Emmanuel BENOîT
Shaders are no longer found under /shaders in the project; they can be anywhere. In addition, paths for both (program) instructions in the script and include directives in shader source code are relative to the file which contains them.
162 lines
3.9 KiB
162 lines
3.9 KiB
(include "fx-bloom/fx-bloom.srd")
(include "fx-dof/fx-dof.srd")
(include "fx-combine/fx-combine.srd")
(include "fx-fxaa/fx-fxaa.srd")
# Compute viewport size
(locals aspect-ratio)
(set aspect-ratio (div 16 9))
(if (cmp-gt (div $width $aspect-ratio) $height)
(set vp-height $height)
(set vp-width (mul $height $aspect-ratio))
(set vp-width $width)
(set vp-height (div $width $aspect-ratio))
# Viewport location
(set vp-x (div (sub $width $vp-width) 2))
(set vp-y (div (sub $height $vp-height) 2))
(program prg-fullscreen "/fullscreen.v.glsl")
(set use-compute 1)
(call scene-init)
(call dof-init)
(call bloom-init)
(call combine-init)
(call fxaa-init)
(profiling "Frame render"
(call scene-render)
(if $use-compute (
(call dof-render tx-scene-output tx-scene-output)
(call dof-render tx-scene-output tx-scene-depth)
(call bloom-render tx-scene-output)
(call combine-render tx-dof-pass2 tx-bloom1)
(call fxaa-render tx-combined)
# Scene
(fn scene-init ()
(texture tx-scene-depth r-f16 $vp-width $vp-height)
(if $use-compute (
(texture tx-scene-output rgba-f16 $vp-width $vp-height)
(program prg-scene-p1 "scene.c.glsl")
(pipeline pl-scene-p1 prg-scene-p1)
(texture tx-scene-output rgb-f16 $vp-width $vp-height)
(framebuffer rt-scene
(color tx-scene-output)
(color tx-scene-depth))
(program prg-scene-p1 "scene.f.glsl")
(pipeline pl-scene-p1 prg-fullscreen prg-scene-p1)
(odbg tx-scene-output hdr "Scene output")
(odbg tx-scene-depth depth "Scene depth")
(input camera-pos-x 0)
(input camera-pos-y 0)
(input camera-pos-z 30)
(input camera-lookat-x 0)
(input camera-lookat-y 0)
(input camera-lookat-z 0)
(input camera-up-x 0)
(input camera-up-y 1)
(input camera-up-z 0)
(input camera-nearplane 2)
(input raymarcher-iterations 256)
(input raymarcher-step 1.2)
(input raymarcher-epsilon .00001)
(input raymarcher-max-dist 250)
(input raymarcher-correction 10)
(input fog .00015)
(section "Scenes"
(section "Raymarcher"
(int "Iterations" raymarcher-iterations
(min 1) (max 2048) (step .05))
(float "Step size" raymarcher-step
(min 0) (max 2) (slider))
(float "Epsilon" raymarcher-epsilon
(min 1e-10) (max 1) (power 1)
(decimals 12) (step 1e-8))
(float "Maximal distance" raymarcher-max-dist
(min 1e-2) (max 1000000) (decimals 0)
(step .05))
(int "Correction steps" raymarcher-correction
(min 0) (max 100) (slider))
(camera "Camera"
(near-plane camera-nearplane)
(position camera-pos-x camera-pos-y camera-pos-z)
(up camera-up-x camera-up-y camera-up-z)
(look-at camera-lookat-x camera-lookat-y camera-lookat-z))
(float "Fog" fog
(min 0) (max 1) (step .000005) (decimals 5))
(fn scene-render ()
(profiling "Scene render"
(uniforms prg-scene-p1 0 $time)
(uniforms prg-scene-p1 2
(get-input camera-pos-x)
(get-input camera-pos-y)
(get-input camera-pos-z)
(uniforms prg-scene-p1 3
(get-input camera-lookat-x)
(get-input camera-lookat-y)
(get-input camera-lookat-z)
(uniforms prg-scene-p1 4
(get-input camera-up-x)
(get-input camera-up-y)
(get-input camera-up-z)
(uniforms prg-scene-p1 5
(get-input camera-nearplane)
(uniforms prg-scene-p1 6
(get-input raymarcher-iterations)
(get-input raymarcher-step)
(get-input raymarcher-epsilon)
(get-input raymarcher-max-dist)
(uniforms prg-scene-p1 7 (get-input fog))
(uniforms-i prg-scene-p1 8 (get-input raymarcher-correction))
(use-pipeline pl-scene-p1)
(if $use-compute (
(image 0 tx-scene-output 0)
(compute $vp-width $vp-height 1)
(uniforms prg-scene-p1 1 $vp-width $vp-height)
(use-framebuffer rt-scene)
(viewport 0 0 $vp-width $vp-height)
# vim: syntax=demo-srd