#!/usr/bin/perl # Shiny perl prompt, lol use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)'; use POSIX qw(strftime); our @LEFT = ( 'datetime' , 'userhost' , # 'load' , # 'prevcmd' , ); our $MIDDLE = 'cwd'; our @RIGHT = ( # 'datetime' , # 'userhost' , 'load' , # 'prevcmd' , ); our @INPUT = ( # 'datetime' , # 'userhost' , # 'load' , 'prevcmd' , ); our %CONFIG = ( # LAYOUT # - Always generate input line ? layout_input_always => 0 , # CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY # - Max width as a percentage of the terminal's width cwd_max_width => 35 , # USER@HOST # - Display username? 0=no, 1=yes uh_username => 1 , # - Display hostname? 0=no, 1=always, 2=remote only uh_hostname => 2 , # - Display symbol for remote hosts ? uh_remote => 1 , # DATE/TIME # - Display date? dt_show_date => 0 , # - Display time? dt_show_time => 1 , # - Date format dt_date_fmt => '%Y-%m-%d' , # - Time format dt_time_fmt => '%H:%M' , # PREVIOUS COMMAND STATE # - Display OK/failed symbol? pcmd_show_symbol => 1 , # - Display status code? 0=no, 1=always, 2=on failure pcmd_show_code => 1 , # - Pad status code display? 0 = no, -1 = left aligned, 1 = right aligned pcmd_pad_code => -1 , # Success/failure colors for 0=nothing, 1=symbol, 2=code, 3=both pcmd_colors => 1 , # LOAD AVERAGE # - Minimal load average before the section is displayed load_min => 0 , ); our %THEME = ( # Padding character padding => ' ' , # Left side of top line left_prefix => '\b1 ' , left_separator => '\f0\b2\f2\b1' , left_suffix => '\f0\b2\f2\b1 ' , # Middle of top line middle_prefix => '' , middle_separator => ' | ' , middle_suffix => '' , # Right side of top line right_prefix => '\f2\b0\f1\b2\b1' , right_separator => '\f2\b0\f1\b2' , right_suffix => '\b0 ' , # Input line input_prefix => '\b1 ' , input_separator => '\f0\b2\f2\b1' , input_suffix => ' \f0\b2\f2\b1' , # Secondary prompt suffix ps2_suffix => '\f0\b1 ' , # Extra colors for transition strings transition => [ 233 ] , # Default left side background color bg_left => 239 , # Default middle background color bg_middle => 235 , # Default right side background color bg_right => 239 , # Default input prompt background color bg_input => 238 , # Secondary prompt backaground bg_ps2 => 234 , # Current working directory - Truncation string cwd_trunc => '…' , # Current working directory - Foreground / background colors cwd_fg_color => 15 , cwd_bg_color => -1 , # User@host - Remote host symbol uh_remote_symbol => '↥' , # User@host - User - Foreground and background colors uh_user_fg => 15 , uh_user_bg => 18 , # User@host - Root - Foreground and background colors uh_root_fg => 0 , uh_root_bg => 220 , # Date/time - Colors dt_time_fg => 15 , dt_date_fg => 15 , dt_bg => -1 , # Previous command state - Symbols pcmd_ok_sym => '✓' , pcmd_err_sym => '✗' , # Previous command state - OK text / background color pcmd_ok_fg => 21 , pcmd_ok_bg => -1 , # Previous command state - Error text / background color pcmd_err_fg => 220 , pcmd_err_bg => -1 , # Previous command state - Other text foreground pcmd_text_fg => 15 , # Load average - Symbol or text load_title => '↟' , # Load average - Low load colors load_low_fg => 15 , load_low_bg => -1 , # Load average - Medium load colors load_med_fg => 231 , load_med_bg => 135 , # Load average - High load colors load_high_fg => 231 , load_high_bg => 130 ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN PROGRAM chop( our $COLUMNS = `tput cols` ); our %TCCACHE = (); sub tput_sequence { my $args = shift; return $TCCACHE{ $args } if exists $TCCACHE{ $args }; open( my $fh , "tput $args|" ); my $value = <$fh>; close( $fh ); return ( $TCCACHE{ $args } = "\\[$value\\]" ); } sub set_color { my ( $type , $index ) = @_; return tput_sequence( "seta$type $index" ); } sub get_section_length { my $section = shift; my $len = 