
1540 lines
36 KiB

# A really useless bash prompt generator that most likely only works on Linux
# and requires Perl.
# Have a look at for some documentation
# Licensed under the WTFPL version 2, which should be in the LICENSE file.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)';
use POSIX qw(strftime :termios_h);
use Cwd qw(abs_path getcwd);
use Data::Dumper;
# DEFAULT CONFIGURATION ====================================================={{{
our %CONFIG = (
# - Issue warnings about configuration files
cfg_warn_files => 1 ,
# - Allow overrides from environment
cfg_from_env => 0 ,
# - System theme dirs
cfg_sys_themes => [ '/usr/share/gprompt/themes' ] ,
# - User theme dirs
cfg_user_themes => [ '.local/share/gprompt/themes' , '.gprompt-themes' ] ,
# - Use tput sgr0 for resets
cfg_sgr0_reset => 0 ,
# - Theme and local overrides
layout_theme => '' ,
layout_theme_overrides => {} ,
# - Section generators for the left side of the top bar
layout_left => [ ] ,
# - Section generator for the central part of the top bar (undef if unused)
layout_middle => '' ,
# - Section generators for the right side of the top bar
layout_right => [ ] ,
# - Section generators for the input bar
layout_input => [ qw( userhost cwd ) ] ,
# - Always generate input line?
layout_input_always => 0 ,
# - Add an empty line before the prompt? 0=no, 1=always, 2=not at the top
# of the terminal, 3=only if the previous command didn't finish with \n
layout_empty_line => 3 ,
# - Set title from the prompt? 0=no, 1=normal, 2=minimized, 3=both
term_set_title => 1 ,
# - Generators to use
term_generators => [ qw( userhost cwd ) ] ,
# - Separator
term_separator => ':' ,
# - Max width as a percentage of the terminal's width
cwd_max_width => 50 ,
# - Display username? 0=no, 1=yes
uh_username => 1 ,
# - Display hostname? 0=no, 1=always, 2=remote only
uh_hostname => 1 ,
# - Display symbol for remote hosts?
uh_remote => 0 ,
# - Display date?
dt_show_date => 0 ,
# - Display time?
dt_show_time => 1 ,
# - Date format
dt_date_fmt => '%Y-%m-%d' ,
# - Time format
dt_time_fmt => '%H:%M' ,
# - Display OK/failed symbol?
pcmd_show_symbol => 1 ,
# - Display status code? 0=no, 1=always, 2=on failure
pcmd_show_code => 2 ,
# - Pad status code display? 0 = no, -1 = left aligned, 1 = right aligned
pcmd_pad_code => 0 ,
# Success/failure colors for 0=nothing, 1=symbol, 2=code, 3=both
pcmd_colors => 1 ,
# - Always display?
jobs_always => 0 ,
# - Minimal load average before the section is displayed
load_min => 0 ,
# - Branches for which the prompt should emit a strong warning
git_branch_danger => [ 'main' , 'master' ] ,
# - Branches for which the prompt should emit a weak warning
git_branch_warn => [ 'dev' , 'develop' ] ,
# - Warning mode for detached heads (0=none, 1=weak, 2=strong)
git_detached_warning => 2 ,
# - Show git status?
git_show_status => 1 ,
# - Show git stash count?
git_show_stash => 1 ,
# - Display Python version (0=no, 1=if venv is set, 2=always)
pyenv_py_version => 1 ,
# Default theme -------------------------------------------------------------{{{
sub default_theme
return {
# Padding character
'padding' => ' ',
# Extra colors for transition strings
'transition' => [ 7 ] ,
# Left side of top line
'bg_left' => -2,
'fg_left' => -2,
'left_prefix' => '' ,
'left_separator' => ' ' ,
'left_suffix' => '\f2 | ' ,
# Middle of top line
'bg_middle' => -2,
'fg_middle' => -2,
'middle_prefix' => ' ',
'middle_separator' => ' ',
'middle_suffix' => ' ',
# Right side of top line
'bg_right' => -2,
'fg_right' => -2,
'right_prefix' => '\f2 | ' ,
'right_separator' => ' ' ,
'right_suffix' => '' ,
# Input line
'bg_input' => -2,
'fg_input' => -2,
'input_prefix' => '' ,
'input_separator' => '\f2:' ,
'input_suffix' => '\f2 ; ' ,
# Secondary prompt
'bg_ps2' => -2,
ps2_suffix => ' : ' ,
# Text appended to a line without EOL when layout_empty_line is 3
'noeol_text' => '<NO EOL>' ,
# Colors and style for the above text
'noeol_fg' => 1 ,
'noeol_bg' => -1 ,
'noeol_style' => 'b' ,
# Current working directory - Truncation string
cwd_trunc => '...' ,
# Current working directory - Foreground / background colors
'cwd_fg_color' => 12 ,
'cwd_bg_color' => -1 ,
