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2016-01-10 11:01:49 +01:00
// LegacyWorlds Beta 5
// Game libraries
// beta5/library/updateRankings.inc
// This function computes the rankings for a Beta 5 game instance.
// Copyright(C) 2004-2008, DeepClone Development
class beta5_updateRankings {
private $lib;
private $db;
private $game;
private $fleets;
private $planets;
private $players;
private $rankings;
public function __construct($lib) {
$this->lib = $lib;
$this->game = $this->lib->game;
$this->db = $this->game->db;
$this->fleets = $lib->game->getLib('beta5/fleet');
$this->planets = $this->game->getLib('beta5/planet');
$this->players = $this->game->getLib('beta5/player');
$this->rankings = $lib->game->getLib('main/rankings');
public function run($dryRun = false) {
// Compute and update player rankings
list($players, $playersById, $genRankings) = $this->computePlayerRankings($dryRun);
// Round and alliance rankings
$this->computeRoundRankings($players, $dryRun);
$this->computeAllianceRankings($genRankings, $dryRun);
return array($players, $playersById);
private function computePlayerRankings($dryRun) {
// Compute player rankings
$this->at = time();
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM player "
. "WHERE (quit IS NULL OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - quit < 86400) AND NOT hidden");
$genR = $civR = $milR = $finR = array();
$genRankings = array();
$players = array();
$playersById = array();
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
// Get player name
$pn = $this->players->call('getName',$r[0]);
$players[$pn] = array(
"player" => $r[0],
"tick_at" => $this->at,
$playersById[$r[0]] = $pn;
// Get planet data
$q2 = $this->db->query(
"SELECT SUM(pop), SUM(ifact), SUM(mfact), SUM(turrets), "
. "AVG(happiness), SUM(beacon), AVG(corruption) "
. "FROM planet WHERE owner={$r[0]}"
$pld = dbFetchArray($q2);
// Get fleet data
$q2 = $this->db->query(
"SELECT SUM(gaships), SUM(fighters), SUM(cruisers), SUM(bcruisers) "
. "FROM fleet WHERE owner={$r[0]}");
$fld = dbFetchArray($q2);
$players[$pn]['gaships'] = (int) $fld[0];
$players[$pn]['fighters'] = (int) $fld[1];
$players[$pn]['cruisers'] = (int) $fld[2];
$players[$pn]['bcruisers'] = (int) $fld[3];
// Financial ranking
$q2 = $this->db->query("SELECT cash FROM player WHERE id={$r[0]}");
list($cash) = dbFetchArray($q2);
$players[$pn]['cash'] = $cash;
$q2 = $this->db->query(
"SELECT pop, ifact, mfact, turrets, corruption, happiness "
. "FROM planet WHERE owner={$r[0]}"
$income = 0;
while ($r2 = dbFetchArray($q2)) {
$ir = $this->planets->call('getIncome', $r[0], $r2[0], $r2[5],
$r2[1], $r2[2], $r2[3], $r2[4]);
$income += $ir[0];
$upkeep = $this->fleets->call('getUpkeep', $r[0], $fld[0], $fld[1], $fld[2], $fld[3]);
$profit = max(0, $income[0] - $upkeep);
$fr = round($cash / 2000);
$fr += round($profit / 2) + round($income / 1.5);
$fr += round($pld[1] * 201);
if (!is_array($finR[$fr])) {
$finR[$fr] = array();
array_push($finR[$fr], $pn);
$players[$pn]['f_rank'] = $fr;
// Military ranking
$fpower = $this->fleets->call('getPower', $r[0], $fld[0], $fld[1], $fld[2], $fld[3]);
$players[$pn]['fleet'] = $fpower;
$mr = $pld[3] * 8 + $fpower * 7 + $pld[2] * 40 + $pld[5] * 100;
if (!is_array($milR[$mr])) {
$milR[$mr] = array();
array_push($milR[$mr], $pn);
$players[$pn]['m_rank'] = $mr;
// Civilian ranking
