" Attempt to find a local configuration or configuration directory " Clear various things that could be here from a previous execution unlet! g:vim_local unlet! g:vim_local_path command! -bang -nargs=* SaveAndSign echoerr "Command not supported" command! -bang -nargs=* SignConfig echoerr "Command not supported" " Clear configuration signing autocommands augroup LocalConfigurationSigning autocmd! augroup END " Always define this function; it tries to access data from either g:vim_local " if that is defined, or from a global variable otherwise function! GetConfigValue(name,...) if exists( "g:vim_local['" . a:name . "']" ) return g:vim_local[ a:name ] endif if exists( "g:" . a:name ) execute "return g:" . a:name endif return a:1 endfunction " Get a vardata path, either from the local configuration or from " g:vim_vardata. function! GetVardataPath(name) if exists( "g:vim_local['vardata']" ) return g:vim_local['vardata'] . "/" . a:name endif return g:vim_vardata . "/" . a:name endfunction " We need signature handling abilities to continue if !exists( "g:vim_keys" ) finish endif " When a .vim.local/vimrc file is saved, print a warning about the lack of " signature. function! WarnAboutSignature() let bp = expand( "%:p:h" ) if fnamemodify( bp , ":t" ) == ".vim.local" if exists( "g:vim_local_path" ) let bp = l:bp . "/" if g:vim_local_path =~ "/$" && l:bp !~ "/$" let l:bp = l:bp . "/" elseif g:vim_local_path !~ "/$" && l:bp =~ "/$" let l:bp = l:bp[ 0 : -2 ] endif endif " If we're being called from SaveAndSign, sign it instead of " whining. if exists( "s:save_and_sign" ) call SignFile( expand( "%:p" ) , l:bp . "/signature" ) return endif echohl WarningMsg if exists( "g:vim_local_path" ) && g:vim_local_path == l:bp echo "Warning: not signed, use :SignConfig" else echo "Warning: not signed, use :SaveAndSign." endif echohl None endif endfunction augroup LocalConfigurationSigning autocmd BufWritePost vimrc :call WarnAboutSignature() augroup END " Sign the local configuration file; only works when one has already been " loaded. function! SignConfig() if exists( "g:vim_local_path" ) && filereadable( g:vim_local_path . "/vimrc" ) call SignFile( g:vim_local_path . "/vimrc" , \ g:vim_local_path . "/signature" ) elseif exists( "g:vim_local_path" ) echohl ErrorMsg echo "ERROR: no local vimrc file" echohl None else echohl ErrorMsg echo "ERROR: no local configuration; use :SaveAndSign for new configurations" echohl None endif endfunction command! SignConfig :call SignConfig() " Save and sign a local configuration file. Can be used with both active local " configurations and new or external configurations. function! SaveAndSign(force,...) if a:0 > 1 echohl ErrorMsg echo "E172: Only one file name allowed" echohl None return endif let s:save_and_sign = 1 if a:0 == 1 && a:force execute "w!" a:1 elseif a:0 execute "w" a:1 elseif a:force w! else w endif unlet! s:save_and_sign endfunction command! -bang -complete=file -nargs=? SaveAndSign \ call SaveAndSign( "" == "!" , ) " Check if the local directory and local vimrc exist if !( isdirectory( ".vim.local" ) && filereadable( ".vim.local/vimrc" ) ) finish endif echo " " echo "Found local configuration in .vim.local ; validating..." " Verify the vimrc's signature try call CheckSignature( ".vim.local/vimrc" , ".vim.local/signature" ) catch /.*/ echo " " echo " -> SIGNATURE VERIFICATION FAILED" echo " " finish endtry echo " -> Using local configuration." echo " " let g:vim_local_path = fnamemodify( ".vim.local" , ":p" ) let &g:runtimepath = &g:runtimepath . "," . g:vim_local_path " Source it source .vim.local/vimrc