{ # CONFIGURATION # - Issue warnings about configuration files cfg_warn_files => 1 , # - Allow overrides from environment cfg_from_env => 0 , # - System theme dirs cfg_sys_themes => [ '/usr/share/gprompt/themes' ] , # - User theme dirs cfg_user_themes => [ '.local/share/gprompt/themes' , '.gprompt-themes' ] , # LAYOUT # - Theme and local overrides layout_theme => 'blocks_yb' , layout_theme_overrides => {} , # - Section generators for the left side of the top bar layout_left => [ 'datetime' , 'userhost' , ] , # - Section generator for the central part of the top bar (undef if unused) layout_middle => 'cwd' , # - Section generators for the right side of the top bar layout_right => [ 'pyenv' , 'git' , ] , # - Section generators for the input bar layout_input => [ 'load' , 'prevcmd' , ] , # - Always generate input line? layout_input_always => 0 , # TERMINAL TITLE # - Set title from the prompt? 0=no, 1=normal, 2=minimized, 3=both term_set_title => 1 , # - Generators to use term_generators => [ 'userhost' , 'cwd' , 'pyenv' ] , # - Separator term_separator => ' ::: ' , # CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY # - Max width as a percentage of the terminal's width cwd_max_width => 50 , # USER@HOST # - Display username? 0=no, 1=yes uh_username => 1 , # - Display hostname? 0=no, 1=always, 2=remote only uh_hostname => 2 , # - Display symbol for remote hosts? uh_remote => 1 , # DATE/TIME # - Display date? dt_show_date => 0 , # - Display time? dt_show_time => 1 , # - Date format dt_date_fmt => '%Y-%m-%d' , # - Time format dt_time_fmt => '%H:%M' , # PREVIOUS COMMAND STATE # - Display OK/failed symbol? pcmd_show_symbol => 1 , # - Display status code? 0=no, 1=always, 2=on failure pcmd_show_code => 2 , # - Pad status code display? 0 = no, -1 = left aligned, 1 = right aligned pcmd_pad_code => -1 , # Success/failure colors for 0=nothing, 1=symbol, 2=code, 3=both pcmd_colors => 1 , # LOAD AVERAGE # - Minimal load average before the section is displayed load_min => 3 , # GIT # - Branches for which the prompt should emit a strong warning git_branch_danger => [ 'main' , 'master' ] , # - Branches for which the prompt should emit a weak warning git_branch_warn => [ 'dev' , 'develop' ] , # - Warning mode for detached heads (0=none, 1=weak, 2=strong) git_detached_warning => 2 , # - Show git status? git_show_status => 1 , # - Show git stash count? git_show_stash => 1 , }