# Current working directory - Colors when directory is missing
'cwd_missing_fg_color' => 1 ,
'cwd_missing_bg_color' => -1 ,
# User@host - Remote host symbol
'uh_remote_symbol' => '(r)',
# User@host - User - Foreground and background colors
'uh_user_fg' => 10 ,
'uh_user_bg' => -1 ,
# User@host - Root - Foreground and background colors
'uh_root_fg' => 9 ,
'uh_root_bg' => -1 ,
# User@host - Hostname and remote host color
'uh_host_fg' => 10 ,
# Date/time - Colors
'dt_time_fg' => -1 ,
'dt_date_fg' => -1 ,
'dt_bg' => -1 ,
# Previous command state - Symbols
'pcmd_ok_sym' => 'O',
'pcmd_err_sym' => 'X',
# Previous command state - OK text / background color
'pcmd_ok_fg' => -1 ,
'pcmd_ok_bg' => -1 ,
# Previous command state - Error text / background color
'pcmd_err_fg' => -1 ,
'pcmd_err_bg' => -1 ,
# Previous command state - Other text foreground
'pcmd_text_fg' => -1 ,
# Job count - Prefix and suffix text
'jobs_prefix' => '&' ,
'jobs_suffix' => '',
# Job count - Background color
'jobs_bg' => -1 ,
# Job count - Style and foreground color for the job count
'jobs_count_style' => 'b' ,
'jobs_count_fg' => -1 ,
# Job count - Style and foreground color for the prefix
'jobs_prefix_style' => '' ,
'jobs_prefix_fg' => -1 ,
# Job count - Style and foreground color for the suffix
'jobs_suffix_style' => '' ,
'jobs_suffix_fg' => -1 ,
# Load average - Symbol or text
'load_title' => 'ld',
# Load average - Low load colors
'load_low_fg' => -1,
'load_low_bg' => -1,
# Load average - Medium load colors
'load_med_fg' => -1 ,
'load_med_bg' => -1 ,
# Load average - High load colors
'load_high_fg' => -1 ,
'load_high_bg' => -1 ,
# Git - Branch symbol
'git_branch_symbol' => 'B ',
# Git - Branch colors - No warning
'git_branch_ok_bg' => -1 ,
'git_branch_ok_fg' => -1 ,
# Git - Branch colors - Weak warning
'git_branch_warn_bg' => -1 ,
'git_branch_warn_fg' => -1 ,
# Git - Branch colors - Strong warning
'git_branch_danger_bg' => -1 ,
'git_branch_danger_fg' => -1 ,
# Git - Repo state colors
'git_repstate_bg' => -1 ,
'git_repstate_fg' => -1 ,
# Git - Padding character for status sections
'git_status_pad' => '' ,
# Git - Untracked symbol and colors
'git_untracked_symbol' => 'U ',
'git_untracked_bg' => -1 ,
'git_untracked_normal_fg' => -1 ,
'git_untracked_add_fg' => -1 ,
'git_untracked_mod_fg' => -1 ,
'git_untracked_del_fg' => -1 ,
# Git - Indexed symbol and colors
'git_indexed_symbol' => 'I ',
'git_indexed_bg' => -1 ,
'git_indexed_normal_fg' => -1 ,
'git_indexed_add_fg' => -1 ,
'git_indexed_mod_fg' => -1 ,
'git_indexed_del_fg' => -1 ,
# Git - Add/modify/delete symbols
'git_add_symbol' => '+' ,
'git_mod_symbol' => '~',
'git_del_symbol' => '-',
# Git stash symbol and color
'git_stash_symbol' => 'S ',
'git_stash_bg' => -1 ,
'git_stash_fg' => -1 ,
# Python virtual environment section colors
'pyenv_text' => 'PY:',
'pyenv_sep' => '/',
'pyenv_fg' => -1,
'pyenv_bg' => -1,
# }}}
# }}}
# MAIN PROGRAM =============================================================={{{
our $HASCWD;
our $RESET;
our %INPUT = ();
our %TCCACHE = ();
our %TLEN = ();
our %SCACHE = ();
our %THEME = ();
our %STYLES = (
none => '' ,
b => 'bold' ,
d => 'dim' ,
u => 'smul' ,
i => 'sitm' ,
bu => 'bold,smul' ,
iu => 'sitm,smul' ,
# Terminal commands ---------------------------------------------------------{{{
sub tput_sequence
my $args = shift;
return $TCCACHE{ $args } if exists $TCCACHE{ $args };
open( my $fh , "tput $args|" );
my $value = <$fh>;
close( $fh );
$value =~ s/\033/\\033/g;
return ( $TCCACHE{ $args } = "\\[$value\\]" );
sub set_color
my ( $type , $index ) = @_;
return tput_sequence( "seta$type $index" );
sub flush_term_and_read_pos($)
my $ttyIn = shift;
my ($input, $col, $line) = ("", "", "");
my @pending = ();
my $state = 0;
while (sysread $ttyIn, $input, 1) {
if ($state == 0) {
if ($input eq "\033") {
$state = 1;
} else {
push @pending, $input;
} elsif ($state == 1) {
$state = 2 if $input eq '[';
} elsif ($state == 2) {
if ($input eq ';') {
$state = 3;
} else {
$line .= $input;
} elsif ($state == 3) {
last if $input eq 'R';
$col .= $input;
return $col, $line, @pending;
sub term_open
open(my $ttyIn, '<:bytes' , '/dev/tty');
open(my $ttyOut, '>:bytes' , '/dev/tty');
