" Force NeoBundle to check the loaded plugins and install them " Save current filetype settings let s:has_ft = exists( "did_load_filetypes" ) let s:has_fti = exists( "did_indent_on" ) let s:has_ftp = exists( "did_load_ftplugin" ) " Enable filetype with both indent and plugins if !( s:has_ft && s:has_fti && s:has_ftp ) filetype plugin indent on endif " Let NeoBundle check for installations NeoBundleCheck " Call hooks on reload if !has( "vim_starting" ) call neobundle#call_hook( "on_source" ) call neobundle#call_hook( "on_post_source" ) endif " Restore filetype settings if ! s:has_fti filetype indent off endif if ! s:has_ftp filetype plugin off endif if ! s:has_ft filetype off endif