Shaders are no longer found under /shaders in the project; they can be anywhere. In addition, paths for both (program) instructions in the script and include directives in shader source code are relative to the file which contains them.
69 lines
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69 lines
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#version 450 core
local_size_x = 8 ,
local_size_y = 32
) in;
//! type compute
//! include /lib/utils.glsl
layout( location = 0 ) uniform sampler2D u_MainInput;
layout( location = 1 ) uniform sampler2D u_BlurInput;
layout( location = 2 ) uniform vec2 u_OutputSize;
layout( location = 3 ) uniform vec2 u_Bloom;
layout( location = 4 ) uniform vec4 u_Vignette1;
layout( location = 5 ) uniform vec2 u_Vignette2;
layout( location = 6 ) uniform vec3 u_ColorLift;
layout( location = 7 ) uniform vec3 u_ColorGain;
layout( location = 8 ) uniform vec3 u_ColorGamma;
layout( binding = 0 , rgba8 ) writeonly uniform image2D u_Output;
#define uVigShapeMul (u_Vignette1.x)
#define uVigShapePow (u_Vignette1.y)
#define uVigAspect (u_Vignette1.z)
#define uVigShapeReverse (u_Vignette1.w)
#define uVigApplyBase (u_Vignette2.x)
#define uVigApplyMax (u_Vignette2.y)
void main( void )
ivec2 coords = ivec2( gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy );
vec2 pos = vec2( coords ) / vec2( imageSize( u_Output ) );
if ( pos.x > 1. || pos.y > 1. ) {
float f = u_Bloom.x;
vec3 color = textureLod( u_MainInput , pos , 0 ).rgb;
// Bloom
vec3 bloom = vec3( 0 );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i ++ ) {
bloom += f * textureLod( u_BlurInput , pos , i ).rgb;
f = pow( f , u_Bloom.y + 1 );
color = color + bloom / 2.2;
// Color grading
color = ( color * ( u_ColorGain - u_ColorLift ) ) + u_ColorLift;
// Vignette
vec2 vShape = pow( abs( pos * 2 - 1 ) * uVigShapeMul ,
vec2( uVigShapePow ) );
float vignette = 1 - pow(
2 * ( uVigAspect * vShape.x + ( 1 - uVigAspect) * vShape.y ) ,
1 / ( uVigShapePow * uVigShapeReverse ) );
color *= uVigApplyBase + smoothstep(
uVigApplyBase , uVigApplyBase + uVigApplyMax , vignette );
// Reinhart
color = color / ( color + 1. );
// Gamma
color = pow( color , vec3( 1 ) / ( u_ColorGamma + 2.2 ) );
// Write it
imageStore( u_Output , coords ,
vec4( color , M_Luminosity( color ) ) );