my $term = POSIX::Termios->new;
return [$ttyIn, $ttyOut, $term];
sub term_close
my ($ttyIn, $ttyOut, $term) = @{ $_[0] };
close $ttyOut;
close $ttyIn;
@{ $_[0] } = ();
sub term_set_raw
my ($ttyIn, $ttyOut, $term) = @{ $_[0] };
my $ttyInFd = fileno $ttyIn;
my $oTerm = $term->getlflag;
$term->setlflag($oTerm & ~( ECHO | ECHOK | ICANON ));
$term->setcc(VTIME, 1);
$term->setattr($ttyInFd, TCSANOW);
return $oTerm
sub term_set_cooked
my ($ttyIn, $ttyOut, $term) = @{ $_[0] };
my $oTerm = $_[1];
$term->setcc(VTIME, 0);
$term->setattr(fileno( $ttyIn ), TCSANOW);
# Fake input using TIOCSTI (0x5412)
sub term_feed
my ($ttyIn, $ttyOut, $term) = @{ $_[0] };
foreach my $pByte (@_) {
ioctl $ttyIn, 0x5412, $pByte;
sub get_cursor_pos
my $term = term_open;
my $oTerm = term_set_raw($term);
# Read position then restore input
syswrite $term->[1], "\033[6n", 4;
my ($col, $line, @pending) = flush_term_and_read_pos $term->[0];
term_feed $term, @pending;
term_set_cooked($term, $oTerm);
return $line, $col;
# Theming support -----------------------------------------------------------{{{
sub thref($) { bless {r=>$_[0]}, 'ThemeRef'; }
sub TERM_DEFAULT() { -2 }
sub SECTION_DEFAULT() { -1 }
sub load_theme
my $theme = $CONFIG{layout_theme};
return default_theme unless $theme;
my $warn = $CONFIG{cfg_warn_files};
my @tdirs = (
( map { $ENV{HOME} . '/' . $_ } @{$CONFIG{cfg_user_themes}} ) ,
foreach my $dir ( @tdirs ) {
my $path = "$dir/${theme}.pm";
next unless -f $path;
my $data = do $path;
if ( $@ ) {
warn "could not parse `$path': $@" if $warn;
} elsif ( !defined $data ) {
warn "could not do `$path': $!\n" if $warn;
} elsif ( !$data ) {
warn "could not run `$path'\n" if $warn;
} elsif ( ref( $data ) ne 'HASH' ) {
warn "`$path' does not contain a hash\n" if $warn;
} else {
return $data;
return default_theme;
sub theme_resolve
my ( $key , $stack ) = @_;
$stack = {} unless defined $stack;
if ( exists $stack->{ $key } ) {
warn "inifinite loop in theme ($key)\n";
return undef;
$stack->{ $key } = 1;
my $value = $THEME{ $key };
if ( ref( $value ) eq 'ThemeRef' ) {
$THEME{ $key } = theme_resolve( $value->{r} );
$value = $THEME{ $key };
return $value;
sub themed($)
my $k = shift;
unless ( %THEME ) {
%THEME = (
%{ &default_theme } ,
%{ &load_theme } ,
%{ $CONFIG{layout_theme_overrides} }
my @to_resolve = grep { ref( $THEME{$_} ) eq 'ThemeRef' } keys %THEME;
foreach my $k ( @to_resolve ) {
theme_resolve( $k );
return $THEME{ $k };
# Rendering utilities -------------------------------------------------------{{{
sub get_section_length
my $section = shift;
my $len = 0;
foreach my $item ( @{ $section->{content} } ) {
next if ref $item;
$len += length $item;
return $len;
sub get_length
my $len = 0;
foreach my $section ( @_ ) {
$len += get_section_length( $section );
return $len;
sub gen_transition
my $transition = shift;
my @colors = ( @_ , @{ themed 'transition' } );
my $state = 0;
my $pc;
my $out = [ {style=>'none'} ];
foreach my $char ( split // , $transition ) {
if ( $state == 1 ) {
if ( $char eq 'f' || $char eq 'b' ) {
$pc = $char;
$state = 2;
} else {
$state = 0;
push @$out , "\\$char";
} elsif ( $state == 2 ) {
$char = '0' unless $char =~ /^\d$/;
push @$out , { $pc . 'g' => $colors[ int($char) ] };
$state = 0;
} elsif ( $char eq '\\' ) {
$state = 1;
} else {
push @$out , $char;
return { content => $out };
sub compute_trans_lengths
my %out = ();
foreach my $side ( qw( left right input ) ) {
foreach my $type ( qw( prefix separator suffix ) ) {
my $k = $side . '_' . $type;
$out{ $k } = get_section_length( gen_transition(
themed $k , 1 , 2 ) );
return %out;
sub gen_prompt_section
my ( $state , $section ) = @_;
unless ( exists $state->{ $section } ) {
no strict 'refs';
my $sFunc = 'readstate_' . $section;
$state->{ $section } = &$sFunc;
unless ( exists $SCACHE{ $section } ) {
no strict 'refs';
my $rFunc = 'render_' . $section;
$SCACHE{ $section } = [ &$rFunc( $state->{ $section } ) ];
return @{ $SCACHE{ $section } };
sub gen_prompt_sections
my ( $state , $reverse , @input ) = @_;
@input = reverse @input if $reverse;
my @output = ( );
foreach my $section ( @input ) {
my @section = gen_prompt_section( $state , $section );