0; #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper( $section ); foreach my $item ( @{ $section->{content} } ) { next if ref $item; $len += length $item; } return $len; } sub get_length { my $len = 0; foreach my $section ( @_ ) { $len += get_section_length( $section ); } return $len; } sub gen_transition { my $transition = shift; my @colors = ( @_ , @{ $THEME{transition} } ); my $state = 0; my $pc; my $out = [ ]; foreach my $char ( split // , $transition ) { if ( $state == 1 ) { if ( $char eq 'f' || $char eq 'b' ) { $pc = $char; $state = 2; } else { $state = 0; push @$out , "\\$char"; } } elsif ( $state == 2 ) { $char = '0' unless $char =~ /^\d$/; push @$out , { $pc . 'g' => $colors[ int($char) ] }; $state = 0; } elsif ( $char eq '\\' ) { $state = 1; } else { push @$out , $char; } } return { content => $out }; } sub compute_trans_lengths { my %out = (); foreach my $side ( qw( left right input ) ) { foreach my $type ( qw( prefix separator suffix ) ) { my $k = $side . '_' . $type; $out{ $k } = get_section_length( gen_transition( $THEME{ $k } , 1 , 2 ) ); } } return %out; } our %TLEN = compute_trans_lengths; sub gen_prompt_section { no strict 'refs'; my $section = shift; my $func = 'render_' . $section; return &$func( ); } sub gen_prompt_sections { my @output = ( ); foreach my $section ( @_ ) { @output = ( @output , gen_prompt_section( $section ) ); } return @output; } sub adapt_to_width { my ( $length , $side , @input ) = @_; my $minTransLen = $TLEN{ $side . '_prefix' } + $TLEN{ $side . '_suffix' }; my @output = ( ); foreach my $section ( @input ) { my $slen = get_section_length( $section ); my $rlen = $minTransLen + scalar( @output ) * $TLEN{ $side . '_separator' }; last if $$length + $slen + $rlen > $COLUMNS; push @output , $section; $$length += $slen; } if ( @output ) { $$length += $minTransLen + ( scalar( @output ) - 1 ) * $TLEN{ $side . '_separator' }; } return @output; } sub add_transitions { my $name = shift; my $cBefore = shift; my $cAfter = shift; my $prefix = $THEME{$name . '_prefix'}; my $separator = $THEME{$name . '_separator'}; my $suffix = $THEME{$name . '_suffix'}; my $prevBg = undef; my $curBg = $cBefore; my @out = ( ); foreach my $section ( @_ ) { $prevBg = $curBg; $curBg = ( exists $section->{bg} ) ? $section->{bg} : -1; my $trans = scalar(@out) ? $separator : $prefix; @out = ( @out , gen_transition( $trans , $prevBg , $curBg ) , $section , ); } @out = ( @out , gen_transition( $suffix , $curBg , $cAfter ) ) if @out; return @out; } sub render { my $name = shift; my $out = ''; my $mustSetFg = undef; my $mustSetBg = undef; my $cDefault = $THEME{'bg_' . $name}; foreach my $section ( @_ ) { $mustSetBg = $section->{bg} if exists $section->{bg}; foreach my $part ( @{ $section->{content} } ) { if ( ref $part ) { $mustSetBg = $part->{bg} if exists $part->{bg}; $mustSetFg = $part->{fg} if exists $part->{fg}; } else { if ( defined $mustSetBg ) { $mustSetBg = $cDefault if $mustSetBg < 0; $out .= set_color( 'b' , $mustSetBg ); } if ( defined $mustSetFg ) { $mustSetFg = $cDefault if $mustSetFg < 0; $out .= set_color( 'f' , $mustSetFg ); } $out .= $part; $mustSetBg = $mustSetFg = undef; } } } return $out; } sub gen_top_line { return "" unless ( @LEFT || @RIGHT || defined( $MIDDLE ) ); # Generate content my ( @left , @lm , @middle , @mr , @right ) = ( ); my $mc = $THEME{bg_middle}; @left = gen_prompt_sections( @LEFT ); if ( defined $MIDDLE ) { @middle = ( gen_prompt_section( $MIDDLE ) ); if ( @middle ) { @lm = gen_transition( $THEME{middle_prefix} , $mc , $mc ); @mr = gen_transition( $THEME{middle_suffix} , $mc , $mc ); foreach my $entry ( @middle ) { delete $entry->{bg}; } } } @right = gen_prompt_sections( reverse @RIGHT ); # Adapt to width my $len = get_length( ( @lm , @middle , @mr ) ); @left = adapt_to_width( \$len , 'left' , @left ); @right = reverse adapt_to_width( \$len , 'right' , reverse @right ); # Prepare padding my @mpad = (); if ( $len < $COLUMNS ) { push @mpad , { content => [ $THEME{padding} x ( $COLUMNS - $len ) ] }; } # Render my $txt = render( 'left' , add_transitions( 'left' , 0 , $mc , @left ) ); $txt .