 en Hardened Alloys These new improved alloys are more resistant and will allow for less losses in battle as well as future advances in industry research.
25 en Experimental Anti-Matter Production Recent advances in new alloy production and a better knowledge of quantum theory have allowed our scientists to produce anti-matter for the first time. Research should be continued in this area since the applications could be tremendous.
26 en Nanofiber Armor Sir! Applying nanotechnologies to the military field our scientists have managed to produce nano-fiber armors for our ground troups. Since our soldiers will be better protected against rioters we'll need to send less of them on the ground to take control of a planet.
27 en Lifeform Engineering Our scientists have devised a method to design lifeforms from scratch! Although this breakthrough has no direct application, further research should be funded, the potential gains are tremendous!
28 en Sentient Lifeform Engineering Sir! Our biologists have finally managed to create intelligent lifeforms from scratch, thus opening a brand new field of studies.
29 en Cloning Vats Our scientists have perfected their cloning techniques, allowing them to grow real clones in vats. Our industrial production could be greatly improved using this technology!
30 en Nourishment Purification Sir! We have successfully researched a new way to improve food, Nourishment purification! This process will give our subjects a healthier lifespan by removing all the nasties in their food.
31 en Green Production These new production methods are safer for planetary ecology, making the population happier but slightly reducing factory productivity.
32 en Biosphere Protection Pact Enforcing this law forces the industrial sector to use greener production methods that make the population happier but reduce productivity.
33 en Corpse Reanimation Sir! Our scientists have established a new technology, Corpse Reanimation! This technology will mean about 60% of our subjects will be able to be brought back to life after death through the use of modified cloning vats. This should lead to a decrease in total death and an increase in workers for our factories.
34 en Forced Human Cloning Sir! We could enact a law that would allow our government to clone citizens and boost our population growth! Our people wouldn't be too happy about it though...
35 en Arcologies Sir! We are now able to build arcologies, which will allow us to house loads more citizens on our empire's planets!
36 en Robotics Recent advances in electronics and new materials have allowed our engineers to design autonomous robots that will help our workers and improve the production of our factories.
37 en Adaptive Materials New developments in research have allowed our scientists to create materials that adapt to the needs of our civilians, thus providing even more resistent alloys.
38 en Cybernetic Interfaces Sir! Our scientists have found a way to interface the human brain with a machine. This new technology allows a direct interface between electronic and biological systems, making our ships more reactive to their pilots' commands.
39 en Exoskeleton Sir! Our scientists have managed to improve even further the equipment of our ground troups. With those new exoskeletons we will require to send even less GA ships to get the inhabitants of another planet to share our views..
40 en Temporal Mechanics The progress of our scientists has enabled us to better understand temporal phenomenons, which should allow for a wide range of new discoveries. Further funding of this area of study is a necessity.
41 en Space-time folding Sir! Our scientists have pushed the limit of Hyperspace theory! This will allow us to design better, faster ship engines and further advances are to be expected! However, upgrading our fleets as well as our laboratories might be a bit expensive...
42 en Biological Computers Our scientists have found a way to integrate intelligent lifeforms into our computers, thus improving calculation capabilities. Upgrading our computers, though expensive, should allow our current research projects to reach completion faster.
43 en Science Golden Age Enacting this law permits us to divert more resources towards research at the expense of other necessities.
44 en Wide Band Jamming This basic jamming technology allows us to try and prevent the planets we attack from transmitting data to their allies. Therefore defensive procedures can potentially be disrupted.
45 en Fast Burst Transmission This new technology renders our stellar and interstellar communications less prone to jamming and interception.
46 en Hyperspace Beacon Placed in hyperspace around our planets this beacon provides an "anchor" for your ships and those of your alliance, thus reducing the losses in fleet stationed in hyperspace.
48 en Quantum Encryption Quantum computers have allowed tremendous progress in encryption algorithms. We can now be more efficient in preventing the enemy from disrupting our communications.
49 en Entropy Generator By applying hyperspace theory to telecommunications we've found a new way to disrupt enemy communications, making it even harder for them to transmit accurate data to their allies.
50 en Surgical Robots This technology provides new advances in the medical field, allowing for further researches in this area. Further funding should bring quite interesting breakthroughs.