@section = reverse @section if $reverse;
@output = ( @output , @section );
return @output;
sub adapt_to_width
my ( $length , $side , @input ) = @_;
my $minTransLen = $TLEN{ $side . '_prefix' } + $TLEN{ $side . '_suffix' };
my @output = ( );
foreach my $section ( @input ) {
my $slen = get_section_length( $section );
my $rlen = $minTransLen
+ scalar( @output ) * $TLEN{ $side . '_separator' };
last if $$length + $slen + $rlen > $COLUMNS;
push @output , $section;
$$length += $slen;
if ( @output ) {
$$length += $minTransLen
+ ( scalar( @output ) - 1 ) * $TLEN{ $side . '_separator' };
return @output;
sub add_transitions
my $name = shift;
my $cBefore = shift;
my $cAfter = shift;
my $prefix = themed( $name . '_prefix' );
my $separator = themed( $name . '_separator' );
my $suffix = themed( $name . '_suffix' );
my $bgDefault = themed( 'bg_' . $name );
my $prevBg = undef;
my $curBg = $cBefore;
my @out = ( );
foreach my $section ( @_ ) {
$prevBg = $curBg;
$curBg = ( exists $section->{bg} ) ? $section->{bg} : -1;
$curBg = $bgDefault if $curBg < 0;
my $trans = scalar(@out) ? $separator : $prefix;
@out = ( @out ,
gen_transition( $trans , $prevBg , $curBg ) ,
$section ,
@out = ( @out , gen_transition( $suffix , $curBg , $cAfter ) ) if @out;
return @out;
sub apply_style
my ( $bg , $fg , $style ) = @_;
my $out = $RESET;
$out .= set_color( 'b' , $bg ) unless $bg == -2;
$out .= set_color( 'f' , $fg ) unless $fg == -2;
if ( $style ne 'none' ) {
foreach my $ctrl ( split /,/, $STYLES{ $style } ) {
$out .= tput_sequence( $ctrl );
return $out;
sub render
my $name = shift;
my $out = '';
my $mustSetFg = undef;
my $mustSetBg = undef;
my $mustSetStyle = undef;
my $bgDefault = themed( 'bg_' . $name );
my $fgDefault = themed( 'fg_' . $name );
my ( $fg , $bg , $style ) = ( -2 , -2 , 'none' );
foreach my $section ( @_ ) {
$mustSetBg = $section->{bg} if exists $section->{bg};
foreach my $part ( @{ $section->{content} } ) {
if ( ref $part ) {
$mustSetBg = $part->{bg} if exists $part->{bg};
$mustSetFg = $part->{fg} if exists $part->{fg};
$mustSetStyle = $part->{style} if exists $part->{style};
} else {
# Check background color changes
if ( defined $mustSetBg ) {
$mustSetBg = $bgDefault if $mustSetBg == -1;
$mustSetBg = undef if $mustSetBg == $bg;
# Check foreground color changes
if ( defined $mustSetFg ) {
$mustSetFg = $fgDefault if $mustSetFg == -1;
$mustSetFg = undef if $mustSetFg == $fg;
# Check style changes
if ( defined( $mustSetStyle ) && ( $mustSetStyle eq $style
|| !exists( $STYLES{ $style } ) ) ) {
$mustSetStyle = undef;
# Change style and colors if necessary
if ( defined( $mustSetBg ) || defined( $mustSetFg )
|| defined( $mustSetStyle ) ) {
if ( defined $mustSetBg ) {
$bg = $mustSetBg;
$mustSetBg = undef;
if ( defined $mustSetFg ) {
$fg = $mustSetFg;
$mustSetFg = undef;
if ( defined $mustSetStyle ) {
$style = $mustSetStyle;
$mustSetStyle = undef;
$out .= apply_style( $bg , $fg , $style );
$part =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$part =~ s/"/\\\"/g;
$out .= $part;
return $out;
# Prompt parts --------------------------------------------------------------{{{
sub gen_empty_line
my $lel = $CONFIG{layout_empty_line};
my $nl;
my $out = "";
if ($lel > 1) {
my ($line, $col) = get_cursor_pos;
$nl = ( $lel == 2 && $line != 1 ) || ( $lel == 3 && $col != 1 );
if ( $lel == 3 && $col != 1 ) {
$out .= render('input', {
content => [
style => themed 'noeol_style' ,
fg => themed 'noeol_fg' ,
bg => themed 'noeol_bg' ,
( themed 'noeol_text' )
} else {
$nl = $lel
$out .= "\\n" if $nl;
return $out;
sub gen_top_line
my $state = shift;
my @left = @{ $CONFIG{layout_left} };
my @right = @{ $CONFIG{layout_right} };
my $midGen = $CONFIG{layout_middle};
return "" unless ( @left || @right || $midGen );
# Generate content
my @middle = ( );
my $mc = themed 'bg_middle';
@left = gen_prompt_sections( $state , 0 , @left );
if ( defined $midGen ) {
@middle = ( gen_prompt_section( $state , $midGen ) );
if ( @middle ) {
@middle = (
add_transitions( 'middle' , themed( 'bg_left' ) ,
themed( 'bg_right' ) , @middle )
foreach my $entry ( @middle ) {
delete $entry->{bg};
unshift @middle , { bg => themed('bg_middle') };
