Initial implementation of the terminal resize support

* It may or may not be overkill, but it's a starting point.
This commit is contained in:
Emmanuel BENOîT 2022-10-31 08:55:18 +01:00
parent 98bf21fc88
commit b69768f6e8

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@ -390,7 +390,6 @@ sub term_feed
sub get_cursor_pos
local $| = 1;
my $term = term_open;
my $oTerm = term_set_raw($term);
@ -899,12 +898,21 @@ _gprompt_clear() {
echo -ne "\${PS1\@P}\\r"
_gprompt_set_return "\${_GPROMPT_PREV_STATUS:-0}"
_gprompt_inject() {
perl -e 'ioctl(STDIN, 0x5412, pack("C", \$ARGV[0]))' \$1 </dev/tty
_gprompt_resize() {
eval "\$( perl \Q$gpPath\E prevstate resize )"
echo -ne "\\033[1F\\033[K\${PS1\@P}\\r"
shopt -s checkwinsize
if [[ \$PROMPT_COMMAND != *"gprompt_command"* ]]; then
bind -x \$'"\\C-l":_gprompt_clear'
bind -x \$'"\\xff":_gprompt_resize'
trap '_gprompt_inject 255; wait' SIGWINCH
exit 0;
@ -913,6 +921,7 @@ sub readArguments
return {} unless @ARGV;
my $state = {};
my $resize = 0;
if ($ARGV[0] eq 'init') {
printBashInit; # (will exit)
@ -924,29 +933,39 @@ sub readArguments
if ($arg eq 'prevstate') {
$state = eval $ENV{GPROMPT_STATE};
$state = {} if $!;
} elsif ($arg eq 'resize') {
$resize = 1;
} elsif ($arg =~ /^([a-z]+):(.*)$/) {
$INPUT{$1} = $2;
return $state;
return $state , $resize;
sub main
my $state = readArguments;
my ( $state , $resize ) = readArguments;
$HASCWD = defined( getcwd );
chdir '/' unless $HASCWD;
chop( $COLUMNS = `tput cols` );
( $COLUMNS , my $lines ) = split /\n/ , `tput cols lines`;
my ( $iCol, $iLine ) = ();
if ( $resize ) {
exit 0 unless ( @{ $CONFIG{layout_left} } || @{ $CONFIG{layout_right} }
|| $CONFIG{layout_middle} ) && exists( $ENV{READLINE_POINT} );
( $iLine, $iCol ) = get_cursor_pos;
$RESET = $CONFIG{cfg_sgr0_reset} ? tput_sequence( 'sgr0' ) : "\\[\\033[0m\\]";
%TLEN = compute_trans_lengths;
my $pg = gen_term_title( $state );
my $ps1 = $pg;
$ps1 .= gen_empty_line( $state );
$ps1 .= gen_empty_line( $state ) unless $resize;
$ps1 .= gen_top_line( $state );
my ( $ill , $ilt ) = gen_input_line( $state );
$ps1 .= $ilt;
@ -955,6 +974,20 @@ sub main
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
$state = Dumper($state);
print "export PS1=\"$ps1\" PS2=\"$ps2\" GPROMPT_STATE=\Q$state\E\n";
if ( $resize ) {
my $linePos = 1 + int( $ENV{READLINE_POINT} ) + $ill;
my $nExtraChars = $linePos % $COLUMNS;
my $nLines = ( $linePos - $nExtraChars ) / $COLUMNS;
$nLines ++ if $nExtraChars;
if ( $nLines < $lines ) {
my $toLine = $iLine - $nLines;
print "export _GPROMPT_SETPOS=\"\\033[${toLine};0H\"\n";
print "export _GPROMPT_RESTOREPOS=\"\\033[${iLine};${iCol}H\"\n";
open(my $f, ">>/tmp/debugthefuck");
print $f "linePos $linePos ill $ill nec $nExtraChars nLines $nLines iLine $iLine toLine $toLine iCol $iCol\n";