51 en Medical Bays Our engineers have modified the designs for our capital ships in order to include highly advanced medical bays, in which the pilots can be healed when they are wounded in combat. This improvement will reduce our losses, but our fleets and factories must be upgraded first.
52 en Resurrection tanks Our engineers have updated the designs for our capital ships. The medical bays will now integrate the equipment required to raise our pilots from the dead, further reducing battle losses.
53 en Self-healing Materials Sir! Our scientists have have found a way to grow advanced, self-healing materials. This new technology will allow us to provide regeneration and auto-repair capabilities to both our ships and factories. We will thus greatly reduce our losses in battle and gain productivity in our industrial sector.
54 en Self-repairing Exoskeleton Sir! Incorporating the newest alloys to our soldiers exoskeletons, our scientists have set up self-repairing exoskeletons. Even more efficient against attacking crowds, this new armor generation will reduce even more the number of GA ships required to take control of a foreign planet.
55 en Biological Drones This technology allows industry to use specifically designed lifeforms to replace workers in the factories. These lifeforms will be much more efficient than human beings, but our citizens might not like getting sacked in favour of their new replacements.
56 en Ban Biological Drones To fight the decrease in happiness caused by biological drones, we can enact a law that bans their presence in our empire. This law counters all effects of biological drones and restores factories to their previous level of productivity.
57 en Force fields Our scientists have found a way to create force fields. The direct military application is the addition of shields to our current fleets, which will reduce losses.
58 en Lifeform Energy Manipulation Sir! Our scientists have managed to engineer lifeforms capabable of manipulating energy. This new discovery lets us foresee some astonishing future breakthroughs.
59 en Civilian Communication Act Passing this law will permit civilians access to our militaries' advanced communication networks. Civilians will be happier since they can keep in touch with friends, but this civilian use of military installations could disrupt anti-jamming and jamming systems!
60 en Hyperspace Probing Beacon Adding probing systems to hyperspace beacons, this technology allows for early detection of enemy ships stationed in hyperspace around our planets.
61 en Automated Turrets Sir! Including robotics in our turrets will improve their accuracy and firing efficiency. With these new turrets we will be able to better defend our planets.
62 en Interstellar University Sir! Thanks to our recent improvements in communications and computing capacities we've brought education to a new scale. Our interstellar universities will allow us to better adapt education programs to students'' needs and to improve cooperation between our research labs.
63 en Battle Cruisers Sir! We have successfully researched a new type of ship, the Battle Cruiser! These ships are an improvement on our Cruisers as they are faster and more deadly. However, they are considerably more expensive to build and carry less of our system ships.
64 en Phase Neutraliser Applying temporal mechanics to communications, our scientists have managed to find better ways to disrupt enemy data flows, thus reducing their chances of accurate data being sent to their allies.
65 en Multiphasic Transmission Applying temporal mechanics to communication, our scientists have managed to use it to transmit data in fluctuating phases. This further protects our communications from enemy jamming technologies.
68 en Sensor Turrets Sire dude! Equipping our turrets with sensors designed out of our probe technology, we can gain in the accuracy of our aiming, thus becoming more efficient.
69 en Global Defense Bill This new law goes even further than the Martial Law to cope with the military's will. But our citizens will even less appreciate it.
70 en Wormhole Theory Going even further than space-time folding, our scientists have written a theory that, when put into practice, would allow us to manipulate wormholes. Of course further studies are required to reach any real application.
71 en Biological Propulsion Systems Sir! Our scientists have found a way to create and grow artificial lifeforms capable of basic space flight. These can be used to replace our most simple ships in order to gain efficiency.
72 en Mass Anti-matter Production Using newly acquired technologies our scientists have acheived mass production of anti-matter thus opening a brand new field of applications.
73 en Singularity Housing Using the principles of Space-time folding, our engineers have improved our arcology design. Hyperspace and force-field generators must be integrated into our existing arcologies in order to allow our planets to house even more citizens.
74 en Intelligent Materials Bringing sentience to the materials they use, our scientists provide us with wonderful new ways of building stuff.
75 en Automated Factories Sir! Using sentient materials in our factories will allow us to gain production efficiency.
76 en Wild Capitalism This law allows the industrial sector to use any means necessary to increase profit. As a consequence, base planetary income and industrial factory benefits are increased but military factories, research and happiness suffer from it.