@right = gen_prompt_sections( $state , 1 , @right );
# Adapt to width
my $len = get_length( ( @middle ) );
@left = adapt_to_width( \$len , 'left' , @left );
@right = reverse adapt_to_width( \$len , 'right' , reverse @right );
# Prepare padding
my @mpad = ();
if ( $len < $COLUMNS ) {
push @mpad , {
content => [ themed('padding') x ( $COLUMNS - $len ) ]
# Render
my $txt = render( 'left' , add_transitions( 'left' , 0 , $mc , @left ) );
$txt .= render( 'middle' , @middle , @mpad );
$txt .= render( 'right' , add_transitions( 'right' , $mc , 0 , @right ) );
return $txt . $RESET . "\\n";
sub gen_input_line
my $state = shift;
my @input = @{ $CONFIG{layout_input} };
return "" unless @input || $CONFIG{layout_input_always};
my $len = 0;
@input = adapt_to_width( \$len , 'input' ,
gen_prompt_sections( $state , 0 , @input ) );
push @input , {content=>['']} unless @input;
return ( $len ,
render( 'input' , add_transitions( 'input' , 0 , 0 , @input ) ) . $RESET
sub gen_ps2
my $ill = shift;
my @line = gen_transition( themed('ps2_suffix') , themed('bg_ps2') , 0 );
my $len = get_length( @line );
if ( $len < $ill ) {
unshift @line , {
bg => themed('bg_ps2') ,
content => [ ' ' x ( $ill - $len ) ]
return render( 'ps2' , @line ) . $RESET;
sub gen_term_title
my $state = shift;
my @parts = @{ $CONFIG{term_generators} };
return '' unless @parts && $CONFIG{term_set_title};
@parts = gen_prompt_sections( $state , 0 , @parts );
my @str_parts = ();
foreach my $part ( @parts ) {
my $cur = '';
foreach my $sub ( @{ $part->{content} } ) {
next if ref $sub;
$cur .= $sub;
$cur =~ s/[^\x20-\x7f]//g;
push @str_parts , $cur if $cur;
return '' unless @str_parts;
my $main = join( $CONFIG{term_separator} , @str_parts );
my $out = '';
$out .= "\\033]0;$main\\007" if $CONFIG{term_set_title} & 1;
$out .= "\\033]1;$main\\007" if $CONFIG{term_set_title} & 2;
$out = "\\[$out\\]" if $out;
return $out;
# Configuration loader ------------------------------------------------------{{{
sub get_config_overrides
foreach my $k ( keys %CONFIG ) {
next unless exists $ENV{ "GPROMPT_" . uc($k) };
my $ev = $ENV{ "GPROMPT_" . uc($k) };
next if $ev eq '';
my $vt = ref $CONFIG{ $k };
if ( !$vt ) {
$CONFIG{ $k } = $ev;
} elsif ( $vt eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$CONFIG{ $k } = [ map {
$_ =~ s/^\s+//; $_ =~ s/\s+$//; $_
} ( split /,/ , $ev ) ];
} elsif ( $vt eq 'HASH' ) {
$CONFIG{ $k } = { map {
$_ =~ s/^\s+//; $_ =~ s/\s+$//; split /:/ , $_ , 2
} ( split /,/ , $ev ) };
sub load_config
my @cfg_files = (
'/etc/gprompt-defaults.rc' ,
foreach my $cfg_file ( @cfg_files ) {
next unless -f $cfg_file;
my $data = do $cfg_file;
my $warn = $CONFIG{cfg_warn_files};
if ( $@ ) {
warn "could not parse `$cfg_file': $@" if $warn;
} elsif ( !defined $data ) {
warn "could not do `$cfg_file': $!\n" if $warn;
} elsif ( !$data ) {
warn "could not run `$cfg_file'\n" if $warn;
} elsif ( ref( $data ) ne 'HASH' ) {
warn "`$cfg_file' does not contain a hash\n" if $warn;
} else {
%CONFIG = ( %CONFIG , %$data );
get_config_overrides if $CONFIG{cfg_from_env};
sub printBashInit
my $gpPath = abs_path($0);
print <<"EOF";
_gprompt_set_return() {
return "\${1:-0}"
gprompt_command() {
local jobs=(\$(jobs -p))
eval "\$( perl \Q$gpPath\E "rc:\$_GPROMPT_PREV_STATUS" "jobs:\${#jobs[@]}" )"
_gprompt_set_return "\$_GPROMPT_PREV_STATUS"
_gprompt_clear() {
clear -x
eval "\$( perl \Q$gpPath\E prevstate )"
echo -ne "\${PS1\@P}\\r"
_gprompt_set_return "\${_GPROMPT_PREV_STATUS:-0}"
_gprompt_inject() {
perl -e 'ioctl(STDIN, 0x5412, pack("C", \$ARGV[0]))' \$1 </dev/tty
_gprompt_resize() {
eval "\$( perl \Q$gpPath\E prevstate resize )"
echo -ne "\\033[1F\\033[K\${PS1\@P}\\r"
shopt -s checkwinsize
if [[ \$PROMPT_COMMAND != *"gprompt_command"* ]]; then
bind -x \$'"\\C-l":_gprompt_clear'
bind -x \$'"\\xff":_gprompt_resize'
trap '_gprompt_inject 255; wait' SIGWINCH
exit 0;
sub readArguments
return {} unless @ARGV;
my $state = {};
my $resize = 0;
if ($ARGV[0] eq 'init') {
printBashInit; # (will exit)
} elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+$/) {
# Backward compatibility
$INPUT{rc} = $ARGV[0];
} else {
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