$q2 = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(points) FROM research_player WHERE player={$r[0]}");
list($rpoints) = dbFetchArray($q2);
$players[$pn]['tech_points'] = $rpoints;
$cr = round(pow(1 + $pld[4] / 100, 4) * $pld[0] * 3);
$cr -= round($cr * $pld[6] / 48000);
$cr += round(sqrt($rpoints*1000) * 3);
if (!is_array($civR[$cr])) {
$civR[$cr] = array();
array_push($civR[$cr], $pn);
$players[$pn]['c_rank'] = $cr;
// General ranking
$gr = $cr + $mr + $fr;
if (!is_array($genR[$gr])) {
$genR[$gr] = array();
array_push($genR[$gr], $pn);
$genRankings[$r[0]] = $gr;
$players[$pn]['g_rank'] = $gr;
// Update player rankings if this is not a dry run
if (! $dryRun) {
$rankings = array($finR, $milR, $civR, $genR);
$rTypes = array('p_financial', 'p_military', 'p_civ', 'p_general');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($rTypes); $i ++) {
$rt = $this->rankings->call('getType', $rTypes[$i]);
$this->rankings->call('update', $rt, $rankings[$i]);
return array($players, $playersById, $genRankings);
private function computeRoundRankings(&$players, $dryRun) {
// Get the general top 15
$rt = $this->rankings->call('getType', 'p_general');
$rr = $this->rankings->call('getAll', $rt, 15);
$top15 = array();
foreach ($rr as $r) {
$top15[$r['id']] = array($r['ranking'], $r['points']);
// Generate the new values
$rt = $this->rankings->call('getType', 'p_round');
$o = $this->rankings->call('getAll', $rt);
$round = array();
foreach ($o as $r) {
$round[$r['id']] = $r['points'];
foreach ($top15 as $n => $r) {
$round[$n] += round((16-$r[0]) * $r[1] / 24000);
// Update the rankings
$rndR = array();
foreach ($round as $n => $p) {
if (!is_array($rndR[$p])) {
$rndR[$p] = array();
array_push($rndR[$p], $n);
$players[$n]['o_rank'] = $p;
if (! $dryRun) {
$this->rankings->call('update', $rt, $rndR);
private function computeAllianceRankings(&$genRankings, $dryRun) {
// Sum up the values
$q = $this->db->query(
"SELECT p.id, a.tag FROM player p,alliance a "
. "WHERE p.alliance=a.id AND p.a_status='IN' "
. "AND (p.quit IS NULL OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - p.quit < 86400)"
$alliances = array();
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
if (is_null($alliances[$r[1]])) {
$alliances[$r[1]] = $genRankings[$r[0]];
} else {
$alliances[$r[1]] += $genRankings[$r[0]];
// If there are victory conditions, add that to the alliances' score
if ($this->lib->game->params['victory'] == 1) {
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT id,tag FROM alliance");
$aLib = $this->lib->game->getLib('beta5/alliance');
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
$vVal = (100 + $aLib->call('updateVictory', $r[0])) / 100;
$alliances[$r[1]] = round($alliances[$r[1]] * $vVal);
} elseif ($this->lib->game->params['victory'] == 2) {
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT id,tag FROM alliance");
$aLib = $this->lib->game->getLib('beta5/ctf');
while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) {
$vVal = (100 + $aLib->call('getTeamPoints', $r[0])) / 100;
$alliances[$r[1]] = round($alliances[$r[1]] * $vVal);
// Update the rankings
$allR = array();
foreach ($alliances as $n => $p) {
if (!is_array($allR[$p])) {
$allR[$p] = array();
array_push($allR[$p], $n);
if (! $dryRun) {
$rt = $this->rankings->call('getType', 'a_general');
$this->rankings->call('update', $rt, $allR);