77 en Adaptive Plating Sir! Our scientists have come up with a new way to reduce battle damage. They have integrated intelligent materials in our ships' plating thus offering them better defensive abilities.
78 en Anti-matter Generators Sir! Our scientists have designed a new way to produce energy. Equipping our factories with these anti-matter generators will improve our productivity.
79 en Biological Subspace Control Sir! Our scientists have engineered some new astonishing lifeforms. These artificial creatures are capable of controlling subspace fields. This major discovery opens a new era for our future studies.
80 en Wormhole Collapsing Sir, our scientists have devised a new defence. This technology allows our planets to build counter-measures that will allow them to prevent unwanted hyperspace windows from forming in orbit. This should prevent 10% of an enemy fleet from exiting hyperspace above the planet and delay them in hyperspace for 1 more hour.
81 en Wormholes This technology applies space-time folding principles to spacebats, allowing your citizens to move freely between the planets in your empire. They will now be living in ecstacy as they will be able to visit their families, friends and dolphins.
82 en Subspace Data conduit Applying wormhole theory to communications has allowed our scientists to create subspace conduits to transmit data, thus hiding it even better from enemy disruption techniques.
83 en Self-sustained Arcologies Sir! By combining their expertise in hyperspace theory and biological engineering, our scientists have found a way to create "grown" housing that will provide room and nourishment for our citizens. This will allow us to sustain more people on our planets.
84 en Matter Anti-matter Engines Sir! Our scientists have found a new application for matter anti-matter reactions: propulsion systems! This new line of engines should increase our ships efficiency greatly.
85 en Biological Turrets Building our turrets with intelligent materials should allow us to take advantage of their sentience to gain in accuracy and fire power.
86 en Localised Wormhole Destabilisation Applying wormhole collapsing technologies in a localised way allows us to disrupt subspace data conduits and other long range communication, rending them less efficient.
87 en Wormhole Lockdown This law prevents your citizens from using the planetary gateways, cancelling the effects of the wormhole technology.
88 en Wormhole Super Nova Sir! With this technology we can initiate a chain reaction on a planetary wormhole that will cause it to flare up and destroy anything in the vicinity, including the planet and scaring the living hell out of the planet's neighbours.
89 en Biological Hyperspace Engines Sir! Our scientists have found a way to grow and nurture organic hyperspace engines. We will now be able to grow living capital ships, improving our fleets' efficiency.
90 en Matter Anti-matter Missiles Using matter / anti-matter reactions in our warheads should greatly increase the damage caused by our ships.
-- Peacekeepers AI
INSERT INTO player (userid, hidden) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers'), 't'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'military_level', '0'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'pop_growth_factor', '1'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'if_productivity', '30'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'if_productivity_factor', '10'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'base_income', '2'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'factory_cost', '10'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'turret_cost', '20'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'mf_productivity', '10'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'mf_productivity_factor', '10'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'workunits_turret', '1500'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'workunits_gaship', '4500'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'workunits_fighter', '2000'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'workunits_cruiser', '20000'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'workunits_bcruiser', '22000'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'build_cost_turret', '400'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'build_cost_gaship', '750'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'build_cost_fighter', '500'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'build_cost_cruiser', '5000'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'build_cost_bcruiser', '15000'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'if_cost', '400'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'mf_cost', '400'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'battle_losses', '10'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'unhappiness_factor', '100'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'effective_fleet_power', '200'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'planet_max_pop', '10000'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'capital_ship_speed', '3'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'prevent_hs_exit', '0'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'planet_destruction', '0'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'turret_power', '10'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'gaship_power', '5'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'fighter_power', '30'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'cruiser_power', '120'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'bcruiser_power', '240'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'gaship_upkeep', '0'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'fighter_upkeep', '0'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'cruiser_upkeep', '0'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'bcruiser_upkeep', '0'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'research_percent', '200'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'gaship_space', '1'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'fighter_space', '1'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'cruiser_haul', '50'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'bcruiser_haul', '50'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'ecm_level', '4'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'eccm_level', '4'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'gaship_pop', '200'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'hs_beacon_level', '0'
INSERT INTO rule (player, name, value) VALUES (
(SELECT id FROM player WHERE userid = (SELECT id FROM main.account WHERE name = 'AI>Peacekeepers')),
'probe_tech', '0'