if ($arg eq 'prevstate') {
$state = eval $ENV{GPROMPT_STATE};
$state = {} if $!;
} elsif ($arg eq 'resize') {
$resize = 1;
} elsif ($arg =~ /^([a-z]+):(.*)$/) {
$INPUT{$1} = $2;
return $state , $resize;
sub main
my ( $state , $resize ) = readArguments;
$HASCWD = defined( getcwd );
chdir '/' unless $HASCWD;
( $COLUMNS , my $lines ) = split /\n/ , `tput cols lines`;
my ( $iCol, $iLine ) = ();
if ( $resize ) {
exit 0 unless ( @{ $CONFIG{layout_left} } || @{ $CONFIG{layout_right} }
|| $CONFIG{layout_middle} ) && exists( $ENV{READLINE_POINT} );
( $iLine, $iCol ) = get_cursor_pos;
$RESET = $CONFIG{cfg_sgr0_reset} ? tput_sequence( 'sgr0' ) : "\\[\\033[0m\\]";
%TLEN = compute_trans_lengths;
my $pg = gen_term_title( $state );
my $ps1 = $pg;
$ps1 .= gen_empty_line( $state ) unless $resize;
$ps1 .= gen_top_line( $state );
my ( $ill , $ilt ) = gen_input_line( $state );
$ps1 .= $ilt;
my $ps2 = $pg . gen_ps2( $ill );
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
$state = Dumper($state);
print "export PS1=\"$ps1\" PS2=\"$ps2\" GPROMPT_STATE=\Q$state\E\n";
if ( $resize ) {
my $linePos = 1 + int( $ENV{READLINE_POINT} ) + $ill;
my $nExtraChars = $linePos % $COLUMNS;
my $nLines = ( $linePos - $nExtraChars ) / $COLUMNS;
$nLines ++ if $nExtraChars;
if ( $nLines < $lines ) {
my $toLine = $iLine - $nLines;
print "export _GPROMPT_SETPOS=\"\\033[${toLine};0H\"\n";
print "export _GPROMPT_RESTOREPOS=\"\\033[${iLine};${iCol}H\"\n";
open(my $f, ">>/tmp/debugthefuck");
print $f "linePos $linePos ill $ill nec $nExtraChars nLines $nLines iLine $iLine toLine $toLine iCol $iCol\n";
# }}}
# SECTION RENDERERS ========================================================={{{
# Date/time -----------------------------------------------------------------{{{
sub readstate_datetime
my @cur_time = localtime time;
return { t => [@cur_time] };
sub render_datetime
my $state = shift;
my @cur_time = @{ $state->{t} };
my @out = ( );
if ( $CONFIG{dt_show_date} ) {
push @out , {fg=>themed 'dt_date_fg'};
push @out , ( strftime $CONFIG{dt_date_fmt}, @cur_time )
if ( $CONFIG{dt_show_time} ) {
push @out, ' ' if @out;
push @out , {fg=>themed 'dt_time_fg'};
push @out , ( strftime $CONFIG{dt_time_fmt}, @cur_time )
return { bg => themed 'dt_bg' , content => [@out] };
# Current working directory -------------------------------------------------{{{
sub readstate_cwd
my $state = { exists=> $HASCWD };
$state->{home} = $ENV{HOME} if exists $ENV{HOME};
if ($HASCWD) {
$state->{cwd} = getcwd;
} elsif (exists $ENV{PWD}) {
$state->{cwd} = $ENV{PWD};
return $state;
sub render_cwd
my $state = shift;
my @out = ( );
my @cols;
unless ( $state->{exists} ) {
@cols = map { themed $_ } qw(
cwd_missing_bg_color cwd_missing_fg_color );
push @out , {
bg => $cols[0] ,
content => [
fg => $cols[1] ,
style => 'i' ,
} ,
'(no cwd)'
] ,
return @out unless exists $state->{cwd};
} else {
@cols = map { themed $_ } qw( cwd_bg_color cwd_fg_color );
my $cwd = $state->{cwd};
( my $dir = $cwd ) =~ s!^.*/!!;
my $max_len = int( $COLUMNS * $CONFIG{cwd_max_width} / 100 );
$max_len = length( $dir ) if length( $dir ) > $max_len;
if (exists $state->{home}) {
my $home = $state->{home};
( $dir = $cwd ) =~ s!^\Q$home\E(\z|/.*)$!~$1!;
my $offset = length( $dir ) - $max_len;
if ( $offset > 0 ) {
$dir = substr $dir , $offset , $max_len;
my $t = themed 'cwd_trunc';
$dir =~ s!^[^/]*/!$t/!;
push @out , {
bg => $cols[0] ,
content => [ {fg=>$cols[1]} , $dir ]
return @out;
# }}}
# User/Host -----------------------------------------------------------------{{{
sub readstate_userhost
my $is_remote = 0;
foreach my $ev ( qw( SSH_CLIENT SSH2_CLIENT SSH_TTY ) ) {
if ( exists($ENV{$ev}) && $ENV{$ev} ne '' ) {
$is_remote = 1;
use Sys::Hostname;
return {
rmt => $is_remote ,
user => ( getpwuid( $< ) || '(?)' ) ,
host => hostname
sub render_userhost
my $state = shift;
my ( $un , $hn , $rm ) = map {
} qw( username hostname remote );
return () unless $un || $hn || $rm;
my @out = ();
if ( $un ) {
push @out , $state->{user};
if ( $hn == 1 || ( $hn == 2 && $state->{rmt} ) ) {
push @out , { fg => themed 'uh_host_fg', style => 'd' };
push @out , '@' if @out;
push @out , $state->{host};
if ( $rm && $state->{rmt} ) {