= render( 'middle' , @lm , @middle , @mr , @mpad ); $txt .= render( 'right' , add_transitions( 'right' , $mc , 0 , @right ) ); return $txt . "\\n"; } sub gen_input_line { return "" unless @INPUT || $CONFIG{layout_input_always}; my $len = 0; my @input = adapt_to_width( \$len , 'input' , gen_prompt_sections( @INPUT ) ); push @input , {content=>['']} unless @input; return render( 'input' , add_transitions( 'input' , 0 , 0 , @input ) ); } my $ps1 = gen_top_line . gen_input_line; $ps1 .= tput_sequence( 'sgr0' ) if $ps1; print "$ps1\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SECTION RENDERERS sub render_datetime { my @cur_time = localtime time; my @out = ( ); if ( $CONFIG{dt_show_date} ) { push @out , {fg=>$THEME{dt_date_fg}}; push @out , ( strftime $CONFIG{dt_date_fmt}, @cur_time ) } if ( $CONFIG{dt_show_time} ) { push @out, ' ' if @out; push @out , {fg=>$THEME{dt_time_fg}}; push @out , ( strftime $CONFIG{dt_time_fmt}, @cur_time ) } return { bg => $THEME{dt_bg} , content => [@out] }; } sub render_cwd { use Cwd; my $cwd = getcwd; ( my $dir = $cwd ) =~ s!^.*/!!; my $max_len = int( $COLUMNS * $CONFIG{cwd_max_width} / 100 ); $max_len = length( $dir ) if length( $dir ) > $max_len; ( $dir = $cwd ) =~ s!^$ENV{HOME}(\z|/.*)$!~$1!; my $offset = length( $dir ) - $max_len; if ( $offset > 0 ) { $dir = substr $dir , $offset , $max_len; $dir =~ s!^[^/]*/!$THEME{cwd_trunc}/!; } return { bg => $THEME{cwd_bg_color} , content => [ {fg=>$THEME{cwd_fg_color}} , $dir ] }; } sub render_userhost { use Sys::Hostname; my ( $un , $hn , $rm ) = map { $CONFIG{"uh_$_"} } qw( username hostname remote ); return () unless $un || $hn || $rm; my $is_remote = 0; if ( $hn == 2 || $CONFIG{uh_remote} ) { foreach my $ev ( qw( SSH_CLIENT SSH2_CLIENT SSH_TTY ) ) { if ( exists($ENV{$ev}) && $ENV{$ev} != '' ) { $is_remote = 1; last; } } } my $str = ''; if ( $un ) { $str .= getlogin || getpwuid( $< ) || '(?)'; } if ( $hn == 1 || ( $hn == 2 && $is_remote ) ) { $str .= '@' if $str; $str .= hostname; } if ( $rm && $is_remote ) { $str .= $THEME{uh_remote_symbol}; } return () unless $str; return { bg => $THEME{ ( $> == 0 ) ? 'uh_root_bg' : 'uh_user_bg' } , content => [ { fg => $THEME{ ( $> == 0 ) ? 'uh_root_fg' : 'uh_user_fg' } } , $str ] , }; } sub render_prevcmd { my ( $ss , $sc , $pc , $cl ) = map { $CONFIG{ "pcmd_$_" } } qw( show_symbol show_code pad_code colors ); my $status = $ARGV[0]; $sc = ( $sc == 1 || ( $sc == 2 && $status ) ); return () unless $sc || $ss; my $col = ( $status == 0 ) ? $THEME{pcmd_ok_fg} : $THEME{pcmd_err_fg}; my @out = (); if ( $ss ) { push @out , { fg => ( $cl & 1 != 0 ) ? $col : -1 }; push @out , ( ( $status == 0 ) ? $THEME{pcmd_ok_sym} : $THEME{pcmd_err_sym} ); } if ( $sc ) { push @out , ' ' if @out; push @out , { fg => ( $cl & 2 != 0 ) ? $col : -1 }; if ( $pc ) { my $str = sprintf '%' . ( $pc * 3 ) . 's' , $status; $str =~ s/ /$THEME{padding}/g; push @out , $str; } else { push @out , $status; } } return { bg => ( $status == 0 ) ? $THEME{pcmd_ok_bg} : $THEME{pcmd_err_bg} , content => [ @out ] , }; } sub render_load { my $ncpu; if ( open( my $fh , ' ) { $ncpu++ if $l =~ /^[Pp]rocessor/; } close $fh; } else { $ncpu = 1; } my $load; return () unless open( my $fh , '/proc/loadavg' ); chop( $load = <$fh> ); close $fh; $load =~ s/ .*$//; $load = int( $load * 100 / $ncpu ); return () if $load < $CONFIG{load_min}; my $cat; if ( $load < 34 ) { $cat = 'low'; } elsif ( $load < 68 ) { $cat = 'med'; } else { $cat = 'high'; } $load = $THEME{load_title} . $load . '%'; return { bg => $THEME{ 'load_' . $cat . '_bg' } , content => [ {fg=>$THEME{ 'load_' . $cat . '_fg' }}, $load ] }; }