<tdclass='player'><span<?=tooltip('Your player name as well as the tag of the alliance you are a member of.');?>>Player <b id='jspname'></b><span id='jsalliance'></span></td>
<tdclass='funds'><span<?=tooltip('The money you currently own.')?>>Current funds: <b id='jscash'></b></span></td>
<tdclass='stime'><span<?=tooltip('Date and time on the Legacy Worlds server; this gives you a reference which allows you to synchronize your actions with players from the other side of the Earth.');?>>Server Time: <span id='jsservtm'></span></span></td>
menuTopLevelBegin('Overview','overview','This page gives an overview of the state of your empire.');
menuEntry('Preferences','preferences','Change the way pages are displayed and modify in-game preferences.');
menuEntry('My Account',makeLink('index','main'),'Go back to your account management page.');
menuEntry('Log out',makeLink('logout','main'),'Log out from the game.');
menuTopLevelBegin('Empire','empire','Overview of your planets, fleets, and research.');
menuEntry('Planets','planets','Displays an overview of your planets and allows you to manipulate all of their build queues.');
menuSubBegin('Planets','planets','Displays an overview of your planets and allows you to manipulate all of their build queues.','jspmenu');
menuEntry('Fleets','fleets','Fleet management');
menuEntry('Beacons','probes','Allows you to manage hyperspace beacons on your planets');
menuEntry('Research','research','Implement new technologies, enact and revoke laws, balance your research budget and exchange technologies and scientific knowlege with other empires.');
menuSubBegin('Research','research','Implement new technologies, enact and revoke laws, balance your research budget and exchange technologies and scientific knowlege with other empires.');
menuEntry('Topics','research?p=t','Implement new technologies, view foreseen breakthroughs and already implemented technologies.');
menuEntry('Laws','research?p=l','Enact and revoke laws.');
menuEntry('Budget','research?p=b','Balance your research budget between fundamental, military and civilian research.');
menuEntry('Diplomacy','research?p=d','Give or sell technologies and scientific knowledge with other empires, and examine offers made to you');
menuEntry('Money','money','This page shows the money you earn on the planets you own as well as the money you spend to maintain your fleets and infrastructure.');
menuTopLevelBegin('Diplomacy','diplomacy','Overview of your current diplomatic relations.');
menuEntry('Alliance','alliance','Create, join, inspect, manage or spy on alliances.');
href='planets'<?=tooltip('Manage your planets')?>><?php drawIcon('planets', 'Planet management'); ?></a><a
href='fleets'<?=tooltip('Manage your fleets')?>><?php drawIcon('fleets', 'Fleet management'); ?></a><a
href='map'<?=tooltip("View maps of the universe")?>><?php drawIcon('map', 'Galactic maps'); ?></a><a
href='alliance'<?=tooltip('Display information about your current alliance or allows you to join an alliance')?>><?php drawIcon('alliance', 'Alliance panel'); ?></a><a
href='../main/logout'<?=tooltip('Log out from the game')?>><?php drawIcon('logout', 'Log out'); ?></a></td>