push @out , {style => 'b'};
push @out , ( themed 'uh_remote_symbol' );
return () unless @out;
return {
bg => themed( ( $> == 0 ) ? 'uh_root_bg' : 'uh_user_bg' ) ,
content => [
{ fg => themed( ( $> == 0 ) ? 'uh_root_fg' : 'uh_user_fg' ) } ,
] ,
# }}}
# Previous command state ----------------------------------------------------{{{
sub readstate_prevcmd
return { rc => $INPUT{rc} };
sub render_prevcmd
my $state = shift;
my ( $ss , $sc , $pc , $cl ) = map {
$CONFIG{ "pcmd_$_" }
} qw( show_symbol show_code pad_code colors );
return () unless exists $state->{rc};
my $status = $state->{rc};
$sc = ( $sc == 1 || ( $sc == 2 && $status ) );
return () unless $sc || $ss;
my $col = themed( ( $status == 0 ) ? 'pcmd_ok_fg' : 'pcmd_err_fg' );
my @out = ();
if ( $ss ) {
@out = ( @out ,
fg => ( ( $cl & 1 ) != 0 ) ? $col : -1 ,
style => 'b'
} ,
themed( $status == 0 ? 'pcmd_ok_sym' : 'pcmd_err_sym' ) ,
{ style => 'none' } ,
if ( $sc ) {
push @out , ' ' if @out;
push @out , { fg => ( ( ( $cl & 2 ) != 0 ) ? $col : -1 ) };
if ( $pc ) {
my $str = sprintf '%' . ( $pc * 3 ) . 's' , $status;
my $pad = themed 'padding';
$str =~ s/ /$pad/g;
push @out , $str;
} else {
push @out , $status;
return {
bg => themed( ( $status == 0 ) ? 'pcmd_ok_bg' : 'pcmd_err_bg' ) ,
content => [ @out ] ,
# }}}
# Load average --------------------------------------------------------------{{{
sub readstate_load
my $ncpu;
if ( open( my $fh , '</proc/cpuinfo' ) ) {
while ( my $l = <$fh> ) {
$ncpu++ if $l =~ /^[Pp]rocessor/;
close $fh;
} else {
$ncpu = 1;
my $load;
return () unless open( my $fh , '/proc/loadavg' );
chop( $load = <$fh> );
close $fh;
$load =~ s/ .*$//;
$load = int( $load * 100 / $ncpu );
return $load;
sub render_load
my $load = shift;
return () if $load < $CONFIG{load_min};
my $cat;
if ( $load < 34 ) {
$cat = 'low';
} elsif ( $load < 68 ) {
$cat = 'med';
} else {
$cat = 'high';
return {
bg => themed( 'load_' . $cat . '_bg' ) ,
content => [
{fg=>themed( 'load_' . $cat . '_fg' )},
(themed 'load_title') ,
{style=>'b'}, $load . '%' , {style=>'none'},
# }}}
# Jobs ----------------------------------------------------------------------{{{
sub readstate_jobs
return ( exists $INPUT{jobs} ) ? $INPUT{jobs} : -1;
sub _render_jobs_part
my ($text, $themeName) = @_;
my $style = themed "jobs_${themeName}_style";
return (
style => $style ? $style : 'none' ,
fg => themed "jobs_${themeName}_fg" ,
sub render_jobs
my $jobs = shift;
return () if ( $jobs == 0 && !$CONFIG{jobs_always} ) || $jobs < 0;
my @output = ();
my $section = themed 'jobs_prefix';
@output = _render_jobs_part($section, 'prefix') if $section;
@output = (@output, _render_jobs_part($jobs, 'count'));
$section = themed 'jobs_suffix';
@output = (@output, _render_jobs_part($section, 'prefix')) if $section;
return {
bg => themed( 'jobs_bg' ) ,
content => [ @output ]
# }}}
# Git repository information ------------------------------------------------{{{
sub _readstate_git_branch
chop( my $branch = `git symbolic-ref -q HEAD` );
my $detached = ( $? != 0 );
if ( $detached ) {
chop( $branch = `git rev-parse --short -q HEAD` );
$branch = "($branch)";
} else {
$branch =~ s!^refs/heads/!!;
return { d => $detached, id => $branch };
sub _readstate_git_repstate
my $state = shift;
if ( open( my $fh ,
'git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir '
. '--is-bare-repository 2>/dev/null|' ) ) {
chop( my $gd = <$fh> );
chop( my $igd = <$fh> );
chop( my $bare = <$fh> );
close $fh;
my $str = undef;
if ( $bare eq 'true' ) {
$str = 'bare';
} elsif ( $igd eq 'true' ) {
$str = 'in git dir';
} else {
if ( -f "$gd/MERGE_HEAD" ) {
$str = 'merge';
} elsif ( -d "$gd/rebase-apply" || -d "$gd/rebase-merge" ) {
$str = 'rebase';
} elsif ( -f "$gd/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD" ) {
$str = 'cherry-pick';
$state->{rs} = $str if $str;
sub _readstate_git_status
my %parts = (
'\?\?' => 0 ,
'.M' => 1 ,
'.D' => 2 ,
'A.' => 3 ,
'R.' => 4 ,
'M.' => 4 ,
'D.' => 5 ,
my @counters = ( 0 ) x 6;
if ( open( my $fh , 'git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null |' ) ) {
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
my $sol = substr $line , 0 , 2;
