*heavim* A really heavy Vim configuration 1. Keyboard shortcuts |heavim-shortcuts| ============================================================================= 1. KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS ~ *heavim-shortcuts* Note: Heavim defines Space as the global leader key, and comma (',') as the local leader key. + Toggle folds M Toggle mouse P Toggle paste mode (Visual mode) Copy selected text to X clipboard Clear highlighted search n Toggle line numbers c Invert cursor line/column C Toggle cursor line/column modes T Toggle visible tabs Previous buffer Next buffer Close current buffer Open new tab Close current tab Select previous tab Select next tab Move current tab left Move current tab right Bu NeoBundle: check for updates Bi NeoBundle: install new bundles hm Help: man page for current word hv Help: vim help for current word (only in .vim files) pp CtrlP: buffer list po CtrlP: recently used files pi CtrlP: directory t Toggle tagbar e Toggle NERDtree explorer gd Git: view diff for current buffer gl Git: show log gs Git: show status g< Git: previous modified chunk g> Git: next modified chunk g+ Git: add modified chunk g- Git: revert modified chunk ga Git: add whole buffer gb Git: create branch gc Git: commit staged changes gB Git: create and checkout branch gC Git: checkout gM Git: rename current buffer gP Git: push gR Git: remove current buffer ss Toggle syntax checking sc Check syntax now