Shaders are no longer found under /shaders in the project; they can be anywhere. In addition, paths for both (program) instructions in the script and include directives in shader source code are relative to the file which contains them.
177 lines
4.1 KiB
177 lines
4.1 KiB
#version 450 core
//! type compute
//! include /lib/raymarcher-cs.glsl
//! include /lib/hg_sdf.glsl
//! include /lib/shading-pbr.glsl
//! include /lib/shading-blinnphong.glsl
//! include /lib/fog.glsl
T_BPMaterial BPMaterials[1] = {
{ vec3( .95 , .8 , 1 ) * .2 , vec3( 10 ) , 800 , 0 }
T_PBRMaterial PBRMaterials[1] = {
// Albedo color
vec3( .9 , 1 , .9 ) ,
// Roughness , metallic , subsurface , anisotropy
.15 , .5 , .9 , .9 ,
// Specular strength / tint%
.5 , .5
vec3 Glow[1] = {
vec3( .95 , .8 , 1 ) * 5
void mapMaterial(
in int matIndex ,
out int type ,
out int tIndex ,
out int glowIndex )
if ( matIndex == 0 ) {
type = 1;
glowIndex = -1;
} else {
type = 0;
glowIndex = 0;
tIndex = 0;
vec2 RM_Map( vec3 pos )
vec3 q = pos;
HG_pMod2( q.xy , vec2( 8. ) );
HG_pR( q.xz , 1 );
return vec2( HG_fOpUnionStairs(
HG_fBox( q , vec3( 2.3 ) ) ,
HG_fSphere( q , 2.6 ) ,
1. , 4 ) ,
step( 0. , -HG_fSphere( pos , 3 ) ) );
vec3 pointlight(
in T_PBRMaterial material ,
in T_PBRPrecomputed pre ,
in vec3 hitPos ,
in vec3 rayDir ,
in vec3 normal ,
in vec3 lightPos ,
in vec3 lightColor ,
in float lightIntensity )
vec3 lightRay = lightPos - hitPos;
float lPwr = lightIntensity / max( .001 , dot( lightRay , lightRay ) );
if ( lPwr < .00005 ) {
return vec3( 0 );
return lightColor * lPwr * PBR_Shade( material , pre ,
-rayDir , normal , normalize( lightRay ) );
vec3 pointlight(
in T_BPMaterial material ,
in vec3 hitPos ,
in vec3 rayDir ,
in vec3 normal ,
in vec3 lightPos ,
in vec3 lightColor ,
in float lightIntensity )
vec3 lightRay = lightPos - hitPos;
float lPwr = lightIntensity / max( .1 , dot( lightRay , lightRay ) );
if ( lPwr < .00005 ) {
return vec3( 0 );
return lightColor * lPwr * BP_Shade(
material , -rayDir , normal , lightRay );
void main( )
vec2 res = imageSize( u_Output );
ivec2 coords = ivec2( gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy );
vec2 uv = ( vec2( coords ) / res ) * 2 - 1;
vec3 camDir = normalize( u_LookAt - u_CamPos );
vec3 side = normalize( cross( u_CamUp , camDir ) );
vec3 up = normalize( cross( camDir , side ) );
vec3 rayDir = normalize( camDir * u_NearPlane
+ uv.x * side * res.x / res.y
+ uv.y * up );
float tanPhi = RM_TanPhi( uv , u_Render.z );
vec3 r = RM_Advanced( u_CamPos , rayDir ,
int( u_Render.x ) , u_Render.y ,
tanPhi , .01 , u_Render.w );
const vec3 background = vec3( .005 );
vec3 bc = background;
vec4 outValue;
if ( r.y >= 0. ) {
const vec3 hitPos = RM_ReduceDiscontinuity(
u_CamPos , rayDir , r.x ,
tanPhi , u_Correction );
const vec3 normal = RM_GetNormal( hitPos );
const int midx = int( r.y );
const vec3 sunlightDir = normalize( vec3( 0 , 1 , 1 ) );
const vec3 sunlightColor = vec3( 1 , 1 , .99 ) * .05;
const vec3 pl1Pos = vec3( 3 , 3 , 5 );
const vec3 pl1Color = vec3( 1 , .7 , .8 );
const float pl1Power = 20;
const vec3 pl2Pos = vec3( -3 , -3 , 5 );
const vec3 pl2Color = vec3( .6 , 1 , .8 );
const float pl2Power = 20;
// Remap materials through mapMaterials
int mtype , mtidx , glowidx;
mapMaterial( midx , mtype , mtidx , glowidx );
if ( mtype == 0 ) {
T_BPMaterial mat = BPMaterials[ mtidx ];
bc = sunlightColor * BP_Shade( mat ,
-rayDir , normal , sunlightDir );
bc += pointlight( mat ,
hitPos , rayDir , normal ,
pl1Pos , pl1Color , pl1Power );
bc += pointlight( mat ,
hitPos , rayDir , normal ,
pl2Pos , pl2Color , pl2Power );
} else {
T_PBRMaterial mat = PBRMaterials[ mtidx ];
T_PBRPrecomputed pre = PBR_Precompute(
mat , -rayDir , normal );
bc = sunlightColor * PBR_Shade( mat , pre ,
-rayDir , normal , sunlightDir );
bc += pointlight( mat , pre ,
hitPos , rayDir , normal ,
pl1Pos , pl1Color , pl1Power );
bc += pointlight( mat , pre ,
hitPos , rayDir , normal ,
pl2Pos , pl2Color , pl2Power );
if ( glowidx >= 0 ) {
bc += Glow[ glowidx ];
bc = FOG_Apply( bc , length( u_CamPos - hitPos ) ,
u_FogAttenuation , background );
outValue.w = r.x;
} else {
outValue.w = u_Render.w;
| = bc;
imageStore( u_Output , coords , outValue );