foreach my $re ( keys %parts ) {
$counters[ $parts{ $re } ] ++
if $sol =~ /^$re$/;
close $fh;
return [ @counters ];
sub readstate_git
return undef unless $HASCWD;
system( 'git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1' );
return undef if $? != 0;
my $state = {};
# Branch information
$state->{br} = _readstate_git_branch;
# Repository state
_readstate_git_repstate( $state );
# Status
$state->{status} = _readstate_git_status if $CONFIG{git_show_status};
# Stash information
if ($CONFIG{git_show_stash}
&& open( my $fh , 'git stash list 2>/dev/null|' )) {
my @lines = grep { $_ =~ /^stash/ } <$fh>;
close( $fh );
my $nl = scalar( @lines );
$state->{stash} = $nl if $nl;
return $state;
sub _render_git_branch
my $state = shift;
# Get branch and associated warning level
my $branch = $state->{id};
my $detached = $state->{d};
my $branch_warning;
if ( $detached ) {
$branch_warning = $CONFIG{git_detached_warning};
} else {
my %branch_tab = (
( map { $_ => 1 } @{ $CONFIG{git_branch_warn} } ) ,
( map { $_ => 2 } @{ $CONFIG{git_branch_danger} } ) ,
$branch_warning = exists( $branch_tab{ $branch } )
? $branch_tab{ $branch } : 0;
$branch_warning = qw(ok warn danger)[ $branch_warning ];
return {
bg => themed( 'git_branch_' . $branch_warning . '_bg' ) ,
content => [
{fg => themed( 'git_branch_' . $branch_warning . '_fg' )} ,
themed( 'git_branch_symbol' ) ,
sub _render_git_repstate
my $state = shift;
return () unless exists $state->{rs};
return {
bg => themed 'git_repstate_bg' ,
content => [
{fg=>themed 'git_repstate_fg'},
sub _render_git_status
my $state = shift;
return () unless exists $state->{status};
my @counters = @{ $state->{status} };
# Generate status sections
my @sec_names = ( 'untracked' , 'indexed' );
my @sec_parts = ( 'normal' , 'add' , 'mod' , 'del' );
my @part_syms = map { themed( 'git_' . $_ . '_symbol' ) } @sec_parts[1..3];
my $pad = themed( 'git_status_pad' );
my @out = ();
foreach my $sidx ( 0..1 ) {
my $pidx0 = $sidx * 3;
next unless $counters[ $pidx0 ]
|| $counters[ $pidx0 + 1 ]
|| $counters[ $pidx0 + 2 ];
my $sec_name = $sec_names[ $sidx ];
my @fg = map {
themed( 'git_' . $sec_name . '_' . $_ . '_fg' )
} @sec_parts;
my @subsecs = ();
foreach my $i ( 0..2 ) {
next unless $counters[ $pidx0 + $i ];
@subsecs = ( @subsecs ,
{fg=>$fg[ $i + 1 ]} ,
$pad . $part_syms[ $i ] ,
{fg=>$fg[ 0 ]} ,
$counters[ $pidx0 + $i ]
push @out , {
bg => themed( 'git_' . $sec_name . '_bg' ) ,
content => [
{fg=>$fg[0]} ,
themed( 'git_' . $sec_name . '_symbol' ) ,
return @out,
sub _render_git_stash
my $state = shift;
return () unless exists $state->{stash};
return {
bg => themed('git_stash_bg') ,
content => [
{fg=>themed('git_stash_fg')} ,
themed('git_stash_symbol') ,
$state->{stash} ,
sub render_git
my $state = shift;
return () unless defined $state;
my @out = ( _render_git_branch( $state->{br} ) );
@out = ( @out , _render_git_repstate( $state ) );
@out = ( @out , _render_git_status( $state ) );
@out = ( @out , _render_git_stash( $state ) );
return @out;
# }}}
# Python virtual environment ------------------------------------------------{{{
sub readstate_pyenv
my $state = {};
if ( exists $ENV{VIRTUAL_ENV} ) {
$state->{env} = $ENV{VIRTUAL_ENV};
} elsif (exists $ENV{CONDA_VIRTUAL_ENV}) {
$state->{env} = $ENV{CONDA_VIRTUAL_ENV};
$state->{env} =~ s!.*/!! if exists $state->{env};
my $vd = $CONFIG{pyenv_py_version};
if ( $vd == 2 || ( $vd == 1 && exists $state->{env} ) ) {
my $cmd = join('||',
(map { "python$_ --version 2>/dev/null" } ('', 3, 2))
chop( my $pyver = `$cmd` );
$state->{ver} = (split /\s+/, $pyver, 2)[1];
return $state;
sub render_pyenv
my $state = shift;
my $vd = $CONFIG{pyenv_py_version};
my $env = exists( $state->{env} ) ? $state->{env} : '';
my $ver = exists( $state->{ver} ) ? $state->{ver} : '';
return unless $env || ( $vd == 2 && $ver );
my @output = (
{ fg=> themed 'pyenv_fg', style => 'd' },
(themed 'pyenv_text')
@output = (@output, { style => 'b' }, $env ) if $env;
@output = (@output, { style => 'd' }, (themed 'pyenv_sep')) if $env && $vd;
if ($vd == 2 || ( $vd == 1 && $env )) {
@output = (@output, {style => 'none' }, $ver);
return {
bg => themed 'pyenv_bg' ,
content => [ @output ]
# }}}
# }}}